// Define some constants const LOG_WRAP_LIMIT = 79 const LATEX_WARNING_REGEX = /^LaTeX(?:3| Font)? Warning: (.*)$/ const HBOX_WARNING_REGEX = /^(Over|Under)full \\(v|h)box/ const PACKAGE_WARNING_REGEX = /^((?:Package|Class|Module) \b.+\b Warning:.*)$/ // This is used to parse the line number from common latex warnings const LINES_REGEX = /lines? ([0-9]+)/ // This is used to parse the package name from the package warnings const PACKAGE_REGEX = /^(?:Package|Class|Module) (\b.+\b) Warning/ const FILE_LINE_ERROR_REGEX = /^([./].*):(\d+): (.*)/ const STATE = { NORMAL: 0, ERROR: 1, } export default class LatexParser { constructor(text, options = {}) { this.state = STATE.NORMAL this.fileBaseNames = options.fileBaseNames || [/compiles/, /\/usr\/local/] this.ignoreDuplicates = options.ignoreDuplicates this.data = [] this.fileStack = [] this.currentFileList = this.rootFileList = [] this.openParens = 0 this.latexWarningRegex = LATEX_WARNING_REGEX this.packageWarningRegex = PACKAGE_WARNING_REGEX this.packageRegex = PACKAGE_REGEX this.log = new LogText(text) } parse() { while ((this.currentLine = this.log.nextLine()) !== false) { if (this.state === STATE.NORMAL) { if (this.currentLineIsError()) { this.state = STATE.ERROR this.currentError = { line: null, file: this.currentFilePath, level: 'error', message: this.currentLine.slice(2), content: '', raw: this.currentLine + '\n', } } else if (this.currentLineIsFileLineError()) { this.state = STATE.ERROR this.parseFileLineError() } else if (this.currentLineIsRunawayArgument()) { this.parseRunawayArgumentError() } else if (this.currentLineIsWarning()) { this.parseSingleWarningLine(this.latexWarningRegex) } else if (this.currentLineIsHboxWarning()) { this.parseHboxLine() } else if (this.currentLineIsPackageWarning()) { this.parseMultipleWarningLine() } else { this.parseParensForFilenames() } } if (this.state === STATE.ERROR) { this.currentError.content += this.log .linesUpToNextMatchingLine(/^l\.[0-9]+/) .join('\n') this.currentError.content += '\n' this.currentError.content += this.log .linesUpToNextWhitespaceLine(true) .join('\n') this.currentError.content += '\n' this.currentError.content += this.log .linesUpToNextWhitespaceLine(true) .join('\n') this.currentError.raw += this.currentError.content const lineNo = this.currentError.raw.match(/l\.([0-9]+)/) if (lineNo && this.currentError.line === null) { this.currentError.line = parseInt(lineNo[1], 10) } this.data.push(this.currentError) this.state = STATE.NORMAL } } return this.postProcess(this.data) } currentLineIsError() { return ( this.currentLine[0] === '!' && this.currentLine !== '! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!' ) } currentLineIsFileLineError() { return FILE_LINE_ERROR_REGEX.test(this.currentLine) } currentLineIsRunawayArgument() { return this.currentLine.match(/^Runaway argument/) } currentLineIsWarning() { return !!this.currentLine.match(this.latexWarningRegex) } currentLineIsPackageWarning() { return !!this.currentLine.match(this.packageWarningRegex) } currentLineIsHboxWarning() { return !!this.currentLine.match(HBOX_WARNING_REGEX) } parseFileLineError() { const result = this.currentLine.match(FILE_LINE_ERROR_REGEX) this.currentError = { line: result[2], file: result[1], level: 'error', message: result[3], content: '', raw: this.currentLine + '\n', } } parseRunawayArgumentError() { this.currentError = { line: null, file: this.currentFilePath, level: 'error', message: this.currentLine, content: '', raw: this.currentLine + '\n', } this.currentError.content += this.log .linesUpToNextWhitespaceLine() .join('\n') this.currentError.content += '\n' this.currentError.content += this.log .linesUpToNextWhitespaceLine() .join('\n') this.currentError.raw += this.currentError.content const lineNo = this.currentError.raw.match(/l\.([0-9]+)/) if (lineNo) { this.currentError.line = parseInt(lineNo[1], 10) } return this.data.push(this.currentError) } parseSingleWarningLine(prefixRegex) { const warningMatch = this.currentLine.match(prefixRegex) if (!warningMatch) { return } const warning = warningMatch[1] const lineMatch = warning.match(LINES_REGEX) const line = lineMatch ? parseInt(lineMatch[1], 10) : null this.data.push({ line, file: this.currentFilePath, level: 'warning', message: warning, raw: warning, }) } parseMultipleWarningLine() { // Some package warnings are multiple lines, let's parse the first line let warningMatch = this.currentLine.match(this.packageWarningRegex) // Something strange happened, return early if (!warningMatch) { return } const warningLines = [warningMatch[1]] let lineMatch = this.currentLine.match(LINES_REGEX) let line = lineMatch ? parseInt(lineMatch[1], 10) : null const packageMatch = this.currentLine.match(this.packageRegex) const packageName = packageMatch[1] // Regex to get rid of the unnecesary (packagename) prefix in most multi-line warnings const prefixRegex = new RegExp( '(?:\\(' + packageName + '\\))*[\\s]*(.*)', 'i' ) // After every warning message there's a blank line, let's use it while ((this.currentLine = this.log.nextLine())) { lineMatch = this.currentLine.match(LINES_REGEX) line = lineMatch ? parseInt(lineMatch[1], 10) : line warningMatch = this.currentLine.match(prefixRegex) warningLines.push(warningMatch[1]) } const rawMessage = warningLines.join(' ') this.data.push({ line, file: this.currentFilePath, level: 'warning', message: rawMessage, raw: rawMessage, }) } parseHboxLine() { const lineMatch = this.currentLine.match(LINES_REGEX) const line = lineMatch ? parseInt(lineMatch[1], 10) : null this.data.push({ line, file: this.currentFilePath, level: 'typesetting', message: this.currentLine, raw: this.currentLine, }) } // Check if we're entering or leaving a new file in this line parseParensForFilenames() { const pos = this.currentLine.search(/\(|\)/) if (pos !== -1) { const token = this.currentLine[pos] this.currentLine = this.currentLine.slice(pos + 1) if (token === '(') { const filePath = this.consumeFilePath() if (filePath) { this.currentFilePath = filePath const newFile = { path: filePath, files: [], } this.fileStack.push(newFile) this.currentFileList.push(newFile) this.currentFileList = newFile.files } else { this.openParens++ } } else if (token === ')') { if (this.openParens > 0) { this.openParens-- } else { if (this.fileStack.length > 1) { this.fileStack.pop() const previousFile = this.fileStack[this.fileStack.length - 1] this.currentFilePath = previousFile.path this.currentFileList = previousFile.files } } } // else { // Something has gone wrong but all we can do now is ignore it :( // } // Process the rest of the line this.parseParensForFilenames() } } consumeFilePath() { // Our heuristic for detecting file names are rather crude // A file may not contain a ')' in it // To be a file path it must have at least one / if (!this.currentLine.match(/^\/?([^ )]+\/)+/)) { return false } let endOfFilePath = this.currentLine.search(/ |\)/) // handle the case where there is a space in a filename while (endOfFilePath !== -1 && this.currentLine[endOfFilePath] === ' ') { const partialPath = this.currentLine.slice(0, endOfFilePath) // consider the file matching done if the space is preceded by a file extension (e.g. ".tex") if (/\.\w+$/.test(partialPath)) { break } // advance to next space or ) or end of line const remainingPath = this.currentLine.slice(endOfFilePath + 1) // consider file matching done if current path is followed by any of "()[] if (/^\s*["()[\]]/.test(remainingPath)) { break } const nextEndOfPath = remainingPath.search(/[ "()[\]]/) if (nextEndOfPath === -1) { endOfFilePath = -1 } else { endOfFilePath += nextEndOfPath + 1 } } let path if (endOfFilePath === -1) { path = this.currentLine this.currentLine = '' } else { path = this.currentLine.slice(0, endOfFilePath) this.currentLine = this.currentLine.slice(endOfFilePath) } return path } postProcess(data) { const all = [] const errorsByLevel = { error: [], warning: [], typesetting: [], } const hashes = new Set() const hashEntry = entry => entry.raw data.forEach(item => { const hash = hashEntry(item) if (this.ignoreDuplicates && hashes.has(hash)) { return } errorsByLevel[item.level]?.push(item) all.push(item) hashes.add(hash) }) return { errors: errorsByLevel.error, warnings: errorsByLevel.warning, typesetting: errorsByLevel.typesetting, all, files: this.rootFileList, } } } class LogText { constructor(text) { this.text = text.replace(/(\r\n)|\r/g, '\n') // Join any lines which look like they have wrapped. const wrappedLines = this.text.split('\n') this.lines = [wrappedLines[0]] for (let i = 1; i < wrappedLines.length; i++) { // If the previous line is as long as the wrap limit then // append this line to it. // Some lines end with ... when LaTeX knows it's hit the limit // These shouldn't be wrapped. // If the next line looks like it could be an error (i.e. start with a !), // do not unwrap the line. const prevLine = wrappedLines[i - 1] const currentLine = wrappedLines[i] if ( prevLine.length === LOG_WRAP_LIMIT && prevLine.slice(-3) !== '...' && currentLine.charAt(0) !== '!' ) { this.lines[this.lines.length - 1] += currentLine } else { this.lines.push(currentLine) } } this.row = 0 } nextLine() { this.row++ if (this.row >= this.lines.length) { return false } else { return this.lines[this.row] } } rewindLine() { this.row-- } linesUpToNextWhitespaceLine(stopAtError) { return this.linesUpToNextMatchingLine(/^ *$/, stopAtError) } linesUpToNextMatchingLine(match, stopAtError) { const lines = [] while (true) { const nextLine = this.nextLine() if (nextLine === false) { break } if (stopAtError && nextLine.match(/^! /)) { this.rewindLine() break } lines.push(nextLine) if (nextLine.match(match)) { break } } return lines } }