const _ = require('lodash') const WRITE_CONCURRENCY = parseInt(process.env.WRITE_CONCURRENCY, 10) || 10 const { batchedUpdate } = require('./helpers/batchedUpdate') const { promiseMapWithLimit } = require('../app/src/util/promises') async function main() { await batchedUpdate( 'projects', { archived: false }, { $set: { archived: [] }, $unset: { trashed: '' } // lest any v1 trashed bits be left behind } ) console.log('Done, moving to archived projects') await batchedUpdate('projects', { archived: true }, performUpdate, { _id: 1, owner_ref: 1, collaberator_refs: 1, readOnly_refs: 1, tokenAccessReadAndWrite_refs: 1, tokenAccessReadOnly_refs: 1 }) } main() .then(() => { process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error({ error }) process.exit(1) }) async function performUpdate(collection, nextBatch) { await promiseMapWithLimit(WRITE_CONCURRENCY, nextBatch, project => setArchived(collection, project) ) } async function setArchived(collection, project) { const archived = calculateArchivedArray(project) return collection.updateOne( { _id: project._id }, { $set: { archived: archived }, $unset: { trashed: '' } // lest any v1 trashed bits be left behind } ) } function calculateArchivedArray(project) { return _.unionWith( [project.owner_ref], project.collaberator_refs, project.readOnly_refs, project.tokenAccessReadAndWrite_refs, project.tokenAccessReadOnly_refs, _objectIdEquals ) } function _objectIdEquals(firstVal, secondVal) { // For use as a comparator for unionWith return firstVal.toString() === secondVal.toString() }