import PdfSynctexControls from '../../../../frontend/js/features/pdf-preview/components/pdf-synctex-controls' import sysendTestHelper from '../../helpers/sysend' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import { useDetachCompileContext as useCompileContext } from '../../../../frontend/js/shared/context/detach-compile-context' import { useFileTreeData } from '../../../../frontend/js/shared/context/file-tree-data-context' import { useEffect } from 'react' import { EditorProviders } from '../../helpers/editor-providers' import { mockScope } from './scope' const mockHighlights = [ { page: 1, h: 85.03936, v: 509.999878, width: 441.921265, height: 8.855677, }, { page: 1, h: 85.03936, v: 486.089539, width: 441.921265, height: 8.855677, }, ] type Position = { page: number offset: { top: number; left: number } pageSize: { height: number; width: number } } const mockPosition: Position = { page: 1, offset: { top: 10, left: 10 }, pageSize: { height: 500, width: 500 }, } type Entity = { type: string } const mockSelectedEntities: Entity[] = [{ type: 'doc' }] const WithPosition = ({ mockPosition }: { mockPosition: Position }) => { const { setPosition } = useCompileContext() // mock PDF scroll position update useEffect(() => { setPosition(mockPosition) }, [mockPosition, setPosition]) return null } const WithSelectedEntities = ({ mockSelectedEntities = [], }: { mockSelectedEntities: Entity[] }) => { const { setSelectedEntities } = useFileTreeData() useEffect(() => { setSelectedEntities(mockSelectedEntities) }, [mockSelectedEntities, setSelectedEntities]) return null } describe('', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() cy.interceptCompile() cy.interceptEvents() cy.intercept('/project/*/sync/code?*', { body: { pdf: cloneDeep(mockHighlights) }, delay: 100, }).as('sync-code') cy.intercept('/project/*/sync/pdf?*', { body: { code: [{ file: 'main.tex', line: 100 }] }, delay: 100, }).as('sync-pdf') }) afterEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() }) it('handles clicks on sync buttons', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.get('.synctex-control-icon').should('have.length', 2) // mock editor cursor position update cy.window().then(win => { win.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('cursor:editor:update', { detail: { row: 100, column: 10 }, }) ) }) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF' }) .click() cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF' }) .should('be.disabled') cy.wait('@sync-code') cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .click() cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('be.disabled') cy.wait('@sync-pdf') }) it('disables button when multiple entities are selected', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF' }) .should('be.disabled') }) it('disables button when a file is selected', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF' }) .should('be.disabled') }) describe('with detacher role', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-detachRole', 'detacher') }) it('does not have go to PDF location button nor arrow icon', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('not.exist') cy.get('.synctex-control-icon').should('not.exist') }) // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-skipped-tests it.skip('send set highlights action', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ).then(() => { sysendTestHelper.resetHistory() }) cy.wait('@compile') // mock editor cursor position update cy.window().then(win => { win.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('cursor:editor:update', { detail: { row: 100, column: 10 }, }) ) }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF', }) .should('') .click() cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF', }).should('be.disabled') cy.wait('@sync-code').should(() => { const messages = sysendTestHelper .getAllBroacastMessages() .map((item: any) => item.args[1]) const message = messages.find( (message: any) => message.event === 'action-setHighlights' ) // synctex is called locally and the result are broadcast for the detached tab // NOTE: can't use `.to.deep.include({…})` as it doesn't match the nested array expect(message).to.deep.equal({ role: 'detacher', event: 'action-setHighlights', data: { args: [mockHighlights] }, }) }) }) it('reacts to sync to code action', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.wait('@compile').then(() => { sysendTestHelper.receiveMessage({ role: 'detached', event: 'action-sync-to-code', data: { args: [mockPosition], }, }) }) cy.wait('@sync-pdf') }) }) describe('with detached role', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-detachRole', 'detached') }) it('does not have go to code location button nor arrow icon', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF', }).should('not.exist') cy.get('.synctex-control-icon').should('not.exist') }) // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-skipped-tests it.skip('send go to code line action', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ) cy.wait('@compile') cy.get('body').findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/, }) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('') .then(() => { sysendTestHelper.resetHistory() }) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .click() // the button is only disabled when the state is updated via sysend cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('') cy.get('.synctex-spin-icon') .should('not.exist') .then(() => { expect(sysendTestHelper.getLastBroacastMessage()).to.deep.equal({ role: 'detached', event: 'action-sync-to-code', data: { args: [mockPosition, 72], }, }) }) }) // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-skipped-tests it.skip('update inflight state', function () { const scope = mockScope() cy.mount( ).then(() => { sysendTestHelper.receiveMessage({ role: 'detached', event: 'state-has-single-selected-doc', data: { value: true }, }) }) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('be.disabled') cy.get('.synctex-spin-icon') .should('not.exist') .then(() => { sysendTestHelper.receiveMessage({ role: 'detacher', event: 'state-sync-to-code-inflight', data: { value: true }, }) }) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('be.disabled') cy.get('.synctex-spin-icon') .should('have.length', 1) .then(() => { sysendTestHelper.receiveMessage({ role: 'detacher', event: 'state-sync-to-code-inflight', data: { value: false }, }) }) cy.get('body') .findByRole('button', { name: /^Go to PDF location in code/ }) .should('') cy.get('.synctex-spin-icon').should('not.exist') }) }) })