sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai').should() modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectUpdateHandler.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe 'ProjectUpdateHandler', -> before -> @fakeTime = new Date() @clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(@fakeTime.getTime()) beforeEach -> @ProjectModel = class Project @ProjectModel.update = sinon.stub().callsArg(3) @handler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: '../../models/Project':{Project:@ProjectModel} 'logger-sharelatex' : { log: sinon.stub() } after -> @clock.restore() describe 'marking a project as recently updated', -> beforeEach -> @project_id = "project_id" @lastUpdatedAt = 987654321 @lastUpdatedBy = 'fake-last-updater-id' it 'should send an update to mongo', (done)-> @handler.markAsUpdated @project_id, @lastUpdatedAt, @lastUpdatedBy, (err) => sinon.assert.calledWith( @ProjectModel.update, { _id: @project_id, lastUpdated: { $lt: @lastUpdatedAt } }, { lastUpdated: @lastUpdatedAt, lastUpdatedBy: @lastUpdatedBy } ) done() it 'should set smart fallbacks', (done)-> @handler.markAsUpdated @project_id, null, null, (err) => sinon.assert.calledWithMatch( @ProjectModel.update, { _id: @project_id, lastUpdated: { $lt: @fakeTime } }, { lastUpdated: @fakeTime lastUpdatedBy: null } ) done() describe "markAsOpened", -> it 'should send an update to mongo', (done)-> project_id = "project_id" @handler.markAsOpened project_id, (err)=> args = @ProjectModel.update.args[0] args[0]._id.should.equal project_id date = args[1].lastOpened+"" now ="" date.substring(0,5).should.equal now.substring(0,5) done() describe "markAsInactive", -> it 'should send an update to mongo', (done)-> project_id = "project_id" @handler.markAsInactive project_id, (err)=> args = @ProjectModel.update.args[0] args[0]._id.should.equal project_id args[1].active.should.equal false done() describe "markAsActive", -> it 'should send an update to mongo', (done)-> project_id = "project_id" @handler.markAsActive project_id, (err)=> args = @ProjectModel.update.args[0] args[0]._id.should.equal project_id args[1].active.should.equal true done()