/* eslint-disable camelcase, no-cond-assign, no-dupe-keys, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ let redisConfig, siteUrl let e const Path = require('path') // These credentials are used for authenticating api requests // between services that may need to go over public channels const httpAuthUser = process.env.WEB_API_USER const httpAuthPass = process.env.WEB_API_PASSWORD const httpAuthUsers = {} if (httpAuthUser && httpAuthPass) { httpAuthUsers[httpAuthUser] = httpAuthPass } const parse = function (option) { if (option != null) { try { const opt = JSON.parse(option) return opt } catch (err) { throw new Error(`problem parsing ${option}, invalid JSON`) } } } const parseIntOrFail = function (value) { const parsedValue = parseInt(value, 10) if (isNaN(parsedValue)) { throw new Error(`'${value}' is an invalid integer`) } return parsedValue } const DATA_DIR = '/var/lib/overleaf/data' const TMP_DIR = '/var/lib/overleaf/tmp' const settings = { clsi: { optimiseInDocker: process.env.OPTIMISE_PDF === 'true', }, brandPrefix: '', allowAnonymousReadAndWriteSharing: process.env.OVERLEAF_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING === 'true', // Databases // --------- // Overleaf Community Edition's main persistent data store is MongoDB (http://www.mongodb.org/) // Documentation about the URL connection string format can be found at: // // http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/ // // The following works out of the box with Mongo's default settings: mongo: { url: process.env.OVERLEAF_MONGO_URL || 'mongodb://dockerhost/sharelatex', }, // Redis is used in Overleaf Community Edition for high volume queries, like real-time // editing, and session management. // // The following config will work with Redis's default settings: redis: { web: (redisConfig = { host: process.env.OVERLEAF_REDIS_HOST || 'dockerhost', port: process.env.OVERLEAF_REDIS_PORT || '6379', password: process.env.OVERLEAF_REDIS_PASS || undefined, key_schema: { // document-updater blockingKey({ doc_id }) { return `Blocking:${doc_id}` }, docLines({ doc_id }) { return `doclines:${doc_id}` }, docOps({ doc_id }) { return `DocOps:${doc_id}` }, docVersion({ doc_id }) { return `DocVersion:${doc_id}` }, docHash({ doc_id }) { return `DocHash:${doc_id}` }, projectKey({ doc_id }) { return `ProjectId:${doc_id}` }, docsInProject({ project_id }) { return `DocsIn:${project_id}` }, ranges({ doc_id }) { return `Ranges:${doc_id}` }, // document-updater:realtime pendingUpdates({ doc_id }) { return `PendingUpdates:${doc_id}` }, // document-updater:history uncompressedHistoryOps({ doc_id }) { return `UncompressedHistoryOps:${doc_id}` }, docsWithHistoryOps({ project_id }) { return `DocsWithHistoryOps:${project_id}` }, // document-updater:lock blockingKey({ doc_id }) { return `Blocking:${doc_id}` }, // realtime clientsInProject({ project_id }) { return `clients_in_project:${project_id}` }, connectedUser({ project_id, client_id }) { return `connected_user:${project_id}:${client_id}` }, }, }), fairy: redisConfig, // document-updater realtime: redisConfig, documentupdater: redisConfig, lock: redisConfig, history: redisConfig, websessions: redisConfig, api: redisConfig, pubsub: redisConfig, project_history: redisConfig, project_history_migration: { host: redisConfig.host, port: redisConfig.port, password: redisConfig.password, maxRetriesPerRequest: parseInt( process.env.REDIS_MAX_RETRIES_PER_REQUEST || '20' ), key_schema: { projectHistoryOps({ projectId }) { return `ProjectHistory:Ops:{${projectId}}` // NOTE: the extra braces are intentional }, }, }, }, // Local disk caching // ------------------ path: { // If we ever need to write something to disk (e.g. incoming requests // that need processing but may be too big for memory), then write // them to disk here: dumpFolder: Path.join(TMP_DIR, 'dumpFolder'), // Where to write uploads before they are processed uploadFolder: Path.join(TMP_DIR, 'uploads'), // Where to write intermediate file for full project history migration projectHistories: Path.join(TMP_DIR, 'projectHistories'), // Where to write the project to disk before running LaTeX on it compilesDir: Path.join(DATA_DIR, 'compiles'), // Where to cache downloaded URLs for the CLSI clsiCacheDir: Path.join(DATA_DIR, 'cache'), // Where to write the output files to disk after running LaTeX outputDir: Path.join(DATA_DIR, 'output'), }, // Server Config // ------------- // Where your instance of Overleaf Community Edition can be found publicly. This is used // when emails are sent out and in generated links: siteUrl: (siteUrl = process.env.OVERLEAF_SITE_URL || 'http://localhost'), // Status page URL as displayed on the maintenance/500 pages. statusPageUrl: process.env.OVERLEAF_STATUS_PAGE_URL, // The name this is used to describe your Overleaf Community Edition Installation appName: process.env.OVERLEAF_APP_NAME || 'Overleaf Community Edition', restrictInvitesToExistingAccounts: process.env.OVERLEAF_RESTRICT_INVITES_TO_EXISTING_ACCOUNTS === 'true', nav: { title: process.env.OVERLEAF_NAV_TITLE || process.env.OVERLEAF_APP_NAME || 'Overleaf Community Edition', }, // The email address which users will be directed to as the main point of // contact for this installation of Overleaf Community Edition. adminEmail: process.env.OVERLEAF_ADMIN_EMAIL || 'placeholder@example.com', // If provided, a sessionSecret is used to sign cookies so that they cannot be // spoofed. This is recommended. security: { sessionSecret: process.env.OVERLEAF_SESSION_SECRET || process.env.CRYPTO_RANDOM, }, // These credentials are used for authenticating api requests // between services that may need to go over public channels httpAuthUsers, // Should javascript assets be served minified or not. useMinifiedJs: true, // Should static assets be sent with a header to tell the browser to cache // them. This should be false in development where changes are being made, // but should be set to true in production. cacheStaticAssets: true, // If you are running Overleaf Community Edition over https, set this to true to send the // cookie with a secure flag (recommended). secureCookie: process.env.OVERLEAF_SECURE_COOKIE != null, // If you are running Overleaf Community Edition behind a proxy (like Apache, Nginx, etc) // then set this to true to allow it to correctly detect the forwarded IP // address and http/https protocol information. behindProxy: process.env.OVERLEAF_BEHIND_PROXY || false, trustedProxyIps: process.env.OVERLEAF_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS, // The amount of time, in milliseconds, until the (rolling) cookie session expires cookieSessionLength: parseInt( process.env.OVERLEAF_COOKIE_SESSION_LENGTH || 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // default 5 days 10 ), redisLockTTLSeconds: parseInt( process.env.OVERLEAF_REDIS_LOCK_TTL_SECONDS || '60', 10 ), i18n: { subdomainLang: { www: { lngCode: process.env.OVERLEAF_SITE_LANGUAGE || 'en', url: siteUrl, }, }, defaultLng: process.env.OVERLEAF_SITE_LANGUAGE || 'en', }, currentImageName: process.env.TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE, apis: { web: { url: '', user: httpAuthUser, pass: httpAuthPass, }, project_history: { sendProjectStructureOps: true, url: '', }, v1_history: { url: process.env.V1_HISTORY_URL || '', user: 'staging', pass: process.env.STAGING_PASSWORD, requestTimeout: parseInt( process.env.OVERLEAF_HISTORY_V1_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT || '300000', // default is 5min 10 ), }, }, references: {}, notifications: undefined, defaultFeatures: { collaborators: -1, dropbox: true, versioning: true, compileTimeout: parseIntOrFail(process.env.COMPILE_TIMEOUT || 180), compileGroup: 'standard', trackChanges: true, templates: true, references: true, }, } // # OPTIONAL CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS if (process.env.OVERLEAF_LEFT_FOOTER != null) { try { settings.nav.left_footer = JSON.parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_LEFT_FOOTER) } catch (error) { e = error console.error('could not parse OVERLEAF_LEFT_FOOTER, not valid JSON') } } if (process.env.OVERLEAF_RIGHT_FOOTER != null) { settings.nav.right_footer = process.env.OVERLEAF_RIGHT_FOOTER try { settings.nav.right_footer = JSON.parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_RIGHT_FOOTER) } catch (error1) { e = error1 console.error('could not parse OVERLEAF_RIGHT_FOOTER, not valid JSON') } } if (process.env.OVERLEAF_HEADER_IMAGE_URL != null) { settings.nav.custom_logo = process.env.OVERLEAF_HEADER_IMAGE_URL } if (process.env.OVERLEAF_HEADER_EXTRAS != null) { try { settings.nav.header_extras = JSON.parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_HEADER_EXTRAS) } catch (error2) { e = error2 console.error('could not parse OVERLEAF_HEADER_EXTRAS, not valid JSON') } } // Sending Email // ------------- // // You must configure a mail server to be able to send invite emails from // Overleaf Community Edition. The config settings are passed to nodemailer. See the nodemailer // documentation for available options: // // http://www.nodemailer.com/docs/transports if (process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS != null) { settings.email = { fromAddress: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, replyTo: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_REPLY_TO || '', driver: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_DRIVER, parameters: { // AWS Creds AWSAccessKeyID: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWSSecretKey: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_AWS_SES_SECRET_KEY, // SMTP Creds host: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST, port: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT, secure: parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE), ignoreTLS: parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_IGNORE_TLS), name: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_NAME, logger: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_LOGGER === 'true', }, textEncoding: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_TEXT_ENCODING, template: { customFooter: process.env.OVERLEAF_CUSTOM_EMAIL_FOOTER, }, } if (process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_AWS_SES_REGION != null) { settings.email.parameters.region = process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_AWS_SES_REGION } if ( process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_USER != null || process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS != null ) { settings.email.parameters.auth = { user: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_USER, pass: process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS, } } if (process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTH != null) { settings.email.parameters.tls = { rejectUnauthorized: parse( process.env.OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTH ), } } } // i18n if (process.env.OVERLEAF_LANG_DOMAIN_MAPPING != null) { settings.i18n.subdomainLang = parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_LANG_DOMAIN_MAPPING) } // Password Settings // ----------- // These restrict the passwords users can use when registering // opts are from http://antelle.github.io/passfield if ( process.env.OVERLEAF_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_PATTERN || process.env.OVERLEAF_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MIN_LENGTH || process.env.OVERLEAF_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MAX_LENGTH ) { settings.passwordStrengthOptions = { pattern: process.env.OVERLEAF_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_PATTERN || 'aA$3', length: { min: process.env.OVERLEAF_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MIN_LENGTH || 8, max: process.env.OVERLEAF_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MAX_LENGTH || 72, }, } } // ###################### // Overleaf Server Pro // ###################### if (parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_IS_SERVER_PRO) === true) { settings.bypassPercentageRollouts = true settings.apis.references = { url: '' } } // Compiler // -------- if (process.env.SANDBOXED_COMPILES === 'true') { settings.clsi = { dockerRunner: true, docker: { image: process.env.TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE, env: { HOME: '/tmp', PATH: process.env.COMPILER_PATH || '/usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', }, user: 'www-data', }, } if (settings.path == null) { settings.path = {} } settings.path.synctexBaseDir = () => '/compile' if (process.env.SANDBOXED_COMPILES_SIBLING_CONTAINERS === 'true') { console.log('Using sibling containers for sandboxed compiles') if (process.env.SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR) { settings.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir = process.env.SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR } else { console.error( 'Sibling containers, but SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR not set' ) } } } // Templates // --------- if (process.env.OVERLEAF_TEMPLATES_USER_ID) { settings.templates = { mountPointUrl: '/templates', user_id: process.env.OVERLEAF_TEMPLATES_USER_ID, } settings.templateLinks = parse( process.env.OVERLEAF_NEW_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_LINKS ) } // /Learn // ------- if (process.env.OVERLEAF_PROXY_LEARN != null) { settings.proxyLearn = parse(process.env.OVERLEAF_PROXY_LEARN) if (settings.proxyLearn) { settings.nav.header_extras = [ { url: '/learn', text: 'documentation', }, ].concat(settings.nav.header_extras || []) } } // /References // ----------- if (process.env.OVERLEAF_ELASTICSEARCH_URL != null) { settings.references.elasticsearch = { host: process.env.OVERLEAF_ELASTICSEARCH_URL, } } // filestore switch (process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_BACKEND) { case 's3': settings.filestore = { backend: 's3', stores: { user_files: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_USER_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, template_files: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_TEMPLATE_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, }, s3: { key: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID || process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY || process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, endpoint: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_S3_ENDPOINT, pathStyle: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_S3_PATH_STYLE === 'true', region: process.env.OVERLEAF_FILESTORE_S3_REGION || process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, }, } break default: settings.filestore = { backend: 'fs', stores: { user_files: Path.join(DATA_DIR, 'user_files'), template_files: Path.join(DATA_DIR, 'template_files'), }, } } // With lots of incoming and outgoing HTTP connections to different services, // sometimes long running, it is a good idea to increase the default number // of sockets that Node will hold open. const http = require('http') http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300 const https = require('https') https.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300 module.exports = settings