let RedisManager const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const rclient = require('@overleaf/redis-wrapper').createClient( Settings.redis.documentupdater ) const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const metrics = require('./Metrics') const Errors = require('./Errors') const crypto = require('crypto') const async = require('async') const ProjectHistoryRedisManager = require('./ProjectHistoryRedisManager') const { docIsTooLarge } = require('./Limits') // Sometimes Redis calls take an unexpectedly long time. We have to be // quick with Redis calls because we're holding a lock that expires // after 30 seconds. We can't let any errors in the rest of the stack // hold us up, and need to bail out quickly if there is a problem. const MAX_REDIS_REQUEST_LENGTH = 5000 // 5 seconds // Make times easy to read const minutes = 60 // seconds for Redis expire const logHashReadErrors = Settings.documentupdater?.logHashErrors?.read const MEGABYTES = 1024 * 1024 const MAX_RANGES_SIZE = 3 * MEGABYTES const keys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema module.exports = RedisManager = { rclient, putDocInMemory(projectId, docId, doc, _callback) { const timer = new metrics.Timer('redis.put-doc') const callback = error => { timer.done() _callback(error) } const docLinesJson = JSON.stringify(doc.lines) if (docLinesJson.indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) { const error = new Error('null bytes found in doc lines') // this check was added to catch memory corruption in JSON.stringify. // It sometimes returned null bytes at the end of the string. logger.error({ err: error, docId, docLines: docLinesJson }, error.message) return callback(error) } // Do an optimised size check on the docLines using the serialised // length as an upper bound const sizeBound = docLinesJson.length if (docIsTooLarge(sizeBound, doc.lines, Settings.max_doc_length)) { const docSize = docLinesJson.length const err = new Error('blocking doc insert into redis: doc is too large') logger.error({ projectId, docId, err, docSize }, err.message) return callback(err) } const docHash = RedisManager._computeHash(docLinesJson) // record bytes sent to redis metrics.summary('redis.docLines', docLinesJson.length, { status: 'set' }) logger.debug( { projectId, docId, version: doc.version, docHash, pathname: doc.pathname, projectHistoryId: doc.projectHistoryId, }, 'putting doc in redis' ) RedisManager._serializeRanges(doc.ranges, (error, ranges) => { if (error) { logger.error({ err: error, docId, projectId }, error.message) return callback(error) } // update docsInProject set before writing doc contents rclient.sadd( keys.docsInProject({ project_id: projectId }), docId, error => { if (error) return callback(error) if (!doc.pathname) { metrics.inc('pathname', 1, { path: 'RedisManager.setDoc', status: doc.pathname === '' ? 'zero-length' : 'undefined', }) } const multi = rclient.multi() multi.mset({ [keys.docLines({ doc_id: docId })]: docLinesJson, [keys.projectKey({ doc_id: docId })]: projectId, [keys.docVersion({ doc_id: docId })]: doc.version, [keys.docHash({ doc_id: docId })]: docHash, [keys.ranges({ doc_id: docId })]: ranges, [keys.pathname({ doc_id: docId })]: doc.pathname, [keys.projectHistoryId({ doc_id: docId })]: doc.projectHistoryId, }) if (doc.historyRangesSupport) { multi.sadd(keys.historyRangesSupport(), docId) } multi.exec(callback) } ) }) }, removeDocFromMemory(projectId, docId, _callback) { logger.debug({ projectId, docId }, 'removing doc from redis') const callback = err => { if (err) { logger.err({ projectId, docId, err }, 'error removing doc from redis') _callback(err) } else { logger.debug({ projectId, docId }, 'removed doc from redis') _callback() } } let multi = rclient.multi() multi.strlen(keys.docLines({ doc_id: docId })) multi.del( keys.docLines({ doc_id: docId }), keys.projectKey({ doc_id: docId }), keys.docVersion({ doc_id: docId }), keys.docHash({ doc_id: docId }), keys.ranges({ doc_id: docId }), keys.pathname({ doc_id: docId }), keys.projectHistoryId({ doc_id: docId }), keys.unflushedTime({ doc_id: docId }), keys.lastUpdatedAt({ doc_id: docId }), keys.lastUpdatedBy({ doc_id: docId }) ) multi.srem(keys.historyRangesSupport(), docId) multi.exec((error, response) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } const length = response?.[0] if (length > 0) { // record bytes freed in redis metrics.summary('redis.docLines', length, { status: 'del' }) } multi = rclient.multi() multi.srem(keys.docsInProject({ project_id: projectId }), docId) multi.del(keys.projectState({ project_id: projectId })) multi.exec(callback) }) }, checkOrSetProjectState(projectId, newState, callback) { const multi = rclient.multi() multi.getset(keys.projectState({ project_id: projectId }), newState) multi.expire(keys.projectState({ project_id: projectId }), 30 * minutes) multi.exec((error, response) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } logger.debug( { projectId, newState, oldState: response[0] }, 'checking project state' ) callback(null, response[0] !== newState) }) }, clearProjectState(projectId, callback) { rclient.del(keys.projectState({ project_id: projectId }), callback) }, getDoc(projectId, docId, callback) { const timer = new metrics.Timer('redis.get-doc') const collectKeys = [ keys.docLines({ doc_id: docId }), keys.docVersion({ doc_id: docId }), keys.docHash({ doc_id: docId }), keys.projectKey({ doc_id: docId }), keys.ranges({ doc_id: docId }), keys.pathname({ doc_id: docId }), keys.projectHistoryId({ doc_id: docId }), keys.unflushedTime({ doc_id: docId }), keys.lastUpdatedAt({ doc_id: docId }), keys.lastUpdatedBy({ doc_id: docId }), ] rclient.mget(...collectKeys, (error, result) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } let [ docLines, version, storedHash, docProjectId, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, unflushedTime, lastUpdatedAt, lastUpdatedBy, ] = result const timeSpan = timer.done() // check if request took too long and bail out. only do this for // get, because it is the first call in each update, so if this // passes we'll assume others have a reasonable chance to succeed. if (timeSpan > MAX_REDIS_REQUEST_LENGTH) { error = new Error('redis getDoc exceeded timeout') return callback(error) } // record bytes loaded from redis if (docLines != null) { metrics.summary('redis.docLines', docLines.length, { status: 'get' }) } // check sha1 hash value if present if (docLines != null && storedHash != null) { const computedHash = RedisManager._computeHash(docLines) if (logHashReadErrors && computedHash !== storedHash) { logger.error( { projectId, docId, docProjectId, computedHash, storedHash, docLines, }, 'hash mismatch on retrieved document' ) } } try { docLines = JSON.parse(docLines) ranges = RedisManager._deserializeRanges(ranges) } catch (e) { return callback(e) } version = parseInt(version || 0, 10) // check doc is in requested project if (docProjectId != null && docProjectId !== projectId) { logger.error({ projectId, docId, docProjectId }, 'doc not in project') return callback(new Errors.NotFoundError('document not found')) } if (docLines && version && !pathname) { metrics.inc('pathname', 1, { path: 'RedisManager.getDoc', status: pathname === '' ? 'zero-length' : 'undefined', }) } callback( null, docLines, version, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, unflushedTime, lastUpdatedAt, lastUpdatedBy ) }) }, getDocVersion(docId, callback) { rclient.mget(keys.docVersion({ doc_id: docId }), (error, result) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } let [version] = result || [] version = parseInt(version, 10) callback(null, version) }) }, getDocLines(docId, callback) { rclient.get(keys.docLines({ doc_id: docId }), (error, docLines) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } callback(null, docLines) }) }, getPreviousDocOps(docId, start, end, callback) { const timer = new metrics.Timer('redis.get-prev-docops') rclient.llen(keys.docOps({ doc_id: docId }), (error, length) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } rclient.get(keys.docVersion({ doc_id: docId }), (error, version) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } version = parseInt(version, 10) const firstVersionInRedis = version - length if (start < firstVersionInRedis || end > version) { error = new Errors.OpRangeNotAvailableError( 'doc ops range is not loaded in redis' ) logger.debug( { err: error, docId, length, version, start, end }, 'doc ops range is not loaded in redis' ) return callback(error) } start = start - firstVersionInRedis if (end > -1) { end = end - firstVersionInRedis } if (isNaN(start) || isNaN(end)) { error = new Error('inconsistent version or lengths') logger.error( { err: error, docId, length, version, start, end }, 'inconsistent version or length' ) return callback(error) } rclient.lrange( keys.docOps({ doc_id: docId }), start, end, (error, jsonOps) => { let ops if (error) { return callback(error) } try { ops = jsonOps.map(jsonOp => JSON.parse(jsonOp)) } catch (e) { return callback(e) } const timeSpan = timer.done() if (timeSpan > MAX_REDIS_REQUEST_LENGTH) { error = new Error('redis getPreviousDocOps exceeded timeout') return callback(error) } callback(null, ops) } ) }) }) }, DOC_OPS_TTL: 60 * minutes, DOC_OPS_MAX_LENGTH: 100, updateDocument( projectId, docId, docLines, newVersion, appliedOps, ranges, updateMeta, callback ) { if (appliedOps == null) { appliedOps = [] } RedisManager.getDocVersion(docId, (error, currentVersion) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } if (currentVersion + appliedOps.length !== newVersion) { error = new Error(`Version mismatch. '${docId}' is corrupted.`) logger.error( { err: error, docId, currentVersion, newVersion, opsLength: appliedOps.length, }, 'version mismatch' ) return callback(error) } const jsonOps = appliedOps.map(op => JSON.stringify(op)) for (const op of jsonOps) { if (op.indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) { error = new Error('null bytes found in jsonOps') // this check was added to catch memory corruption in JSON.stringify logger.error({ err: error, docId, jsonOps }, error.message) return callback(error) } } const newDocLines = JSON.stringify(docLines) if (newDocLines.indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) { error = new Error('null bytes found in doc lines') // this check was added to catch memory corruption in JSON.stringify logger.error({ err: error, docId, newDocLines }, error.message) return callback(error) } // Do an optimised size check on the docLines using the serialised // length as an upper bound const sizeBound = newDocLines.length if (docIsTooLarge(sizeBound, docLines, Settings.max_doc_length)) { const err = new Error('blocking doc update: doc is too large') const docSize = newDocLines.length logger.error({ projectId, docId, err, docSize }, err.message) return callback(err) } const newHash = RedisManager._computeHash(newDocLines) const opVersions = appliedOps.map(op => op?.v) logger.debug( { docId, version: newVersion, hash: newHash, opVersions, }, 'updating doc in redis' ) // record bytes sent to redis in update metrics.summary('redis.docLines', newDocLines.length, { status: 'update', }) RedisManager._serializeRanges(ranges, (error, ranges) => { if (error) { logger.error({ err: error, docId }, error.message) return callback(error) } if (ranges && ranges.indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) { error = new Error('null bytes found in ranges') // this check was added to catch memory corruption in JSON.stringify logger.error({ err: error, docId, ranges }, error.message) return callback(error) } const multi = rclient.multi() multi.mset({ [keys.docLines({ doc_id: docId })]: newDocLines, [keys.docVersion({ doc_id: docId })]: newVersion, [keys.docHash({ doc_id: docId })]: newHash, [keys.ranges({ doc_id: docId })]: ranges, [keys.lastUpdatedAt({ doc_id: docId })]: Date.now(), [keys.lastUpdatedBy({ doc_id: docId })]: updateMeta && updateMeta.user_id, }) multi.ltrim( keys.docOps({ doc_id: docId }), -RedisManager.DOC_OPS_MAX_LENGTH, -1 ) // index 3 // push the ops last so we can get the lengths at fixed index position 7 if (jsonOps.length > 0) { multi.rpush(keys.docOps({ doc_id: docId }), ...jsonOps) // index 5 // expire must come after rpush since before it will be a no-op if the list is empty multi.expire(keys.docOps({ doc_id: docId }), RedisManager.DOC_OPS_TTL) // index 6 // Set the unflushed timestamp to the current time if the doc // hasn't been modified before (the content in mongo has been // valid up to this point). Otherwise leave it alone ("NX" flag). multi.set(keys.unflushedTime({ doc_id: docId }), Date.now(), 'NX') } multi.exec((error, result) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } if (jsonOps.length > 0) { metrics.inc('history-queue', 1, { status: 'project-history' }) ProjectHistoryRedisManager.queueOps( projectId, ...jsonOps, (error, projectUpdateCount) => { if (error) { // The full project history can re-sync a project in case // updates went missing. // Just record the error here and acknowledge the write-op. metrics.inc('history-queue-error') } callback(null, projectUpdateCount) } ) } else { callback(null) } }) }) }) }, renameDoc(projectId, docId, userId, update, projectHistoryId, callback) { RedisManager.getDoc(projectId, docId, (error, lines, version) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } if (lines != null && version != null) { if (!update.newPathname) { logger.warn( { projectId, docId, update }, 'missing pathname in RedisManager.renameDoc' ) metrics.inc('pathname', 1, { path: 'RedisManager.renameDoc', status: update.newPathname === '' ? 'zero-length' : 'undefined', }) } rclient.set( keys.pathname({ doc_id: docId }), update.newPathname, callback ) } else { callback() } }) }, clearUnflushedTime(docId, callback) { rclient.del(keys.unflushedTime({ doc_id: docId }), callback) }, getDocIdsInProject(projectId, callback) { rclient.smembers(keys.docsInProject({ project_id: projectId }), callback) }, /** * Get lastupdatedat timestamps for an array of docIds */ getDocTimestamps(docIds, callback) { async.mapSeries( docIds, (docId, cb) => rclient.get(keys.lastUpdatedAt({ doc_id: docId }), cb), callback ) }, /** * Store the project id in a sorted set ordered by time with a random offset * to smooth out spikes */ queueFlushAndDeleteProject(projectId, callback) { const SMOOTHING_OFFSET = Settings.smoothingOffset > 0 ? Math.round(Settings.smoothingOffset * Math.random()) : 0 rclient.zadd( keys.flushAndDeleteQueue(), Date.now() + SMOOTHING_OFFSET, projectId, callback ) }, /** * Find the oldest queued flush that is before the cutoff time */ getNextProjectToFlushAndDelete(cutoffTime, callback) { rclient.zrangebyscore( keys.flushAndDeleteQueue(), 0, cutoffTime, 'WITHSCORES', 'LIMIT', 0, 1, (err, reply) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } // return if no projects ready to be processed if (!reply || reply.length === 0) { return callback() } // pop the oldest entry (get and remove in a multi) const multi = rclient.multi() // Poor man's version of ZPOPMIN, which is only available in Redis 5. multi.zrange(keys.flushAndDeleteQueue(), 0, 0, 'WITHSCORES') multi.zremrangebyrank(keys.flushAndDeleteQueue(), 0, 0) multi.zcard(keys.flushAndDeleteQueue()) // the total length of the queue (for metrics) multi.exec((err, reply) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } if (!reply || reply.length === 0) { return callback() } const [key, timestamp] = reply[0] const queueLength = reply[2] callback(null, key, timestamp, queueLength) }) } ) }, _serializeRanges(ranges, callback) { let jsonRanges = JSON.stringify(ranges) if (jsonRanges && jsonRanges.length > MAX_RANGES_SIZE) { return callback(new Error('ranges are too large')) } if (jsonRanges === '{}') { // Most doc will have empty ranges so don't fill redis with lots of '{}' keys jsonRanges = null } callback(null, jsonRanges) }, _deserializeRanges(ranges) { if (ranges == null || ranges === '') { return {} } else { return JSON.parse(ranges) } }, _computeHash(docLines) { // use sha1 checksum of doclines to detect data corruption. // // note: must specify 'utf8' encoding explicitly, as the default is // binary in node < v5 return crypto.createHash('sha1').update(docLines, 'utf8').digest('hex') }, }