define [ "auto-complete/SuggestionManager" "auto-complete/Snippets" "ace/autocomplete/util" "ace/range" "ace/ext/language_tools" ], (SuggestionManager, Snippets, Util) -> Range = require("ace/range").Range Util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier = (text, pos, regex) -> currentLineOffset = 0 for i in [(pos-1)..0] if text[i] == "\n" currentLineOffset = i + 1 break currentLine = text.slice(currentLineOffset, pos) fragment = getLastCommandFragment(currentLine) or "" return fragment getLastCommandFragment = (lineUpToCursor) -> if m = lineUpToCursor.match(/(\\[^\\ ]+)$/) return m[1] else return null class AutoCompleteManager constructor: (@ide) -> @aceEditor = @ide.editor.aceEditor @aceEditor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableSnippets: true }) SnippetCompleter = getCompletions: (editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) -> callback null, Snippets @suggestionManager = new SuggestionManager() @aceEditor.completers = [@suggestionManager, SnippetCompleter] @bindToEditorEvents() bindToEditorEvents: () -> @ide.editor.on "change:doc", (@aceSession) => @aceSession.on "change", (change) => @onChange(change) onChange: (change) -> cursorPosition = @aceEditor.getCursorPosition() end = # Check that this change was made by us, not a collaborator # (Cursor is still one place behind) if end.row == cursorPosition.row and end.column == cursorPosition.column + 1 if == "insertText" range = new Range(end.row, 0, end.row, end.column) lineUpToCursor = @aceSession.getTextRange(range) commandFragment = getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor) if commandFragment? and commandFragment.length > 2 setTimeout () => @aceEditor.execCommand("startAutocomplete") , 0