const { db, ObjectId } = require('../../../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const { promisify } = require('util') const { exec } = require('child_process') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger/logging-manager') const { expect } = require('chai') describe('BackFillDocRevTests', function () { const docId1 = ObjectId.createFromTime(1) const docId2 = ObjectId.createFromTime(2) const docId3 = ObjectId.createFromTime(3) beforeEach('insert docs', async function () { await[ { _id: docId1, deleted: true }, { _id: docId2 }, { _id: docId3, rev: 42 }, ]) }) async function runScript(dryRun) { let result try { result = await promisify(exec)( ['node', 'scripts/back_fill_doc_rev', dryRun].join(' ') ) } catch (error) { // dump details like exit code, stdErr and stdOut logger.error({ error }, 'script failed') throw error } const { stdout: stdOut, stderr: stdErr } = result expect(stdOut).to.include('rev missing 2 | deleted=true 1') expect(stdErr).to.include(`Completed batch ending ${docId2}`) } describe('dry-run=true', function () { beforeEach('run script', async function () { await runScript('--dry-run=true') }) it('should not back fill the rev', async function () { const docs = await{}, { $sort: { _id: 1 } }).toArray() expect(docs).to.deep.equal([ { _id: docId1, deleted: true }, { _id: docId2 }, { _id: docId3, rev: 42 }, ]) }) }) describe('dry-run=false', function () { beforeEach('run script', async function () { await runScript('--dry-run=false') }) it('should back fill the rev', async function () { const docs = await{}, { $sort: { _id: 1 } }).toArray() expect(docs).to.deep.equal([ { _id: docId1, rev: 1, deleted: true }, { _id: docId2, rev: 1 }, { _id: docId3, rev: 42 }, ]) }) }) })