/* eslint-disable n/handle-callback-err, max-len, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const APP_PATH = '../../../app/src' const LockManager = require(`${APP_PATH}/infrastructure/LockManager`) const ProjectCreationHandler = require(`${APP_PATH}/Features/Project/ProjectCreationHandler.js`) const ProjectGetter = require(`${APP_PATH}/Features/Project/ProjectGetter.js`) const ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler = require(`${APP_PATH}/Features/Project/ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.js`) const UserCreator = require(`${APP_PATH}/Features/User/UserCreator.js`) const { expect } = require('chai') const _ = require('lodash') // These tests are neither acceptance tests nor unit tests. It's difficult to // test/verify that our locking is doing what we hope. // These tests call methods in ProjectGetter and ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler // to see that they DO NOT work when a lock has been taken. // // It is tested that these methods DO work when the lock has not been taken in // other acceptance tests. describe('ProjectStructureMongoLock', function () { describe('whilst a project lock is taken', function () { let oldMaxLockWaitTime before(function () { oldMaxLockWaitTime = LockManager.MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME }) after(function () { LockManager.MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME = oldMaxLockWaitTime }) beforeEach(function (done) { // We want to instantly fail if the lock is taken LockManager.MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME = 1 this.lockValue = 'lock-value' const userDetails = { holdingAccount: false, email: 'test@example.com', } UserCreator.createNewUser(userDetails, {}, (err, user) => { this.user = user if (err != null) { throw err } return ProjectCreationHandler.createBlankProject( user._id, 'locked-project', (err, project) => { if (err != null) { throw err } this.locked_project = project const namespace = ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.LOCK_NAMESPACE this.lock_key = `lock:web:${namespace}:${project._id}` return LockManager._getLock( this.lock_key, namespace, (err, lockValue) => { this.lockValue = lockValue return done() } ) } ) }) }) after(function (done) { return LockManager._releaseLock(this.lock_key, this.lockValue, done) }) describe('interacting with the locked project', function () { const LOCKING_UPDATE_METHODS = [ 'addDoc', 'addFile', 'mkdirp', 'moveEntity', 'renameEntity', 'addFolder', ] for (const methodName of Array.from(LOCKING_UPDATE_METHODS)) { it(`cannot call ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.${methodName}`, function (done) { const method = ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler[methodName] const args = _.times(method.length - 2, _.constant(null)) return method(this.locked_project._id, args, err => { expect(err).to.be.instanceOf(Error) expect(err).to.have.property('message', 'Timeout') return done() }) }) } it('cannot get the project without a projection', function (done) { return ProjectGetter.getProject(this.locked_project._id, err => { expect(err).to.be.instanceOf(Error) expect(err).to.have.property('message', 'Timeout') return done() }) }) it('cannot get the project if rootFolder is in the projection', function (done) { return ProjectGetter.getProject( this.locked_project._id, { rootFolder: true }, err => { expect(err).to.be.instanceOf(Error) expect(err).to.have.property('message', 'Timeout') return done() } ) }) it('can get the project if rootFolder is not in the projection', function (done) { return ProjectGetter.getProject( this.locked_project._id, { _id: true }, (err, project) => { expect(err).to.equal(null) expect(project).to.have.same.id(this.locked_project) return done() } ) }) }) describe('interacting with other projects', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { return ProjectCreationHandler.createBlankProject( this.user._id, 'unlocked-project', (err, project) => { if (err != null) { throw err } this.unlocked_project = project return done() } ) }) it('can add folders to other projects', function (done) { return ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.addFolder( this.unlocked_project._id, this.unlocked_project.rootFolder[0]._id, 'new folder', (err, folder) => { expect(err).to.equal(null) expect(folder).to.exist return done() } ) }) it('can get other projects without a projection', function (done) { return ProjectGetter.getProject( this.unlocked_project._id, (err, project) => { expect(err).to.equal(null) expect(project).to.have.same.id(this.unlocked_project) return done() } ) }) }) }) })