const yargs = require('yargs/yargs') const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers') const Path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const LOCALES = Path.join(__dirname, '../../locales') const VALID_LOCALES = Object.keys( require('../../config/settings.defaults').translatedLanguages ).filter(locale => locale !== 'en') const readline = require('readline').createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }) const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .usage('Translate locales') .option('locale', { alias: 'l', type: 'string', required: 'true', description: 'Target 2-letter locale code', choices: VALID_LOCALES, }) .option('skip-until', { type: 'string', description: 'Skip locales until after the provided key', }) .parse() async function translateLocales() { let { locale, skip } = argv console.log(`Looking for missing [${locale}] translations...`) const keysToUploadFolder = Path.join(__dirname, `translated-keys-to-upload`) if (!fs.existsSync(keysToUploadFolder)) { fs.mkdirSync(keysToUploadFolder) } const localeKeysToUploadPath = Path.join(keysToUploadFolder, `${locale}.json`) const keysToUpload = fs.existsSync(localeKeysToUploadPath) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localeKeysToUploadPath, 'utf-8')) : [] const englishTranslations = await loadTranslations('en') const englishKeys = Object.keys(englishTranslations) const localeTranslations = await loadTranslations(locale) const translatedKeys = Object.keys(localeTranslations) console.log( `Currently translated: ${translatedKeys.length} / ${englishKeys.length}` ) for (const key of englishKeys) { if (skip) { if (key === skip) skip = '' continue } const translation = localeTranslations[key] if (!translation || translation.length === 0) { let value = await prompt( `\nMissing translation for: ${key}\n"${englishTranslations[key]}"\n` ) while (value.includes("'")) { value = await prompt( `\nTranslations should not contain single-quote characters, please use curvy quotes (‘ or ’) instead:\n` ) } if (!value) { console.log(`Skipping ${key}`) continue } localeTranslations[key] = value const path = Path.join(LOCALES, `${locale}.json`) const sorted = JSON.stringify( localeTranslations, Object.keys(localeTranslations).sort(), 2 ) + '\n' fs.writeFileSync(path, sorted) keysToUpload.push(key) const formattedKeysToUpload = JSON.stringify(Array.from(new Set(keysToUpload)), null, 2) + '\n' fs.writeFileSync(localeKeysToUploadPath, formattedKeysToUpload) console.log(`"${key}": "${value}" added to ${locale}.json`) } } } async function loadTranslations(locale) { return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(Path.join(LOCALES, `${locale}.json`), 'utf-8') ) } function prompt(text) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => readline.question(text, value => { resolve(value) }) ) } translateLocales() .then(() => { process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })