const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const modulePath = '../../../app/js/GcsPersistor.js' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const asyncPool = require('tiny-async-pool') const Errors = require('../../../app/js/Errors') describe('GcsPersistorTests', function() { const filename = '/wombat/potato.tex' const bucket = 'womBucket' const key = 'monKey' const destKey = 'donKey' const objectSize = 5555 const genericError = new Error('guru meditation error') const filesSize = 33 const md5 = 'ffffffff00000000ffffffff00000000' const WriteStream = 'writeStream' let Metrics, Logger, Storage, Fs, GcsNotFoundError, Meter, MeteredStream, ReadStream, Stream, GcsBucket, GcsFile, GcsPersistor, FileNotFoundError, Hash, settings, crypto, files beforeEach(function() { settings = { filestore: { backend: 'gcs', stores: { user_files: 'user_files' }, gcs: { directoryKeyRegex: /^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}\/[0-9a-fA-F]{24}/ } } } files = [ { metadata: { size: 11, md5Hash: '/////wAAAAD/////AAAAAA==' }, delete: sinon.stub() }, { metadata: { size: 22, md5Hash: '/////wAAAAD/////AAAAAA==' }, delete: sinon.stub() } ] ReadStream = { pipe: sinon.stub().returns('readStream'), on: sinon .stub() .withArgs('end') .yields(), removeListener: sinon.stub() } Stream = { pipeline: sinon.stub().yields() } Metrics = { count: sinon.stub() } GcsFile = { delete: sinon.stub().resolves(), createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns(ReadStream), getMetadata: sinon.stub().resolves([files[0].metadata]), createWriteStream: sinon.stub().returns(WriteStream), copy: sinon.stub().resolves(), exists: sinon.stub().resolves([true]) } GcsBucket = { file: sinon.stub().returns(GcsFile), getFiles: sinon.stub().resolves([files]) } Storage = class { constructor() { this.interceptors = [] } } Storage.prototype.bucket = sinon.stub().returns(GcsBucket) GcsNotFoundError = new Error('File not found') GcsNotFoundError.code = 404 Fs = { createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns(ReadStream) } FileNotFoundError = new Error('File not found') FileNotFoundError.code = 'ENOENT' MeteredStream = { type: 'metered', on: sinon.stub(), bytes: objectSize } MeteredStream.on.withArgs('finish').yields() MeteredStream.on.withArgs('readable').yields() Meter = sinon.stub().returns(MeteredStream) Hash = { end: sinon.stub(), read: sinon.stub().returns(md5), setEncoding: sinon.stub() } crypto = { createHash: sinon.stub().returns(Hash) } Logger = { warn: sinon.stub() } GcsPersistor = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { '@google-cloud/storage': { Storage }, 'settings-sharelatex': settings, 'logger-sharelatex': Logger, 'tiny-async-pool': asyncPool, './Errors': Errors, fs: Fs, 'stream-meter': Meter, stream: Stream, 'metrics-sharelatex': Metrics, crypto }, globals: { console, Buffer } }) }) describe('getFileStream', function() { describe('when called with valid parameters', function() { let stream beforeEach(async function() { stream = await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key) }) it('returns a metered stream', function() { expect(stream).to.equal(MeteredStream) }) it('fetches the right key from the right bucket', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.createReadStream).to.have.been.called }) it('pipes the stream through the meter', function() { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( ReadStream, MeteredStream ) }) it('records an ingress metric', function() { expect(Metrics.count).to.have.been.calledWith('gcs.ingress', objectSize) }) }) describe('when called with a byte range', function() { let stream beforeEach(async function() { stream = await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key, { start: 5, end: 10 }) }) it('returns a metered stream', function() { expect(stream).to.equal(MeteredStream) }) it('passes the byte range on to GCS', function() { expect(GcsFile.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith({ start: 5, end: 11 // we increment the end because Google's 'end' is exclusive }) }) }) describe("when the file doesn't exist", function() { let error, stream beforeEach(async function() { ReadStream.on = sinon.stub() ReadStream.on.withArgs('error').yields(GcsNotFoundError) try { stream = await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('does not return a stream', function() { expect(stream) }) it('throws a NotFoundError', function() { expect(error) }) it('wraps the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.exist }) it('stores the bucket and key in the error', function() { expect({ bucketName: bucket, key: key }) }) }) describe('when Gcs encounters an unkown error', function() { let error, stream beforeEach(async function() { ReadStream.on = sinon.stub() ReadStream.on.withArgs('error').yields(genericError) try { stream = await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('does not return a stream', function() { expect(stream) }) it('throws a ReadError', function() { expect(error) }) it('wraps the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.exist }) it('stores the bucket and key in the error', function() { expect({ bucketName: bucket, key: key }) }) }) }) describe('getFileSize', function() { describe('when called with valid parameters', function() { let size beforeEach(async function() { size = await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileSize(bucket, key) }) it('should return the object size', function() { expect(size).to.equal(files[0].metadata.size) }) it('should pass the bucket and key to GCS', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.getMetadata).to.have.been.called }) }) describe('when the object is not found', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsFile.getMetadata = sinon.stub().rejects(GcsNotFoundError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileSize(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should return a NotFoundError', function() { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.equal(GcsNotFoundError) }) }) describe('when GCS returns an error', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsFile.getMetadata = sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.getFileSize(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should return a ReadError', function() { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) describe('sendStream', function() { describe('with valid parameters', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return GcsPersistor.promises.sendStream(bucket, key, ReadStream) }) it('should upload the stream', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.createWriteStream).to.have.been.called }) it('should not try to create a resumable upload', function() { expect(GcsFile.createWriteStream).to.have.been.calledWith({ resumable: false }) }) it('should meter the stream', function() { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( ReadStream, MeteredStream ) }) it('should pipe the metered stream to GCS', function() { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( MeteredStream, WriteStream ) }) it('should record an egress metric', function() { expect(Metrics.count).to.have.been.calledWith('gcs.egress', objectSize) }) it('calculates the md5 hash of the file', function() { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith(ReadStream, Hash) }) }) describe('when a hash is supplied', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return GcsPersistor.promises.sendStream( bucket, key, ReadStream, 'aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb' ) }) it('should not calculate the md5 hash of the file', function() { expect(Stream.pipeline) sinon.match.any, Hash ) }) it('sends the hash in base64', function() { expect(GcsFile.createWriteStream).to.have.been.calledWith({ validation: 'md5', metadata: { md5Hash: 'qqqqqru7u7uqqqqqu7u7uw==' }, resumable: false }) }) it('does not fetch the md5 hash of the uploaded file', function() { expect(GcsFile.getMetadata) }) }) describe('when the upload fails', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { Stream.pipeline .withArgs(MeteredStream, WriteStream, sinon.match.any) .yields(genericError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.sendStream(bucket, key, ReadStream) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('throws a WriteError', function() { expect(error) }) it('wraps the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) describe('sendFile', function() { describe('with valid parameters', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return GcsPersistor.promises.sendFile(bucket, key, filename) }) it('should create a read stream for the file', function() { expect(Fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(filename) }) it('should create a write stream', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.createWriteStream).to.have.been.called }) it('should upload the stream via the meter', function() { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( ReadStream, MeteredStream ) expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( MeteredStream, WriteStream ) }) }) }) describe('copyFile', function() { const destinationFile = 'destFile' beforeEach(function() { GcsBucket.file.withArgs(destKey).returns(destinationFile) }) describe('with valid parameters', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return GcsPersistor.promises.copyFile(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should copy the object', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.copy).to.have.been.calledWith(destinationFile) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsFile.copy = sinon.stub().rejects(GcsNotFoundError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.copyFile(bucket, key, destKey) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should throw a NotFoundError', function() { expect(error) }) }) }) describe('deleteFile', function() { describe('with valid parameters', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return GcsPersistor.promises.deleteFile(bucket, key) }) it('should delete the object', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.delete).to.have.been.called }) }) describe('when the file does not exist', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsFile.delete = sinon.stub().rejects(GcsNotFoundError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.deleteFile(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should not throw an error', function() { expect(error) }) }) }) describe('deleteDirectory', function() { const directoryName = `${ObjectId()}/${ObjectId()}` describe('with valid parameters', function() { beforeEach(async function() { console.log(key) return GcsPersistor.promises.deleteDirectory(bucket, directoryName) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.getFiles).to.have.been.calledWith({ directory: directoryName }) }) it('should delete the files', function() { expect(GcsFile.delete).to.have.been.calledTwice }) }) describe('when there is an error listing the objects', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsBucket.getFiles = sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.deleteDirectory(bucket, directoryName) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a WriteError', function() { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) describe('when the directory name is in the wrong format', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { try { await GcsPersistor.promises.deleteDirectory(bucket, 'carbonara') } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should throw a NotFoundError', function() { expect(error) }) }) }) describe('directorySize', function() { describe('with valid parameters', function() { let size beforeEach(async function() { size = await GcsPersistor.promises.directorySize(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.getFiles).to.have.been.calledWith({ directory: key }) }) it('should return the directory size', function() { expect(size).to.equal(filesSize) }) }) describe('when there are no files', function() { let size beforeEach(async function() { GcsBucket.getFiles.resolves([[]]) size = await GcsPersistor.promises.directorySize(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.getFiles).to.have.been.calledWith({ directory: key }) }) it('should return zero', function() { expect(size).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('when there is an error listing the objects', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsBucket.getFiles.rejects(genericError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.directorySize(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a ReadError', function() { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) describe('checkIfFileExists', function() { describe('when the file exists', function() { let exists beforeEach(async function() { exists = await GcsPersistor.promises.checkIfFileExists(bucket, key) }) it('should ask the file if it exists', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.exists).to.have.been.called }) it('should return that the file exists', function() { expect(exists).to.equal(true) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist', function() { let exists beforeEach(async function() { GcsFile.exists = sinon.stub().resolves([false]) exists = await GcsPersistor.promises.checkIfFileExists(bucket, key) }) it('should get the object header', function() { expect(Storage.prototype.bucket).to.have.been.calledWith(bucket) expect(GcsBucket.file).to.have.been.calledWith(key) expect(GcsFile.exists).to.have.been.called }) it('should return that the file does not exist', function() { expect(exists).to.equal(false) }) }) describe('when there is an error', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { GcsFile.exists = sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) try { await GcsPersistor.promises.checkIfFileExists(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a ReadError', function() { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function() { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) })