import { db } from '../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb.js' import { batchedUpdate } from '@overleaf/mongo-utils/batchedUpdate.js' import minimist from 'minimist' import CollaboratorsInviteHelper from '../app/src/Features/Collaborators/CollaboratorsInviteHelper.js' import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['dry-run', 'help'], default: { 'dry-run': true, }, }) const DRY_RUN = argv['dry-run'] async function addTokenHmacField(DRY_RUN) { const query = { tokenHmac: { $exists: false } } await batchedUpdate( db.projectInvites, query, async invites => { for (const invite of invites) { console.log( `=> Missing "tokenHmac" token in invitation: ${invite._id.toString()}` ) if (DRY_RUN) { console.log( `=> DRY RUN - would add "tokenHmac" token to invitation ${invite._id.toString()}` ) continue } const tokenHmac = CollaboratorsInviteHelper.hashInviteToken( invite.token ) await db.projectInvites.updateOne( { _id: invite._id }, { $set: { tokenHmac } } ) console.log( `=> Added "tokenHmac" token to invitation ${invite._id.toString()}` ) } }, { token: 1 } ) } async function main(DRY_RUN) { await addTokenHmacField(DRY_RUN) } export default main if (fileURLToPath(import.meta.url) === process.argv[1]) { if ( || argv._.length > 1) { console.error(`Usage: node scripts/backfill_project_invites_token_hmac.mjs Adds a "tokenHmac" field (which is a hashed version of the token) to each project invite record. Options: --dry-run finds invitations without HMAC token but does not do any updates `) process.exit(1) } try { await main(DRY_RUN) console.error('Done') process.exit(0) } catch (error) { console.error(error) process.exit(1) } }