import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react' const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 3000 const hash = window.location.hash.substring(1) const events = ['keydown', 'touchmove', 'wheel'] const isKeyboardEvent = (event: Event): event is KeyboardEvent => { return === 'KeyboardEvent' } type UseScrollToIdOnLoadProps = { timeout?: number } function UseScrollToIdOnLoad({ timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, }: UseScrollToIdOnLoadProps = {}) { const [offsetTop, setOffsetTop] = useState(null) const requestRef = useRef(null) const targetRef = useRef(null) const cancelAnimationFrame = () => { if (requestRef.current) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(requestRef.current) } } const cancelEventListeners = () => { events.forEach(eventType => { window.removeEventListener(eventType, eventListenersCallbackRef.current) }) } const eventListenersCallback = ( event: KeyboardEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent ) => { const keys = new Set(['ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'PageUp', 'PageDown']) if (!isKeyboardEvent(event) || keys.has(event.key)) { // Remove scroll checks cancelAnimationFrame() // Remove event listeners cancelEventListeners() } } const eventListenersCallbackRef = useRef(eventListenersCallback) // Scroll to the target useEffect(() => { if (!offsetTop) { return } window.scrollTo({ top: offsetTop, }) }, [offsetTop]) // Bail out from scrolling automatically in `${timeout}` milliseconds useEffect(() => { if (!hash) { return } setTimeout(() => { cancelAnimationFrame() cancelEventListeners() }, timeout) }, [timeout]) // Scroll to target by recursively looking for the target element useEffect(() => { if (!hash) { return } const offsetTop = () => { if (targetRef.current) { setOffsetTop(targetRef.current.offsetTop) } else { targetRef.current = document.getElementById(hash) } requestRef.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(offsetTop) } requestRef.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(offsetTop) return () => { cancelAnimationFrame() } }, []) // Set up the event listeners that will cancel the target element lookup useEffect(() => { if (!hash) { return } events.forEach(eventType => { window.addEventListener(eventType, eventListenersCallbackRef.current) }) return () => { cancelEventListeners() } }, []) } export default UseScrollToIdOnLoad