/* eslint-disable no-undef, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ import sinon from 'sinon' import { expect } from 'chai' import Settings from '@overleaf/settings' import request from 'request' import assert from 'assert' import mongodb from 'mongodb-legacy' import nock from 'nock' import * as ProjectHistoryClient from './helpers/ProjectHistoryClient.js' import * as ProjectHistoryApp from './helpers/ProjectHistoryApp.js' const { ObjectId } = mongodb const MockHistoryStore = () => nock('') const MockFileStore = () => nock('') const MockWeb = () => nock('') const fixture = path => new URL(`../fixtures/${path}`, import.meta.url) describe('Summarized updates', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.projectId = new ObjectId().toString() this.historyId = new ObjectId().toString() return ProjectHistoryApp.ensureRunning(error => { if (error != null) { throw error } MockHistoryStore().post('/api/projects').reply(200, { projectId: this.historyId, }) return ProjectHistoryClient.initializeProject( this.historyId, (error, olProject) => { if (error != null) { throw error } MockWeb() .get(`/project/${this.projectId}/details`) .reply(200, { name: 'Test Project', overleaf: { history: { id: olProject.id } }, }) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${this.historyId}/latest/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/7-8.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${this.historyId}/versions/6/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${this.historyId}/versions/3/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/0-3.json')) return done() } ) }) }) afterEach(function () { return nock.cleanAll() }) it('should return the latest summarized updates from a single chunk', function (done) { return ProjectHistoryClient.getSummarizedUpdates( this.projectId, { min_count: 1 }, (error, updates) => { if (error != null) { throw error } expect(updates).to.deep.equal({ nextBeforeTimestamp: 6, updates: [ { fromV: 6, toV: 8, meta: { users: ['5a5637efdac84e81b71014c4', 31], start_ts: 1512383567277, end_ts: 1512383572877, }, pathnames: ['bar.tex', 'main.tex'], project_ops: [], labels: [], }, ], }) return done() } ) }) it('should return the latest summarized updates, with min_count spanning multiple chunks', function (done) { return ProjectHistoryClient.getSummarizedUpdates( this.projectId, { min_count: 5 }, (error, updates) => { if (error != null) { throw error } expect(updates).to.deep.equal({ updates: [ { fromV: 6, toV: 8, meta: { users: ['5a5637efdac84e81b71014c4', 31], start_ts: 1512383567277, end_ts: 1512383572877, }, pathnames: ['bar.tex', 'main.tex'], project_ops: [], labels: [], }, { fromV: 5, toV: 6, meta: { users: [31], start_ts: 1512383366120, end_ts: 1512383366120, }, pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { atV: 5, rename: { pathname: 'foo.tex', newPathname: 'bar.tex', }, }, ], labels: [], }, { fromV: 2, toV: 5, meta: { users: [31], start_ts: 1512383313724, end_ts: 1512383362905, }, pathnames: ['foo.tex'], project_ops: [], labels: [], }, { fromV: 1, toV: 2, meta: { users: [31], start_ts: 1512383246874, end_ts: 1512383246874, }, pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { atV: 1, rename: { pathname: 'bar.tex', newPathname: 'foo.tex', }, }, ], labels: [], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 1, meta: { users: [31], start_ts: 1512383015633, end_ts: 1512383015633, }, pathnames: ['main.tex'], project_ops: [], labels: [], }, ], }) return done() } ) }) it('should return the summarized updates from a before version at the start of a chunk', function (done) { MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${this.historyId}/versions/4/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) return ProjectHistoryClient.getSummarizedUpdates( this.projectId, { before: 4 }, (error, updates) => { if (error != null) { throw error } expect(updates.updates[0].toV).to.equal(4) return done() } ) }) it('should return the summarized updates from a before version in the middle of a chunk', function (done) { MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${this.historyId}/versions/5/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) return ProjectHistoryClient.getSummarizedUpdates( this.projectId, { before: 5 }, (error, updates) => { if (error != null) { throw error } expect(updates.updates[0].toV).to.equal(5) return done() } ) }) return it('should return the summarized updates from a before version at the end of a chunk', function (done) { MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${this.historyId}/versions/6/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) return ProjectHistoryClient.getSummarizedUpdates( this.projectId, { before: 6 }, (error, updates) => { if (error != null) { throw error } expect(updates.updates[0].toV).to.equal(6) return done() } ) }) })