import _ from 'lodash' import Core from 'overleaf-editor-core' import * as Errors from './Errors.js' import * as OperationsCompressor from './OperationsCompressor.js' export function convertToChanges(projectId, updatesWithBlobs, callback) { let changes try { // convert update to change changes = => _convertToChange(projectId, update) ) } catch (error1) { const error = error1 if ( error instanceof Errors.UpdateWithUnknownFormatError || error instanceof Errors.UnexpectedOpTypeError ) { return callback(error) } else { throw error } } callback(null, changes) } function _convertToChange(projectId, updateWithBlob) { let operations const { update } = updateWithBlob let projectVersion = null const v2DocVersions = {} if (_isRenameUpdate(update)) { operations = [ { pathname: _convertPathname(update.pathname), newPathname: _convertPathname(update.new_pathname), }, ] projectVersion = update.version } else if (isAddUpdate(update)) { operations = [ { pathname: _convertPathname(update.pathname), file: { hash: updateWithBlob.blobHash, }, }, ] projectVersion = update.version } else if (isTextUpdate(update)) { const docLength = update.meta.doc_length let pathname = update.meta.pathname pathname = _convertPathname(pathname) const builder = new TextOperationsBuilder(update.doc, docLength, pathname) // convert ops for (const op of update.op) { builder.addOp(op) } // if this throws an exception it will be caught in convertToChanges operations = builder.finish() // add doc version information if present if (update.v != null) { v2DocVersions[update.doc] = { pathname, v: update.v } } } else { const error = new Errors.UpdateWithUnknownFormatError( 'update with unknown format', { projectId, update } ) throw error } const rawChange = { operations, v2Authors: _.compact([update.meta.user_id]), timestamp: new Date(update.meta.ts).toISOString(), projectVersion, v2DocVersions: Object.keys(v2DocVersions).length ? v2DocVersions : null, } if (update.meta.origin) { rawChange.origin = update.meta.origin } else if (update.meta.type === 'external' && update.meta.source) { rawChange.origin = { kind: update.meta.source } } const change = Core.Change.fromRaw(rawChange) change.operations = OperationsCompressor.compressOperations(change.operations) return change } function _isRenameUpdate(update) { return update.new_pathname != null } function _isAddDocUpdate(update) { return update.doc != null && update.docLines != null } function _isAddFileUpdate(update) { return update.file != null && update.url != null } export function isTextUpdate(update) { return ( update.doc != null && update.op != null && update.meta.pathname != null && update.meta.doc_length != null ) } export function isProjectStructureUpdate(update) { return isAddUpdate(update) || _isRenameUpdate(update) } export function isAddUpdate(update) { return _isAddDocUpdate(update) || _isAddFileUpdate(update) } export function _convertPathname(pathname) { // Strip leading / pathname = pathname.replace(/^\//, '') // Replace \\ with _. Backslashes are no longer allowed // in projects in web, but we have some which have gone through // into history before this restriction was added. This makes // them valid for the history store. // See pathname = pathname.replace(/\\/g, '_') // workaround for filenames containing asterisks, this will // fail if a corresponding replacement file already exists but it // would fail anyway without this attempt to fix the pathname. // See pathname = pathname.replace(/\*/g, '__ASTERISK__') // workaround for filenames beginning with spaces // See // note: we have already stripped any leading slash above pathname = pathname.replace(/^ /, '__SPACE__') // handle top-level pathname = pathname.replace(/\/ /g, '/__SPACE__') // handle folders return pathname } class TextOperationsBuilder { constructor(docId, docLength, pathname) { this.operations = [] this.doc_id = docId this.doc_length = docLength this.pathname = pathname } addOp(op) { let retain if (op.c != null) { return // ignore comment op } if (op.i == null && op.d == null) { throw new Errors.UnexpectedOpTypeError('unexpected op type', { op }) } // We sometimes receive operations that operate at positions outside the // doc_length. Document updater coerces the position to the end of the // document. We do the same here. const pos = Math.min(op.p, this.doc_length) const textOperation = [] if (pos > 0) { textOperation.push(pos) } if (op.i != null) { textOperation.push(op.i) retain = this.doc_length - pos this.doc_length += op.i.length } if (op.d != null) { textOperation.push(-op.d.length) retain = this.doc_length - pos - op.d.length this.doc_length -= op.d.length } if (retain > 0) { textOperation.push(retain) } this.pushTextOperation(textOperation) } pushTextOperation(textOperation) { this.operations.push({ pathname: this.pathname, textOperation, }) } finish() { return this.operations } }