import { promisify } from 'util' import fs from 'fs' import request from 'request' import stream from 'stream' import logger from '@overleaf/logger' import _ from 'lodash' import { URL } from 'url' import OError from '@overleaf/o-error' import Settings from '@overleaf/settings' import { fetchStream, fetchNothing, RequestFailedError, } from '@overleaf/fetch-utils' import * as Versions from './Versions.js' import * as Errors from './Errors.js' import * as LocalFileWriter from './LocalFileWriter.js' import * as HashManager from './HashManager.js' const HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = Settings.apis.history_v1.requestTimeout /** * Container for functions that need to be mocked in tests * * TODO: Rewrite tests in terms of exported functions only */ export const _mocks = {} class StringStream extends stream.Readable { _read() {} } _mocks.getMostRecentChunk = (projectId, historyId, callback) => { const path = `projects/${historyId}/latest/history` logger.debug({ projectId, historyId }, 'getting chunk from history service') _requestChunk({ path, json: true }, callback) } /** * @param {Callback} callback */ export function getMostRecentChunk(projectId, historyId, callback) { _mocks.getMostRecentChunk(projectId, historyId, callback) } /** * @param {Callback} callback */ export function getChunkAtVersion(projectId, historyId, version, callback) { const path = `projects/${historyId}/versions/${version}/history` logger.debug( { projectId, historyId, version }, 'getting chunk from history service for version' ) _requestChunk({ path, json: true }, callback) } export function getMostRecentVersion(projectId, historyId, callback) { getMostRecentChunk(projectId, historyId, (error, chunk) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } const mostRecentVersion = chunk.chunk.startVersion + (chunk.chunk.history.changes || []).length const lastChange = _.last( _.sortBy(chunk.chunk.history.changes || [], x => x.timestamp) ) // find the latest project and doc versions in the chunk _getLatestProjectVersion(projectId, chunk, (err1, projectVersion) => _getLatestV2DocVersions(projectId, chunk, (err2, v2DocVersions) => { // return the project and doc versions const projectStructureAndDocVersions = { project: projectVersion, docs: v2DocVersions, } callback( err1 || err2, mostRecentVersion, projectStructureAndDocVersions, lastChange ) }) ) }) } function _requestChunk(options, callback) { _requestHistoryService(options, (err, chunk) => { if (err) { return callback(OError.tag(err)) } if ( chunk == null || chunk.chunk == null || chunk.chunk.startVersion == null ) { return callback(new OError('unexpected response')) } callback(null, chunk) }) } function _getLatestProjectVersion(projectId, chunk, callback) { // find the initial project version let projectVersion = chunk.chunk.history.snapshot && chunk.chunk.history.snapshot.projectVersion // keep track of any errors let error = null // iterate over the changes in chunk to find the most recent project version for (const change of chunk.chunk.history.changes || []) { if (change.projectVersion != null) { if ( projectVersion != null &&, projectVersion) ) { logger.warn( { projectId, chunk, projectVersion, change }, 'project structure version out of order in chunk' ) if (!error) { error = new Errors.OpsOutOfOrderError( 'project structure version out of order' ) } } else { projectVersion = change.projectVersion } } } callback(error, projectVersion) } function _getLatestV2DocVersions(projectId, chunk, callback) { // find the initial doc versions (indexed by docId as this is immutable) const v2DocVersions = (chunk.chunk.history.snapshot && chunk.chunk.history.snapshot.v2DocVersions) || {} // keep track of any errors let error = null // iterate over the changes in the chunk to find the most recent doc versions for (const change of chunk.chunk.history.changes || []) { if (change.v2DocVersions != null) { for (const docId in change.v2DocVersions) { const docInfo = change.v2DocVersions[docId] const { v } = docInfo if ( v2DocVersions[docId] && v2DocVersions[docId].v != null &&, v2DocVersions[docId].v) ) { logger.warn( { projectId, docId, changeVersion: docInfo, previousVersion: v2DocVersions[docId], }, 'doc version out of order in chunk' ) if (!error) { error = new Errors.OpsOutOfOrderError('doc version out of order') } } else { v2DocVersions[docId] = docInfo } } } } callback(error, v2DocVersions) } export function getProjectBlob(historyId, blobHash, callback) { logger.debug({ historyId, blobHash }, 'getting blob from history service') _requestHistoryService( { path: `projects/${historyId}/blobs/${blobHash}` }, callback ) } /** * @param {Callback} callback */ export function getProjectBlobStream(historyId, blobHash, callback) { const url = `${}/projects/${historyId}/blobs/${blobHash}` logger.debug( { historyId, blobHash }, 'getting blob stream from history service' ) fetchStream(url, getHistoryFetchOptions()) .then(stream => { callback(null, stream) }) .catch(err => callback(OError.tag(err))) } export function sendChanges( projectId, historyId, changes, endVersion, callback ) { logger.debug( { projectId, historyId, endVersion }, 'sending changes to history service' ) _requestHistoryService( { path: `projects/${historyId}/legacy_changes`, qs: { end_version: endVersion }, method: 'POST', json: changes, }, error => { if (error) { OError.tag(error, 'failed to send changes to v1', { projectId, historyId, endVersion, errorCode: error.code, statusCode: error.statusCode, body: error.body, }) logger.warn(error) return callback(error) } callback() } ) } export function createBlobForUpdate(projectId, historyId, update, callback) { callback = _.once(callback) if (update.doc != null && update.docLines != null) { const stringStream = new StringStream() stringStream.push(update.docLines) stringStream.push(null) LocalFileWriter.bufferOnDisk( stringStream, '', `project-${projectId}-doc-${update.doc}`, (fsPath, cb) => { _createBlob(historyId, fsPath, cb) }, callback ) } else if (update.file != null && update.url != null) { // Rewrite the filestore url to point to the location in the local // settings for this service (this avoids problems with cross- // datacentre requests when running filestore in multiple locations). const { pathname: fileStorePath } = new URL(update.url) const urlMatch = /^\/project\/([0-9a-f]{24})\/file\/([0-9a-f]{24})$/.exec( fileStorePath ) if (urlMatch == null) { return callback(new OError('invalid file for blob creation')) } if (urlMatch[1] !== projectId) { return callback(new OError('invalid project for blob creation')) } const fileId = urlMatch[2] const filestoreURL = `${Settings.apis.filestore.url}/project/${projectId}/file/${fileId}` fetchStream(filestoreURL, { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT), }) .then(stream => { LocalFileWriter.bufferOnDisk( stream, filestoreURL, `project-${projectId}-file-${fileId}`, (fsPath, cb) => { _createBlob(historyId, fsPath, cb) }, callback ) }) .catch(err => { if (err instanceof RequestFailedError && err.response.status === 404) { logger.warn( { projectId, historyId, filestoreURL }, 'File contents not found in filestore. Storing in history as an empty file' ) const emptyStream = new StringStream() LocalFileWriter.bufferOnDisk( emptyStream, filestoreURL, `project-${projectId}-file-${fileId}`, (fsPath, cb) => { _createBlob(historyId, fsPath, cb) }, callback ) emptyStream.push(null) // send an EOF signal } else { callback(OError.tag(err, 'error from filestore', { filestoreURL })) } }) } else { const error = new OError('invalid update for blob creation') callback(error) } } function _createBlob(historyId, fsPath, _callback) { const callback = _.once(_callback) HashManager._getBlobHash(fsPath, (error, hash, byteLength) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } const outStream = fs.createReadStream(fsPath) logger.debug( { fsPath, historyId, hash, byteLength }, 'sending blob to history service' ) const url = `${}/projects/${historyId}/blobs/${hash}` fetchNothing(url, { method: 'PUT', body: outStream, headers: { 'Content-Length': byteLength }, // add the content length to work around problems with chunked encoding in node 18 ...getHistoryFetchOptions(), }) .then(res => { callback(null, hash) }) .catch(err => { callback(OError.tag(err)) }) }) } export function initializeProject(historyId, callback) { _requestHistoryService( { method: 'POST', path: 'projects', json: historyId == null ? true : { projectId: historyId }, }, (error, project) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } const id = project.projectId if (id == null) { error = new OError('history store did not return a project id', id) return callback(error) } callback(null, id) } ) } export function deleteProject(projectId, callback) { _requestHistoryService( { method: 'DELETE', path: `projects/${projectId}` }, callback ) } const getProjectBlobAsync = promisify(getProjectBlob) class BlobStore { constructor(projectId) { this.projectId = projectId } async getString(hash) { return await getProjectBlobAsync(this.projectId, hash) } async getObject(hash) { const string = await this.getString(hash) return JSON.parse(string) } } export function getBlobStore(projectId) { return new BlobStore(projectId) } function _requestOptions(options) { const requestOptions = { method: options.method || 'GET', url: `${}/${options.path}`, timeout: HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, auth: { user: Settings.overleaf.history.user, pass: Settings.overleaf.history.pass, sendImmediately: true, }, } if (options.json != null) { requestOptions.json = options.json } if (options.body != null) { requestOptions.body = options.body } if (options.qs != null) { requestOptions.qs = options.qs } return requestOptions } /** * @return {RequestInit} */ function getHistoryFetchOptions() { return { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT), basicAuth: { user: Settings.overleaf.history.user, password: Settings.overleaf.history.pass, }, } } function _requestHistoryService(options, callback) { const requestOptions = _requestOptions(options) request(requestOptions, (error, res, body) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300) { callback(null, body) } else { error = new OError( `history store a non-success status code: ${res.statusCode}` ) error.statusCode = res.statusCode error.body = body logger.warn({ err: error }, error.message) callback(error) } }) } export const promises = { getMostRecentChunk: promisify(getMostRecentChunk), getChunkAtVersion: promisify(getChunkAtVersion), getMostRecentVersion: promisify(getMostRecentVersion), getProjectBlob: promisify(getProjectBlob), getProjectBlobStream: promisify(getProjectBlobStream), sendChanges: promisify(sendChanges), createBlobForUpdate: promisify(createBlobForUpdate), initializeProject: promisify(initializeProject), deleteProject: promisify(deleteProject), }