define [ "history/Version" "libs/backbone" ], (Version)-> VersionList = Backbone.Collection.extend model: Version batchSize: 50 url: () -> url = "/project/#{window.userSettings.project_id}/version?limit=#{@batchSize}" if @models.length > 0 last = @models[@models.length - 1] url += "&before=#{last.get("id")}" return url parse: (json) -> for version in json.versions = new Date( return json.versions comparator: (version) -> - Date.parse(version.get("date")) fetchNextBatch: (options = {}) -> options.add = true @fetch options fetchNewVersions: (options = {}) -> options.url = "/project/#{window.userSettings.project_id}/version?limit=5" options.add = true unless options.timeout? options.timeout = 10000 #milliseconds # Keep requesting the beginning of the version list # until we've added some more versions or reached the # timeout limit. currentVersionCount = @models.length continueLoading = () => unless @models.length > currentVersionCount unless options.timeout <= 0 runAgain = () => options.timeout = options.timeout - 1000 @fetchNewVersions(options) setTimeout(runAgain, 1000) options.success = continueLoading options.error = continueLoading @fetch options