overleaf/clsi =============== A web api for compiling LaTeX documents in the cloud The Common LaTeX Service Interface (CLSI) provides a RESTful interface to traditional LaTeX tools (or, more generally, any command line tool for composing marked-up documents into a display format such as PDF or HTML). The CLSI listens on the following ports by default: * TCP/3009 - the RESTful interface * TCP/3048 - reports load information * TCP/3049 - HTTP interface to control the CLSI service These defaults can be modified in `config/settings.defaults.coffee`. The provided `Dockerfile` builds a docker image which has the docker command line tools installed. The configuration in `docker-compose-config.yml` mounts the docker socket, in order that the CLSI container can talk to the docker host it is running in. This allows it to spin up `sibling containers` running an image with a TeX distribution installed to perform the actual compiles. The CLSI can be configured through the following environment variables: * `DOCKER_RUNNER` - Set to true to use sibling containers * `SYNCTEX_BIN_HOST_PATH` - Path to SyncTeX binary * `COMPILES_HOST_DIR` - Working directory for LaTeX compiles * `SQLITE_PATH` - Path to SQLite database * `TEXLIVE_IMAGE` - The TEXLIVE docker image to use for sibling containers, e.g. `gcr.io/overleaf-ops/texlive-full:2017.1` * `TEXLIVE_IMAGE_USER` - When using sibling containers, the user to run as in the TEXLIVE image. Defaults to `tex` * `TEX_LIVE_IMAGE_NAME_OVERRIDE` - The name of the registry for the docker image e.g. `gcr.io/overleaf-ops` * `FILESTORE_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE` - The url for the filestore service e.g.`http://$FILESTORE_HOST:3009` * `STATSD_HOST` - The address of the Statsd service (used by the metrics module) * `LISTEN_ADDRESS` - The address for the RESTful service to listen on. Set to `` to listen on all network interfaces * `SMOKE_TEST` - Whether to run smoke tests Installation ------------ The CLSI can be installed and set up as part of the entire [Overleaf stack](https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf) (complete with front end editor and document storage), or it can be run as a standalone service. To run is as a standalone service, first checkout this repository: $ git clone git@github.com:overleaf/clsi.git Then install the require npm modules: $ npm install Then compile the coffee script source files: $ grunt install Finally, (after configuring your local database - see the Config section), run the CLSI service: $ grunt run The CLSI should then be running at http://localhost:3013. Config ------ You will need to set up a database in mysql to use with the CLSI, and then fill in the database name, username and password in the config file at `config/settings.development.coffee`. API --- The CLSI is based on a JSON API. #### Example Request (Note that valid JSON should not contain any comments like the example below). POST /project/<project-id>/compile ```javascript { "compile": { "options": { // Which compiler to use. Can be latex, pdflatex, xelatex or lualatex "compiler": "lualatex", // How many seconds to wait before killing the process. Default is 60. "timeout": 40 }, // The main file to run LaTeX on "rootResourcePath": "main.tex", // An array of files to include in the compilation. May have either the content // passed directly, or a URL where it can be downloaded. "resources": [{ "path": "main.tex", "content": "\\documentclass{article}\n\\begin{document}\nHello World\n\\end{document}" }, { "path": "image.png", "url": "www.example.com/image.png", "modified": 123456789 // Unix time since epoch }] } } ``` You can specify any project-id in the URL, and the files and LaTeX environment will be persisted between requests. URLs will be downloaded and cached until provided with a more recent modified date. #### Example Response ```javascript { "compile": { "status": "success", "outputFiles": [{ "type": "pdf", "url": "http://localhost:3013/project/<project-id>/output/output.pdf" }, { "type": "log", "url": "http://localhost:3013/project/<project-id>/output/output.log" }] } } ``` License ------- The code in this repository is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3. A copy can be found in the `LICENSE` file. Copyright (c) Overleaf, 2014-2019.