const streamifier = require('streamifier') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const ObjectPersistor = require('@overleaf/object-persistor') const { expect } = require('chai') module.exports = { uploadStringToPersistor, getStringFromPersistor, expectPersistorToHaveFile, expectPersistorToHaveSomeFile, expectPersistorNotToHaveFile, streamToString, getMetric, } async function getMetric(filestoreUrl, metric) { const res = await fetch(`${filestoreUrl}/metrics`) expect(res.status).to.equal(200) const metricRegex = new RegExp(`^${metric}{[^}]+} ([0-9]+)$`, 'gm') const body = await res.text() let v = 0 // Sum up size="lt-128KiB" and size="gte-128KiB" for (const [, found] of body.matchAll(metricRegex)) { v += parseInt(found, 10) || 0 } return v } function streamToString(stream) { const chunks = [] return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk)) stream.on('error', reject) stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'))) stream.resume() }) } async function uploadStringToPersistor(persistor, bucket, key, content) { const fileStream = streamifier.createReadStream(content) await persistor.sendStream(bucket, key, fileStream) } async function getStringFromPersistor(persistor, bucket, key) { const stream = await persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key, {}) return await streamToString(stream) } async function expectPersistorToHaveFile(persistor, bucket, key, content) { const foundContent = await getStringFromPersistor(persistor, bucket, key) expect(foundContent).to.equal(content) } async function expectPersistorToHaveSomeFile(persistor, bucket, keys, content) { let foundContent for (const key of keys) { try { foundContent = await getStringFromPersistor(persistor, bucket, key) break } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ObjectPersistor.Errors.NotFoundError) { continue } throw err } } if (foundContent === undefined) {`Could not find any of the specified keys: ${keys}`) } expect(foundContent).to.equal(content) } async function expectPersistorNotToHaveFile(persistor, bucket, key) { await expect( getStringFromPersistor(persistor, bucket, key) )'name', 'NotFoundError') }