import { db, READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY, } from '../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb.js' import _ from 'lodash' import { formatTokenUsageStats } from '@overleaf/access-token-encryptor/scripts/helpers/format-usage-stats.js' import { ensureMongoTimeout } from './helpers/env_variable_helper.mjs' if (!process.env.MONGO_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) { const TEN_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 10 ensureMongoTimeout(TEN_MINUTES) } const CASES = { users: { dropbox: 'dropbox.access_token_oauth2.encrypted', zotero: 'refProviders.zotero.encrypted', mendeley: 'refProviders.mendeley.encrypted', }, githubSyncUserCredentials: { github: 'auth_token_encrypted', }, } async function count(collectionName, paths) { const collection = db[collectionName] const stats = {} const projection = { _id: 0 } for (const path of Object.values(paths)) { projection[path] = 1 } const cursor = collection.find( {}, { readPreference: READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY, projection, } ) for await (const doc of cursor) { for (const [name, path] of Object.entries(paths)) { const blob = _.get(doc, path) if (!blob) continue // Schema: LABEL-VERSION:SALT:CIPHERTEXT:IV const [label] = blob.split(':') let [, version] = label.split('-') version = version || 'v2' const key = [name, version, collectionName, path, label].join(':') stats[key] = (stats[key] || 0) + 1 } } return stats } async function main() { const STATS = {} for (const [collectionName, paths] of Object.entries(CASES)) { const stats = await count(collectionName, paths) Object.assign(STATS, stats) } formatTokenUsageStats(STATS) } try { await main() process.exit(0) } catch (error) { console.error(error) process.exit(1) }