writelatex-git-bridge ===================== Required -------- * `maven` (for building) * `jdk-7` (for compiling and running) Installation ------------ ### Ubuntu ### Run `./install` to get dependencies, build, test, package, and make it a service. Use `sudo service wlgb start` and `sudo service wlgb stop` to start and stop the server. The configuration file will be at `/etc/wlgb/config.json`. Run `./reinstall` to test, package and install the current version if `./install` has already been run. Run `./uninstall` to undo what `./install` did. ### Manually ### Run `mvn package` to build, test, and package it into a jar at `target/writelatex-git-bridge-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar`. Use `java -jar ` to run the server. Runtime Configuration --------------------- The configuration file is in `.json` format. There is an example at `bin/config.json`. { "port" (int): the port number, "rootGitDirectory" (string): the directory in which to store git repos and the db/atts, "apiBaseUrl" (string): base url for the snapshot api, "username" (string, optional): username for http basic auth, "password" (string, optional): password for http basic auth, "postbackBaseUrl" (string): the postback url, "serviceName" (string): current name of writeLaTeX in case it ever changes "oauth2" (object): { /* null or missing if oauth2 shouldn't be used */ "oauth2ClientID" (string): oauth2 client ID "oauth2ClientSecret" (string): oauth2 client secret "oauth2Server" (string): oauth2 server, with protocol and without trailing slash } } You have to restart the server for configuration changes to take effect.