define [ "base" "libs/recurly-3.0.5" ], (App, recurly) -> App.factory "MultiCurrencyPricing", () -> currencyCode = window.recomendedCurrency return { currencyCode:currencyCode heron: USD: student: monthly: "$6" annual: "$60" collaborator: monthly: "$12" annual: "$144" EUR: student: monthly: "€5" annual: "€50" collaborator: monthly: "€10" annual: "€120" GBP: student: monthly: "£5" annual: "£50" collaborator: monthly: "£10" annual: "£120" SEK: student: monthly: "45 kr" annual: "450 kr" collaborator: monthly: "90 kr" annual: "1080 kr" CAD: student: monthly: "$7" annual: "$70" collaborator: monthly: "$14" annual: "$168" NOK: student: monthly: "45 kr" annual: "450 kr" collaborator: monthly: "90 kr" annual: "1080 kr" DKK: student: monthly: "40 kr" annual: "400 kr" collaborator: monthly: "80 kr" annual: "960 kr" AUD: student: monthly: "$8" annual: "$80" collaborator: monthly: "$16" annual: "$192" NZD: student: monthly: "$8" annual: "$80" collaborator: monthly: "$16" annual: "$192" CHF: student: monthly: "Fr 6" annual: "Fr 60" collaborator: monthly: "Fr 12" annual: "Fr 144" SGD: student: monthly: "$8" annual: "$80" collaborator: monthly: "$16" annual: "$192" ibis: USD: student: monthly: "$10" annual: "$100" collaborator: monthly: "$18" annual: "$216" EUR: student: monthly: "€9" annual: "€90" collaborator: monthly: "€16" annual: "€192" GBP: student: monthly: "£7" annual: "£70" collaborator: monthly: "£13" annual: "£156" SEK: student: monthly: "75 kr" annual: "750 kr" collaborator: monthly: "140 kr" annual: "1680 kr" CAD: student: monthly: "$12" annual: "$120" collaborator: monthly: "$22" annual: "$264" NOK: student: monthly: "75 kr" annual: "750 kr" collaborator: monthly: "140 kr" annual: "1680 kr" DKK: student: monthly: "68 kr" annual: "680 kr" collaborator: monthly: "122 kr" annual: "1464 kr" AUD: student: monthly: "$13" annual: "$130" collaborator: monthly: "$24" annual: "$288" NZD: student: monthly: "$14" annual: "$140" collaborator: monthly: "$25" annual: "$300" CHF: student: monthly: "Fr 10" annual: "Fr 100" collaborator: monthly: "Fr 18" annual: "Fr 216" SGD: student: monthly: "$14" annual: "$140" collaborator: monthly: "$25" annual: "$300" plans: USD: symbol: "$" student: monthly: "$8" annual: "$80" collaborator: monthly: "$15" annual: "$180" professional: monthly: "$30" annual: "$360" EUR: symbol: "€" student: monthly: "€7" annual: "€70" collaborator: monthly: "€14" annual: "€168" professional: monthly: "€28" annual: "€336" GBP: symbol: "£" student: monthly: "£6" annual: "£60" collaborator: monthly: "£12" annual: "£144" professional: monthly: "£24" annual: "£288" SEK: symbol: "kr" student: monthly: "60 kr" annual: "600 kr" collaborator: monthly: "110 kr" annual: "1320 kr" professional: monthly: "220 kr" annual: "2640 kr" CAD: symbol: "$" student: monthly: "$9" annual: "$90" collaborator: monthly: "$17" annual: "$204" professional: monthly: "$34" annual: "$408" NOK: symbol: "kr" student: monthly: "60 kr" annual: "600 kr" collaborator: monthly: "110 kr" annual: "1320 kr" professional: monthly: "220 kr" annual: "2640 kr" DKK: symbol: "kr" student: monthly: "50 kr" annual: "500 kr" collaborator: monthly: "90 kr" annual: "1080 kr" professional: monthly: "180 kr" annual: "2160 kr" AUD: symbol: "$" student: monthly: "$10" annual: "$100" collaborator: monthly: "$18" annual: "$216" professional: monthly: "$35" annual: "$420" NZD: symbol: "$" student: monthly: "$10" annual: "$100" collaborator: monthly: "$18" annual: "$216" professional: monthly: "$35" annual: "$420" CHF: symbol: "Fr" student: monthly: "Fr 8" annual: "Fr 80" collaborator: monthly: "Fr 15" annual: "Fr 180" professional: monthly: "Fr 30" annual: "Fr 360" SGD: symbol: "$" student: monthly: "$12" annual: "$120" collaborator: monthly: "$20" annual: "$240" professional: monthly: "$40" annual: "$480" } App.controller "PlansController", ($scope, $modal, event_tracking, abTestManager, MultiCurrencyPricing, $http, sixpack) -> $scope.showPlans = false $scope.plansVariant = 'default' $scope.shouldABTestPlans = window.shouldABTestPlans if $scope.shouldABTestPlans sixpack.participate 'plans-1610', ['default', 'heron', 'ibis'], (chosenVariation, rawResponse)-> $scope.plansVariant = chosenVariation event_tracking.sendMB 'plans-page', {plans_variant: chosenVariation} if chosenVariation in ['heron', 'ibis'] # overwrite student plans with alternative for currency, _v of $scope.plans $scope.plans[currency]['student'] = MultiCurrencyPricing[chosenVariation][currency]['student'] $scope.plans[currency]['collaborator'] = MultiCurrencyPricing[chosenVariation][currency]['collaborator'] $scope.showPlans = true else $scope.showPlans = true $scope.plans = MultiCurrencyPricing.plans $scope.currencyCode = MultiCurrencyPricing.currencyCode $scope.trial_len = 7 $scope.planQueryString = '_free_trial_7_days' $scope.ui = view: "monthly" $scope.changeCurreny = (newCurrency)-> $scope.currencyCode = newCurrency $scope.signUpNowClicked = (plan, annual)-> event_tracking.sendMB 'plans-page-start-trial', {plan} if $scope.ui.view == "annual" plan = "#{plan}_annual" event_tracking.send 'subscription-funnel', 'sign_up_now_button', plan $scope.switchToMonthly = -> $scope.ui.view = "monthly" event_tracking.send 'subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', 'monthly-prices' $scope.switchToStudent = -> $scope.ui.view = "student" event_tracking.send 'subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', 'student-prices' $scope.switchToAnnual = -> $scope.ui.view = "annual" event_tracking.send 'subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', 'student-prices' $scope.openGroupPlanModal = () -> $ { templateUrl: "groupPlanModalTemplate" }