import App from '../base' import 'libs/passfield' App.directive('asyncForm', ($http, validateCaptcha, validateCaptchaV3) => ({ controller: [ '$scope', '$location', function ($scope, $location) { this.getEmail = () => $ this.getEmailFromQuery = () => $ || $ return this }, ], link(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { let response const formName = attrs.asyncForm scope[].response = response = {} scope[].inflight = false = || scope.usersEmail || ctrl.getEmailFromQuery() || attrs.newEmail const validateCaptchaIfEnabled = function (callback) { scope.$applyAsync(() => { scope[].inflight = true }) if (attrs.captchaActionName) { validateCaptchaV3(attrs.captchaActionName) } if (attrs.captcha != null) { validateCaptcha(callback) } else { callback() } } const _submitRequest = function (grecaptchaResponse) { const formData = {} for (const data of Array.from(element.serializeArray())) { formData[] = data.value } if (grecaptchaResponse) { formData['g-recaptcha-response'] = grecaptchaResponse } // clear the response object which may be referenced downstream Object.keys(response).forEach(field => delete response[field]) // for asyncForm prevent automatic redirect to /login if // authentication fails, we will handle it ourselves const httpRequestFn = _httpRequestFn(element.attr('method')) return httpRequestFn(element.attr('action'), formData, { disableAutoLoginRedirect: true, }) .then(function (httpResponse) { const { data, headers } = httpResponse scope[].inflight = false response.success = true response.error = false const onSuccessHandler = scope[attrs.onSuccess] if (onSuccessHandler) { onSuccessHandler(httpResponse) return } if (data.redir) { ga('send', 'event', formName, 'success') return (window.location = data.redir) } else if (data.message) { response.message = data.message if (data.message.type === 'error') { response.success = false response.error = true return ga('send', 'event', formName, 'failure', data.message) } else { return ga('send', 'event', formName, 'success') } } else if (scope.$eval(attrs.asyncFormDownloadResponse)) { const blob = new Blob([data], { type: headers('Content-Type'), }) location.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob) // Trigger file save } }) .catch(function (httpResponse) { const { data, status } = httpResponse scope[].inflight = false response.success = false response.error = true response.status = status = data const onErrorHandler = scope[attrs.onError] if (onErrorHandler) { onErrorHandler(httpResponse) return } let responseMessage if (data.message && data.message.text) { responseMessage = data.message.text } else { responseMessage = data.message } if (status === 400) { // Bad Request response.message = { text: responseMessage || 'Invalid Request. Please correct the data and try again.', type: 'error', } } else if (status === 403) { // Forbidden response.message = { text: responseMessage || 'Session error. Please check you have cookies enabled. If the problem persists, try clearing your cache and cookies.', type: 'error', } } else if (status === 429) { response.message = { text: responseMessage || 'Too many attempts. Please wait for a while and try again.', type: 'error', } } else { response.message = { text: responseMessage || 'Something went wrong talking to the server :(. Please try again.', type: 'error', } } ga('send', 'event', formName, 'failure', data.message) }) } const submit = () => validateCaptchaIfEnabled(response => _submitRequest(response)) const _httpRequestFn = (method = 'post') => { const $HTTP_FNS = { post: $, get: $http.get, } return $HTTP_FNS[method.toLowerCase()] } element.on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault() submit() }) if (attrs.autoSubmit) { submit() } }, })) App.directive('formMessages', () => ({ restrict: 'E', template: `\
\ `, transclude: true, scope: { form: '=for', }, }))