import minimist from 'minimist' import { exec } from 'node:child_process' import { promisify } from 'node:util' import Runner from 'jscodeshift/src/Runner.js' import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import path from 'node:path' const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url)) // use minimist to get a list of files from the argv const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['usage'], }) function printUsage() { console.log( 'node scripts/esm-migration/cjs-to-esm.mjs [files] [--format] [--lint] [--usage]' ) console.log( 'WARNING: this will only work in local development as important dependencies will be missing in production' ) console.log('Options:') console.log(' files: a list of files to convert') console.log('--format: run prettier to fix formatting') console.log(' --lint: run eslint to fix linting') console.log(' --usage: show this help message') process.exit(0) } const files = argv._ if (argv.usage) { printUsage() } if (!Array.isArray(files) || files.length === 0) { console.error('You must provide a list of files to convert') printUsage() process.exit(1) } const promisifiedExec = promisify(exec) const cjsTransform = fileURLToPath( import.meta.resolve('5to6-codemod/transforms/cjs.js') ) const exportsTransform = fileURLToPath( import.meta.resolve('5to6-codemod/transforms/exports.js') ) const overleafTransform = fileURLToPath( import.meta.resolve('./overleaf-es-codemod.js') ) const config = { output: __dirname, silent: true, print: false, verbose: 0, hoist: true, } await, files, config) await, files, config) await, files, config) const webRoot = fileURLToPath(new URL('../../', import.meta.url)) for (const file of files) { // move files with git mv await promisifiedExec(`git mv ${file} ${file.replace('.js', '.mjs')}`) const relativePath = path.relative(webRoot, file) console.log( `transformed ${relativePath} and renamed it to have a .mjs extension` ) }