import '../../../../marketing' import * as eventTracking from '../../../../infrastructure/event-tracking' import { setUpStickyHeaderObserver } from './plans-v2-sticky-header' import { setUpMonthlyAnnualSwitching, switchMonthlyAnnual, toggleMonthlyAnnualSwitching, } from './plans-v2-m-a-switch' import { changeGroupPlanModalEducationalDiscount, changeGroupPlanModalNumberOfLicenses, updateMainGroupPlanPricing, } from './plans-v2-group-plan' import { setUpGroupSubscriptionButtonAction } from './plans-v2-subscription-button' import getMeta from '../../../../utils/meta' const currentCurrencyCode = getMeta('ol-recommendedCurrency') function setUpSubscriptionTracking(linkEl) { linkEl.addEventListener('click', function () { const plan = linkEl.getAttribute('data-ol-tracking-plan') || linkEl.getAttribute('data-ol-start-new-subscription') const location = linkEl.getAttribute('data-ol-location') const period = linkEl.getAttribute('data-ol-item-view') const DEFAULT_EVENT_TRACKING_KEY = 'plans-page-click' const eventTrackingKey = linkEl.getAttribute('data-ol-event-tracking-key') || DEFAULT_EVENT_TRACKING_KEY const eventTrackingSegmentation = { button: plan, location, 'billing-period': period, } eventTracking.sendMB('plans-page-start-trial') // deprecated by plans-page-click eventTracking.sendMB(eventTrackingKey, eventTrackingSegmentation) }) } const searchParams = new URLSearchParams( export function updateLinkTargets() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-start-new-subscription]').forEach(el => { if (el.hasAttribute('data-ol-has-custom-href')) return const plan = el.getAttribute('data-ol-start-new-subscription') const view = el.getAttribute('data-ol-item-view') const suffix = view === 'annual' ? '-annual' : '_free_trial_7_days' const planCode = `${plan}${suffix}` const location = el.getAttribute('data-ol-location') const itmCampaign = searchParams.get('itm_campaign') || 'plans' const itmContent = itmCampaign === 'plans' ? location : searchParams.get('itm_content') const queryString = new URLSearchParams({ planCode, currency: currentCurrencyCode, itm_campaign: itmCampaign, }) if (itmContent) { queryString.set('itm_content', itmContent) } if (searchParams.get('itm_referrer')) { queryString.set('itm_referrer', searchParams.get('itm_referrer')) } el.href = `/user/subscription/new?${queryString.toString()}` }) } // We need this mutable variable because the group tab only have annual. // There's some difference between the monthly and annual UI // and since monthly-annual switch is disabled for the group tab, // we need to introduce a new variable to store the information let currentMonthlyAnnualSwitchValue = 'annual' function selectTab(viewTab) { document.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab]').forEach(el => { const tab = el.querySelector('[data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab] button') if (tab) { const isActive = tab.parentElement.getAttribute('data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab') === viewTab tab.parentElement.classList.toggle('active', isActive) tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', isActive) } }) document.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-plans-v2-view]').forEach(el => { el.hidden = el.getAttribute('data-ol-plans-v2-view') !== viewTab }) document.querySelector('[data-ol-plans-v2-m-a-tooltip]').hidden = viewTab === 'group' document.querySelector('[data-ol-plans-v2-license-picker-container]').hidden = viewTab !== 'group' document .querySelector('[data-ol-plans-v2-m-a-switch-container]') .setAttribute('data-ol-current-view', viewTab) // group tab is special because group plan only has annual value // so we need to perform some UI changes whenever user click the group tab if (viewTab === 'group') { updateMainGroupPlanPricing() toggleMonthlyAnnualSwitching(viewTab, 'annual') } else { toggleMonthlyAnnualSwitching(viewTab, currentMonthlyAnnualSwitchValue) } toggleUniversityInfo(viewTab) } function setUpTabSwitching() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab]').forEach(el => { const viewTab = el.getAttribute('data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab') el.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() eventTracking.send( 'subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', `${viewTab}-prices` ) selectTab(viewTab) }) }) const tabs = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab] [role="tab"]' ) if (tabs) { tabs.forEach(tab => { tab.addEventListener('keydown', event => { if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft' || event.key === 'ArrowRight') { const currentIndex = Array.from(tabs).indexOf(tab) const nextIndex = event.key === 'ArrowLeft' ? currentIndex - 1 : currentIndex + 1 const newIndex = (nextIndex + tabs.length) % tabs.length tabs[newIndex].focus() } }) }) } } function setUpGroupPlanPricingChange() { document .querySelectorAll('[data-ol-plans-v2-license-picker-select]') .forEach(el => { el.addEventListener('change', () => { updateMainGroupPlanPricing() changeGroupPlanModalNumberOfLicenses() }) }) document .querySelectorAll( '[data-ol-plans-v2-license-picker-educational-discount-input]' ) .forEach(el => el.addEventListener('change', () => { updateMainGroupPlanPricing() changeGroupPlanModalEducationalDiscount() }) ) } function toggleUniversityInfo(viewTab) { const el = document.querySelector('[data-ol-plans-university-info-container]') el.hidden = viewTab !== 'student' } function selectViewFromHash() { try { const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1)) const view = params.get('view') if (view) { // make sure the selected view is valid if (document.querySelector(`[data-ol-plans-v2-view-tab="${view}"]`)) { // set annual as the default currentMonthlyAnnualSwitchValue = 'annual' selectTab(view) // clear the hash so it doesn't persist when switching plans const currentURL = window.location.pathname + history.replaceState('', document.title, currentURL) // Add a small delay since it seems the scroll won't behave correctly on this scenario: // 1. Open plans page // 2. Click on "Group Plans" // 3. Scroll down to footer // 4. Click "For students" link // // I assume this is happening because the `selectTab` function above is doing a lot // of computation to change the view and it somehow prevents the `window.scrollTo` command // to behave correctly. const SCROLL_TO_TOP_DELAY = 50 window.setTimeout(() => { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }) }, SCROLL_TO_TOP_DELAY) } } } catch { // do nothing } } document .querySelector('[data-ol-plans-v2-m-a-switch]') .addEventListener('click', () => { const isMonthlyPricing = document.querySelector( '[data-ol-plans-v2-m-a-switch] input[type="checkbox"]' ).checked if (isMonthlyPricing) { currentMonthlyAnnualSwitchValue = 'monthly' } else { currentMonthlyAnnualSwitchValue = 'annual' } switchMonthlyAnnual(currentMonthlyAnnualSwitchValue) }) document .querySelectorAll('[data-ol-start-new-subscription]') .forEach(setUpSubscriptionTracking) setUpTabSwitching() setUpGroupPlanPricingChange() setUpMonthlyAnnualSwitching() setUpGroupSubscriptionButtonAction() setUpStickyHeaderObserver() updateLinkTargets() selectViewFromHash() window.addEventListener('hashchange', selectViewFromHash)