define [ "models/User" "models/ProjectMemberList" "account/AccountManager" "utils/Modal" "libs/backbone" "libs/mustache" ], (User, ProjectMemberList, AccountManager, Modal) -> INFINITE_COLLABORATORS = -1 class ProjectMembersManager templates: userPanel: $("#userPanelTemplate").html() constructor: (@ide, options) -> options || = {} setupArea = _.once => @ide.tabManager.addTab id : "collaborators" name: "Share" content : $(@templates.userPanel) lock: true setupPublish = _.once => @publishProjectView = new PublishProjectView ide: @ide el: $("#publishProject") @publishProjectView.render() setupArea() if @ide? @ide.on "afterJoinProject", (project) => @project = project if !@view? @members = @project.get("members") @view = new ProjectMemberListView ide: @ide collection: @members el: $('#projectMembersList') manager: this allowedCollaborators = @project.get("features").collaborators allowedMembers = allowedCollaborators + 1 # include owner if @members.length > allowedMembers and allowedCollaborators != INFINITE_COLLABORATORS AccountManager.showUpgradeDialog @ide, message: "This project has too many collaborators for your plan. Please upgrade your account or remove some collaborators" if and == "owner" @view.options.showAdminControls = true else @view.options.showAdminControls = false @view.render() if @ide.project.get("owner") == @ide.user setupPublish() if @ide.project.get("owner") == @ide.user or @ide.project.get("publicAccesLevel") != "private" if !@socialView? @socialView = new SocialSharingView ide: @ide el: $("#socialSharing") @socialView.render() else $("#socialSharing").hide() if @ide.socket? @ide.socket.on "userRemovedFromProject", (userId) => @afterMemberRemoved(userId) @ide.socket.on "userAddedToProject", (user, privileges) => @afterMemberAdded(user, privileges) removeMember: (member) -> @ide.socket.emit "removeUserFromProject", addMember: (email, privileges) -> @ide.socket.emit "addUserToProject", email, privileges, (error, added) => if error? @ide.showGenericServerErrorMessage() return if !added AccountManager.askToUpgrade @ide, why: "to add additional collaborators" onUpgrade: () => @addMember(email, privileges) afterMemberRemoved: (memberId) -> for member in @members.models if == memberId toRemove = member @members.remove(toRemove) if toRemove? afterMemberAdded: (member, privileges) -> @members.add new User email : id : member._id privileges : privileges ProjectMemberListView = Backbone.View.extend template : $("#projectMemberListTemplate").html() events: "click .addUser" : "addMember" initialize: -> @itemViews = {} @options.showAdminControls ||= false @collection.on "add", (model) => @addItem model @collection.on "reset", (collection) => @addItem model for model in collection.models @collection.on "remove", (model) => @removeItem model render: -> $(@el).html Mustache.to_html(@template, showAdminControls: @options.showAdminControls) @addItem model for model in @collection.models return this addItem: (model) -> view = new ProjectMemberListItemView model : model showRemove : @options.showAdminControls and model.get("privileges") != "owner" manager: @options.manager @itemViews[] = view @$("tbody").append view.$el removeItem: (model) -> if @itemViews[]? @itemViews[].remove() delete @itemViews[] addMember: (e) -> e.preventDefault() email = @$(".addUserForm .email").val() privileges= @$(".addUserForm .privileges").val() if email.indexOf('@') == -1 @options.ide.showErrorModal("Invalid Email", "#{email} is not a valid email address") else @options.manager.addMember email, privileges @$(".addUserForm .email").val("") ProjectMemberListItemView = Backbone.View.extend template : $("#projectMemberListItemTemplate").html() events: "click .removeUser": "removeMember" initialize: -> @render() render: -> @setElement $(Mustache.to_html(@template, @modelView())) return this modelView: -> modelView = @model.toJSON() modelView.privileges = { readOnly : "Read Only" readAndWrite : "Read and Write" owner : "Owner" }[modelView.privileges] modelView.showRemove = @options.showRemove return modelView removeMember: (e) -> e.preventDefault() @options.manager.removeMember(@model) PublishProjectView = Backbone.View.extend template: $("#publishProjectTemplate").html() events: "click #publishProjectAsTemplate": "publishProjectAsTemplate" "click #republishProjectAsTemplate": "publishProjectAsTemplate" "click #unPublishProjectAsTemplate": "unPublishProjectAsTemplate" "blur #projectDescription" : "updateDescription" initialize: () -> @ide = @options.ide @model = @ide.project _.bindAll(this, "render"); this.model.bind('change', this.render) @refreshPublishStatus() render: -> viewModel = description: @model.get("description") canonicalUrl: @model.get("template.canonicalUrl") isPublished: @model.get("template.isPublished") publishedDate: @model.get("template.publishedDate") $(@el).html $(Mustache.to_html(@template, viewModel)) @publishedArea = $('#publishedAsTemplateArea') @unpublishedArea = $('#unpublishedAsTemplateArea') refreshPublishStatus: -> @ide.socket.emit "getPublishedDetails", @ide.user.get("id"), (err, details)=> if err? return @showError() @model.set("template.isPublished", details.exists) if details.exists @model.set("template.canonicalUrl", details.canonicalUrl) @model.set("template.publishedDate", details.publishedDate) @unpublishedArea.hide() else @publishedArea.hide() showError: -> $('#problemWithPublishingArea').show() showWorking: -> $('#publishWorkingArea').show() hideWorking: -> $('#publishWorkingArea').hide() publishProjectAsTemplate: -> @showWorking() @unpublishedArea.hide() @publishedArea.hide() @ide.socket.emit "publishProjectAsTemplate", @ide.user.get("id"), (err)=> @hideWorking() if err? @showError() else @refreshPublishStatus() unPublishProjectAsTemplate: -> @showWorking() @publishedArea.hide() @ide.socket.emit "unPublishProjectAsTemplate", @ide.user.get("id"), (err)=> @hideWorking() if err? @showError() else @refreshPublishStatus() updateDescription: -> newDescription = $('#projectDescription').val() @model.set("description", newDescription) SocialSharingView = Backbone.View.extend template: $("#socialSharingTemplate").html() events: "click .btn-facebook": "postToFacebook" "click .btn-twitter": "postToTwitter" "click .btn-google-plus": "postToGoogle" "click .btn-url": "shareUrl" initialize: () -> @ide = @options.ide url: (medium) -> "#{window.sharelatex.siteUrl}/project/#{@ide.project.get("id")}" + "?r=#{@ide.user.get("referal_id")}&rs=ps&rm=#{medium}" # Referal source = public share render: -> $(@el).html $(@template) postToFacebook: () -> @ensurePublic (error, success) => if success url = "{encodeURIComponent(@url("fb"))}&" + "app_id=148710621956179&" + "picture=#{window.sharelatex.siteUrl}/brand/logo/logo-128.png&" + "name=#{@ide.project.get("name")}&" + "caption=My LaTeX project (#{@ide.project.get("name")}) is available online on ShareLaTeX&" + "redirect_uri=#{window.sharelatex.siteUrl}&" + "display=popup" ga('send', 'event', 'editor-interaction', 'project-shared', "facebook") url "" 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600' ) postToTwitter: () -> @ensurePublic (error, success) => if success ga('send', 'event', 'editor-interaction', 'project-shared', "twitter") " out my online LaTeX Project: #{@ide.project.get("name")}&url=#{encodeURIComponent(@url("t"))}" "" 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600' ) postToGoogle: () -> @ensurePublic (error, success) => if success ga('send', 'event', 'editor-interaction', 'project-shared', "google-plus") "{encodeURIComponent(@url("gp"))}" "" 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600' ) shareUrl: () -> @ensurePublic (error, success) => if success ga('send', 'event', 'editor-interaction', 'project-shared', "url") Modal.createModal el: $( "

You can share you project with your friends and colleagues via this URL:

" + "
" ) title: "Share your project" buttons: [ text: "OK" class: "btn btn-primary" ] ensurePublic: (callback = (error, success) ->) -> accessLevel = @ide.project.get("publicAccesLevel") if accessLevel == "private" Modal.createModal title: "Make project public?" message: "Your project needs to be public before you can share it. This means anyone with the URL will be able to access it. Would you like to make your project public?" buttons: [{ text: "Cancel" class: "btn" callback: () => callback null, false }, { text: "Yes, make publicly readable" class: "btn btn-primary" callback: () => @ide.project.set("publicAccesLevel", "readOnly") callback null, true }, { text: "Yes, make publicly editable" class: "btn btn-primary" callback: () => @ide.project.set("publicAccesLevel", "readAndWrite") callback null, true }] else callback null, true return { ProjectMembersManager : ProjectMembersManager ProjectMemberList : ProjectMemberList ProjectMemberListView : ProjectMemberListView }