/* eslint-disable camelcase, no-return-assign, no-undef, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ // This file is shared between document-updater and web, so that the server and client share // an identical track changes implementation. Do not edit it directly in web or document-updater, // instead edit it at https://github.com/sharelatex/ranges-tracker, where it has a suite of tests const load = function () { let RangesTracker return (RangesTracker = class RangesTracker { // The purpose of this class is to track a set of inserts and deletes to a document, like // track changes in Word. We store these as a set of ShareJs style ranges: // {i: "foo", p: 42} # Insert 'foo' at offset 42 // {d: "bar", p: 37} # Delete 'bar' at offset 37 // We only track the inserts and deletes, not the whole document, but by being given all // updates that are applied to a document, we can update these appropriately. // // Note that the set of inserts and deletes we store applies to the document as-is at the moment. // So inserts correspond to text which is in the document, while deletes correspond to text which // is no longer there, so their lengths do not affect the position of later offsets. // E.g. // this is the current text of the document // |-----| | // {i: "current ", p:12} -^ ^- {d: "old ", p: 31} // // Track changes rules (should be consistent with Word): // * When text is inserted at a delete, the text goes to the left of the delete // I.e. "foo|bar" -> "foobaz|bar", where | is the delete, and 'baz' is inserted // * Deleting content flagged as 'inserted' does not create a new delete marker, it only // removes the insert marker. E.g. // * "abdefghijkl" -> "abfghijkl" when 'de' is deleted. No delete marker added // |---| <- inserted |-| <- inserted // * Deletes overlapping regular text and inserted text will insert a delete marker for the // regular text: // "abcdefghijkl" -> "abcdejkl" when 'fghi' is deleted // |----| |--|| // ^- inserted 'bcdefg' \ ^- deleted 'hi' // \--inserted 'bcde' // * Deletes overlapping other deletes are merged. E.g. // "abcghijkl" -> "ahijkl" when 'bcg is deleted' // | <- delete 'def' | <- delete 'bcdefg' // * Deletes by another user will consume deletes by the first user // * Inserts by another user will not combine with inserts by the first user. If they are in the // middle of a previous insert by the first user, the original insert will be split into two. constructor(changes, comments) { if (changes == null) { changes = [] } this.changes = changes if (comments == null) { comments = [] } this.comments = comments this.setIdSeed(RangesTracker.generateIdSeed()) this.resetDirtyState() } getIdSeed() { return this.id_seed } setIdSeed(seed) { this.id_seed = seed return (this.id_increment = 0) } static generateIdSeed() { // Generate a the first 18 characters of Mongo ObjectId, leaving 6 for the increment part // Reference: https://github.com/dreampulse/ObjectId.js/blob/master/src/main/javascript/Objectid.js const pid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 32767).toString(16) const machine = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777216).toString(16) const timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().valueOf() / 1000).toString(16) return ( '00000000'.substr(0, 8 - timestamp.length) + timestamp + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - machine.length) + machine + '0000'.substr(0, 4 - pid.length) + pid ) } static generateId() { return this.generateIdSeed() + '000001' } newId() { this.id_increment++ const increment = this.id_increment.toString(16) const id = this.id_seed + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - increment.length) + increment return id } getComment(comment_id) { let comment = null for (const c of Array.from(this.comments)) { if (c.id === comment_id) { comment = c break } } return comment } removeCommentId(comment_id) { const comment = this.getComment(comment_id) if (comment == null) { return } this.comments = this.comments.filter(c => c.id !== comment_id) return this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'removed') } moveCommentId(comment_id, position, text) { return (() => { const result = [] for (const comment of Array.from(this.comments)) { if (comment.id === comment_id) { comment.op.p = position comment.op.c = text result.push(this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'moved')) } else { result.push(undefined) } } return result })() } getChange(change_id) { let change = null for (const c of Array.from(this.changes)) { if (c.id === change_id) { change = c break } } return change } getChanges(change_ids) { const changes_response = [] const ids_map = {} for (const change_id of Array.from(change_ids)) { ids_map[change_id] = true } for (const change of Array.from(this.changes)) { if (ids_map[change.id]) { delete ids_map[change.id] changes_response.push(change) } } return changes_response } removeChangeId(change_id) { const change = this.getChange(change_id) if (change == null) { return } return this._removeChange(change) } removeChangeIds(change_to_remove_ids) { if ( !(change_to_remove_ids != null ? change_to_remove_ids.length : undefined) > 0 ) { return } const i = this.changes.length const remove_change_id = {} for (const change_id of Array.from(change_to_remove_ids)) { remove_change_id[change_id] = true } const remaining_changes = [] for (const change of Array.from(this.changes)) { if (remove_change_id[change.id]) { delete remove_change_id[change.id] this._markAsDirty(change, 'change', 'removed') } else { remaining_changes.push(change) } } return (this.changes = remaining_changes) } validate(text) { let content for (const change of Array.from(this.changes)) { if (change.op.i != null) { content = text.slice(change.op.p, change.op.p + change.op.i.length) if (content !== change.op.i) { throw new Error( `Change (${JSON.stringify( change )}) doesn't match text (${JSON.stringify(content)})` ) } } } for (const comment of Array.from(this.comments)) { content = text.slice(comment.op.p, comment.op.p + comment.op.c.length) if (content !== comment.op.c) { throw new Error( `Comment (${JSON.stringify( comment )}) doesn't match text (${JSON.stringify(content)})` ) } } return true } applyOp(op, metadata) { if (metadata == null) { metadata = {} } if (metadata.ts == null) { metadata.ts = new Date() } // Apply an op that has been applied to the document to our changes to keep them up to date if (op.i != null) { this.applyInsertToChanges(op, metadata) return this.applyInsertToComments(op) } else if (op.d != null) { this.applyDeleteToChanges(op, metadata) return this.applyDeleteToComments(op) } else if (op.c != null) { return this.addComment(op, metadata) } else { throw new Error('unknown op type') } } applyOps(ops, metadata) { if (metadata == null) { metadata = {} } return Array.from(ops).map(op => this.applyOp(op, metadata)) } addComment(op, metadata) { const existing = this.getComment(op.t) if (existing != null) { this.moveCommentId(op.t, op.p, op.c) return existing } else { let comment this.comments.push( (comment = { id: op.t || this.newId(), op: { // Copy because we'll modify in place c: op.c, p: op.p, t: op.t, }, metadata, }) ) this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'added') return comment } } applyInsertToComments(op) { return (() => { const result = [] for (const comment of Array.from(this.comments)) { if (op.p <= comment.op.p) { comment.op.p += op.i.length result.push(this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'moved')) } else if (op.p < comment.op.p + comment.op.c.length) { const offset = op.p - comment.op.p comment.op.c = comment.op.c.slice(0, +(offset - 1) + 1 || undefined) + op.i + comment.op.c.slice(offset) result.push(this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'moved')) } else { result.push(undefined) } } return result })() } applyDeleteToComments(op) { const op_start = op.p const op_length = op.d.length const op_end = op.p + op_length return (() => { const result = [] for (const comment of Array.from(this.comments)) { const comment_start = comment.op.p const comment_end = comment.op.p + comment.op.c.length const comment_length = comment_end - comment_start if (op_end <= comment_start) { // delete is fully before comment comment.op.p -= op_length result.push(this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'moved')) } else if (op_start >= comment_end) { // delete is fully after comment, nothing to do } else { // delete and comment overlap var remaining_after, remaining_before if (op_start <= comment_start) { remaining_before = '' } else { remaining_before = comment.op.c.slice(0, op_start - comment_start) } if (op_end >= comment_end) { remaining_after = '' } else { remaining_after = comment.op.c.slice(op_end - comment_start) } // Check deleted content matches delete op const deleted_comment = comment.op.c.slice( remaining_before.length, comment_length - remaining_after.length ) const offset = Math.max(0, comment_start - op_start) const deleted_op_content = op.d .slice(offset) .slice(0, deleted_comment.length) if (deleted_comment !== deleted_op_content) { throw new Error('deleted content does not match comment content') } comment.op.p = Math.min(comment_start, op_start) comment.op.c = remaining_before + remaining_after result.push(this._markAsDirty(comment, 'comment', 'moved')) } } return result })() } applyInsertToChanges(op, metadata) { let change const op_start = op.p const op_length = op.i.length const op_end = op.p + op_length const undoing = !!op.u let already_merged = false let previous_change = null const moved_changes = [] const remove_changes = [] const new_changes = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.changes.length; i++) { change = this.changes[i] const change_start = change.op.p if (change.op.d != null) { // Shift any deletes after this along by the length of this insert if (op_start < change_start) { change.op.p += op_length moved_changes.push(change) } else if (op_start === change_start) { // If we are undoing, then we want to cancel any existing delete ranges if we can. // Check if the insert matches the start of the delete, and just remove it from the delete instead if so. if ( undoing && change.op.d.length >= op.i.length && change.op.d.slice(0, op.i.length) === op.i ) { change.op.d = change.op.d.slice(op.i.length) change.op.p += op.i.length if (change.op.d === '') { remove_changes.push(change) } else { moved_changes.push(change) } already_merged = true } else { change.op.p += op_length moved_changes.push(change) } } } else if (change.op.i != null) { var offset const change_end = change_start + change.op.i.length const is_change_overlapping = op_start >= change_start && op_start <= change_end // Only merge inserts if they are from the same user const is_same_user = metadata.user_id === change.metadata.user_id // If we are undoing, then our changes will be removed from any delete ops just after. In that case, if there is also // an insert op just before, then we shouldn't append it to this insert, but instead only cancel the following delete. // E.g. // foo|<--- about to insert 'b' here // inserted 'foo' --^ ^-- deleted 'bar' // should become just 'foo' not 'foob' (with the delete marker becoming just 'ar'), . const next_change = this.changes[i + 1] const is_op_adjacent_to_next_delete = next_change != null && next_change.op.d != null && op.p === change_end && next_change.op.p === op.p const will_op_cancel_next_delete = undoing && is_op_adjacent_to_next_delete && next_change.op.d.slice(0, op.i.length) === op.i // If there is a delete at the start of the insert, and we're inserting // at the start, we SHOULDN'T merge since the delete acts as a partition. // The previous op will be the delete, but it's already been shifted by this insert // // I.e. // Originally: |-- existing insert --| // | <- existing delete at same offset // // Now: |-- existing insert --| <- not shifted yet // |-- this insert --|| <- existing delete shifted along to end of this op // // After: |-- existing insert --| // |-- this insert --|| <- existing delete // // Without the delete, the inserts would be merged. const is_insert_blocked_by_delete = previous_change != null && previous_change.op.d != null && previous_change.op.p === op_end // If the insert is overlapping another insert, either at the beginning in the middle or touching the end, // then we merge them into one. if ( this.track_changes && is_change_overlapping && !is_insert_blocked_by_delete && !already_merged && !will_op_cancel_next_delete && is_same_user ) { offset = op_start - change_start change.op.i = change.op.i.slice(0, offset) + op.i + change.op.i.slice(offset) change.metadata.ts = metadata.ts already_merged = true moved_changes.push(change) } else if (op_start <= change_start) { // If we're fully before the other insert we can just shift the other insert by our length. // If they are touching, and should have been merged, they will have been above. // If not merged above, then it must be blocked by a delete, and will be after this insert, so we shift it along as well change.op.p += op_length moved_changes.push(change) } else if ( (!is_same_user || !this.track_changes) && change_start < op_start && op_start < change_end ) { // This user is inserting inside a change by another user, so we need to split the // other user's change into one before and after this one. offset = op_start - change_start const before_content = change.op.i.slice(0, offset) const after_content = change.op.i.slice(offset) // The existing change can become the 'before' change change.op.i = before_content moved_changes.push(change) // Create a new op afterwards const after_change = { op: { i: after_content, p: change_start + offset + op_length, }, metadata: {}, } for (const key in change.metadata) { const value = change.metadata[key] after_change.metadata[key] = value } new_changes.push(after_change) } } previous_change = change } if (this.track_changes && !already_merged) { this._addOp(op, metadata) } for ({ op, metadata } of Array.from(new_changes)) { this._addOp(op, metadata) } for (change of Array.from(remove_changes)) { this._removeChange(change) } return (() => { const result = [] for (change of Array.from(moved_changes)) { result.push(this._markAsDirty(change, 'change', 'moved')) } return result })() } applyDeleteToChanges(op, metadata) { let change const op_start = op.p const op_length = op.d.length const op_end = op.p + op_length const remove_changes = [] let moved_changes = [] // We might end up modifying our delete op if it merges with existing deletes, or cancels out // with an existing insert. Since we might do multiple modifications, we record them and do // all the modifications after looping through the existing changes, so as not to mess up the // offset indexes as we go. const op_modifications = [] for (change of Array.from(this.changes)) { var change_start if (change.op.i != null) { change_start = change.op.p const change_end = change_start + change.op.i.length if (op_end <= change_start) { // Shift ops after us back by our length change.op.p -= op_length moved_changes.push(change) } else if (op_start >= change_end) { // Delete is after insert, nothing to do } else { // When the new delete overlaps an insert, we should remove the part of the insert that // is now deleted, and also remove the part of the new delete that overlapped. I.e. // the two cancel out where they overlap. var delete_remaining_after, delete_remaining_before, insert_remaining_after, insert_remaining_before if (op_start >= change_start) { // |-- existing insert --| // insert_remaining_before -> |.....||-- new delete --| delete_remaining_before = '' insert_remaining_before = change.op.i.slice( 0, op_start - change_start ) } else { // delete_remaining_before -> |.....||-- existing insert --| // |-- new delete --| delete_remaining_before = op.d.slice(0, change_start - op_start) insert_remaining_before = '' } if (op_end <= change_end) { // |-- existing insert --| // |-- new delete --||.....| <- insert_remaining_after delete_remaining_after = '' insert_remaining_after = change.op.i.slice(op_end - change_start) } else { // |-- existing insert --||.....| <- delete_remaining_after // |-- new delete --| delete_remaining_after = op.d.slice(change_end - op_start) insert_remaining_after = '' } const insert_remaining = insert_remaining_before + insert_remaining_after if (insert_remaining.length > 0) { change.op.i = insert_remaining change.op.p = Math.min(change_start, op_start) change.metadata.ts = metadata.ts moved_changes.push(change) } else { remove_changes.push(change) } // We know what we want to preserve of our delete op before (delete_remaining_before) and what we want to preserve // afterwards (delete_remaining_before). Now we need to turn that into a modification which deletes the // chunk in the middle not covered by these. const delete_removed_length = op.d.length - delete_remaining_before.length - delete_remaining_after.length const delete_removed_start = delete_remaining_before.length const modification = { d: op.d.slice( delete_removed_start, delete_removed_start + delete_removed_length ), p: delete_removed_start, } if (modification.d.length > 0) { op_modifications.push(modification) } } } else if (change.op.d != null) { change_start = change.op.p if ( op_end < change_start || (!this.track_changes && op_end === change_start) ) { // Shift ops after us back by our length. // If we're tracking changes, it must be strictly before, since we'll merge // below if they are touching. Otherwise, touching is fine. change.op.p -= op_length moved_changes.push(change) } else if (op_start <= change_start && change_start <= op_end) { if (this.track_changes) { // If we overlap a delete, add it in our content, and delete the existing change. // It's easier to do it this way, rather than modifying the existing delete in case // we overlap many deletes and we'd need to track that. We have a workaround to // update the delete in place if possible below. const offset = change_start - op_start op_modifications.push({ i: change.op.d, p: offset }) remove_changes.push(change) } else { change.op.p = op_start moved_changes.push(change) } } } } // Copy rather than modify because we still need to apply it to comments op = { p: op.p, d: this._applyOpModifications(op.d, op_modifications), } for (change of Array.from(remove_changes)) { // This is a bit of hack to avoid removing one delete and replacing it with another. // If we don't do this, it causes the UI to flicker if ( op.d.length > 0 && change.op.d != null && op.p <= change.op.p && change.op.p <= op.p + op.d.length ) { change.op.p = op.p change.op.d = op.d change.metadata = metadata moved_changes.push(change) op.d = '' // stop it being added } else { this._removeChange(change) } } if (this.track_changes && op.d.length > 0) { this._addOp(op, metadata) } else { // It's possible that we deleted an insert between two other inserts. I.e. // If we delete 'user_2 insert' in: // |-- user_1 insert --||-- user_2 insert --||-- user_1 insert --| // it becomes: // |-- user_1 insert --||-- user_1 insert --| // We need to merge these together again const results = this._scanAndMergeAdjacentUpdates() moved_changes = moved_changes.concat(results.moved_changes) for (change of Array.from(results.remove_changes)) { this._removeChange(change) moved_changes = moved_changes.filter(c => c !== change) } } return (() => { const result = [] for (change of Array.from(moved_changes)) { result.push(this._markAsDirty(change, 'change', 'moved')) } return result })() } _addOp(op, metadata) { const change = { id: this.newId(), op: this._clone(op), // Don't take a reference to the existing op since we'll modify this in place with future changes metadata: this._clone(metadata), } this.changes.push(change) // Keep ops in order of offset, with deletes before inserts this.changes.sort(function (c1, c2) { const result = c1.op.p - c2.op.p if (result !== 0) { return result } else if (c1.op.i != null && c2.op.d != null) { return 1 } else if (c1.op.d != null && c2.op.i != null) { return -1 } else { return 0 } }) return this._markAsDirty(change, 'change', 'added') } _removeChange(change) { this.changes = this.changes.filter(c => c.id !== change.id) return this._markAsDirty(change, 'change', 'removed') } _applyOpModifications(content, op_modifications) { // Put in descending position order, with deleting first if at the same offset // (Inserting first would modify the content that the delete will delete) op_modifications.sort(function (a, b) { const result = b.p - a.p if (result !== 0) { return result } else if (a.i != null && b.d != null) { return 1 } else if (a.d != null && b.i != null) { return -1 } else { return 0 } }) for (const modification of Array.from(op_modifications)) { if (modification.i != null) { content = content.slice(0, modification.p) + modification.i + content.slice(modification.p) } else if (modification.d != null) { if ( content.slice( modification.p, modification.p + modification.d.length ) !== modification.d ) { throw new Error( `deleted content does not match. content: ${JSON.stringify( content )}; modification: ${JSON.stringify(modification)}` ) } content = content.slice(0, modification.p) + content.slice(modification.p + modification.d.length) } } return content } _scanAndMergeAdjacentUpdates() { // This should only need calling when deleting an update between two // other updates. There's no other way to get two adjacent updates from the // same user, since they would be merged on insert. let previous_change = null const remove_changes = [] const moved_changes = [] for (const change of Array.from(this.changes)) { if ( (previous_change != null ? previous_change.op.i : undefined) != null && change.op.i != null ) { const previous_change_end = previous_change.op.p + previous_change.op.i.length const previous_change_user_id = previous_change.metadata.user_id const change_start = change.op.p const change_user_id = change.metadata.user_id if ( previous_change_end === change_start && previous_change_user_id === change_user_id ) { remove_changes.push(change) previous_change.op.i += change.op.i moved_changes.push(previous_change) } } else if ( (previous_change != null ? previous_change.op.d : undefined) != null && change.op.d != null && previous_change.op.p === change.op.p ) { // Merge adjacent deletes previous_change.op.d += change.op.d remove_changes.push(change) moved_changes.push(previous_change) } else { // Only update to the current change if we haven't removed it. previous_change = change } } return { moved_changes, remove_changes } } resetDirtyState() { return (this._dirtyState = { comment: { moved: {}, removed: {}, added: {}, }, change: { moved: {}, removed: {}, added: {}, }, }) } getDirtyState() { return this._dirtyState } _markAsDirty(object, type, action) { return (this._dirtyState[type][action][object.id] = object) } _clone(object) { const clone = {} for (const k in object) { const v = object[k] clone[k] = v } return clone } }) } if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define !== null) { define([], load) } else { module.exports = load() }