CompileController = require "./app/js/CompileController" Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" logger.initialize("clsi") if Settings.sentry?.dsn? logger.initializeErrorReporting(Settings.sentry.dsn) smokeTest = require "smoke-test-sharelatex" ContentTypeMapper = require "./app/js/ContentTypeMapper" Path = require "path" fs = require "fs" Metrics = require "metrics-sharelatex" Metrics.initialize("clsi") Metrics.open_sockets.monitor(logger) Metrics.memory.monitor(logger) ProjectPersistenceManager = require "./app/js/ProjectPersistenceManager" OutputCacheManager = require "./app/js/OutputCacheManager" require("./app/js/db").sync() express = require "express" bodyParser = require "body-parser" app = express() app.use Metrics.http.monitor(logger) # Compile requests can take longer than the default two # minutes (including file download time), so bump up the # timeout a bit. TIMEOUT = 6 * 60 * 1000 app.use (req, res, next) -> req.setTimeout TIMEOUT res.setTimeout TIMEOUT next() app.param 'project_id', (req, res, next, project_id) -> if project_id?.match /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ next() else next new Error("invalid project id") app.param 'user_id', (req, res, next, user_id) -> if user_id?.match /^[0-9a-f]{24}$/ next() else next new Error("invalid user id") app.param 'build_id', (req, res, next, build_id) -> if build_id?.match OutputCacheManager.BUILD_REGEX next() else next new Error("invalid build id #{build_id}") "/project/:project_id/compile", bodyParser.json(limit: "5mb"), CompileController.compile app.delete "/project/:project_id", CompileController.clearCache app.get "/project/:project_id/sync/code", CompileController.syncFromCode app.get "/project/:project_id/sync/pdf", CompileController.syncFromPdf app.get "/project/:project_id/wordcount", CompileController.wordcount app.get "/project/:project_id/status", CompileController.status # Per-user containers "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id/compile", bodyParser.json(limit: "5mb"), CompileController.compile app.delete "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id", CompileController.clearCache app.get "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id/sync/code", CompileController.syncFromCode app.get "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id/sync/pdf", CompileController.syncFromPdf app.get "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id/wordcount", CompileController.wordcount ForbidSymlinks = require "./app/js/StaticServerForbidSymlinks" # create a static server which does not allow access to any symlinks # avoids possible mismatch of root directory between middleware check # and serving the files staticServer = ForbidSymlinks express.static, Settings.path.compilesDir, setHeaders: (res, path, stat) -> if Path.basename(path) == "output.pdf" # Calculate an etag in the same way as nginx # etag = (path, stat) -> '"' + Math.ceil(+stat.mtime / 1000).toString(16) + '-' + Number(stat.size).toString(16) + '"' res.set("Etag", etag(path, stat)) res.set("Content-Type", app.get "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id/build/:build_id/output/*", (req, res, next) -> # for specific build get the path from the OutputCacheManager (e.g. .clsi/buildId) req.url = "/#{req.params.project_id}-#{req.params.user_id}/" + OutputCacheManager.path(req.params.build_id, "/#{req.params[0]}") staticServer(req, res, next) app.get "/project/:project_id/build/:build_id/output/*", (req, res, next) -> # for specific build get the path from the OutputCacheManager (e.g. .clsi/buildId) req.url = "/#{req.params.project_id}/" + OutputCacheManager.path(req.params.build_id, "/#{req.params[0]}") staticServer(req, res, next) app.get "/project/:project_id/user/:user_id/output/*", (req, res, next) -> # for specific user get the path to the top level file req.url = "/#{req.params.project_id}-#{req.params.user_id}/#{req.params[0]}" staticServer(req, res, next) app.get "/project/:project_id/output/*", (req, res, next) -> if req.query?.build? && # for specific build get the path from the OutputCacheManager (e.g. .clsi/buildId) req.url = "/#{req.params.project_id}/" + OutputCacheManager.path(, "/#{req.params[0]}") else req.url = "/#{req.params.project_id}/#{req.params[0]}" staticServer(req, res, next) app.get "/oops", (req, res, next) -> logger.error {err: "hello"}, "test error" res.send "error\n" app.get "/status", (req, res, next) -> res.send "CLSI is alive\n" resCacher = contentType:(@setContentType)-> send:(@code, @body)-> #default the server to be down code:500 body:{} setContentType:"application/json" if Settings.smokeTest do runSmokeTest = -> logger.log("running smoke tests") + "/test/smoke/js/SmokeTests.js"))({}, resCacher) setTimeout(runSmokeTest, 20 * 1000) app.get "/health_check", (req, res)-> res.contentType(resCacher?.setContentType) res.status(resCacher?.code).send(resCacher?.body) profiler = require "v8-profiler" app.get "/profile", (req, res) -> time = parseInt(req.query.time || "1000") profiler.startProfiling("test") setTimeout () -> profile = profiler.stopProfiling("test") res.json(profile) , time app.get "/heapdump", (req, res)-> require('heapdump').writeSnapshot '/tmp/' + + '.clsi.heapsnapshot', (err, filename)-> res.send filename app.use (error, req, res, next) -> logger.error err: error, "server error" res.sendStatus(error?.statusCode || 500) app.listen port = (Settings.internal?.clsi?.port or 3013), host = (Settings.internal?.clsi?.host or "localhost"), (error) -> "CLSI starting up, listening on #{host}:#{port}" setInterval () -> ProjectPersistenceManager.clearExpiredProjects() , tenMinutes = 10 * 60 * 1000 net = require('net') os = require('os') server = net.createServer (socket) -> socket.on "error", (err)-> if err.code == "ECONNRESET" # this always comes up, we don't know why return logger.err err:err, "error with socket on load check" socket.destroy() currentLoad = os.loadavg()[0] availableWorkingCpus = os.cpus().length - 1 freeLoad = availableWorkingCpus - currentLoad freeLoadPercentage = Math.round((freeLoad / availableWorkingCpus) * 100) if freeLoadPercentage <= 0 freeLoadPercentage = 1 # when its 0 the server is set to drain and will move projects to different servers socket.write("up, #{freeLoadPercentage}%\n", "ASCII") socket.end() server.listen load_port = (Settings.internal?.clsi?.load_port or 3044), -> "tcp load endpoint listening on port #{load_port}" # telnet 3044