/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__ * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ let fiveMinutes, UpdatesManager const MongoManager = require('./MongoManager') const PackManager = require('./PackManager') const RedisManager = require('./RedisManager') const UpdateCompressor = require('./UpdateCompressor') const LockManager = require('./LockManager') const WebApiManager = require('./WebApiManager') const UpdateTrimmer = require('./UpdateTrimmer') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const async = require('async') const _ = require('underscore') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const keys = Settings.redis.lock.key_schema const util = require('util') module.exports = UpdatesManager = { compressAndSaveRawUpdates( project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, callback ) { let i if (callback == null) { callback = function (error) {} } const { length } = rawUpdates if (length === 0) { return callback() } // check that ops are in the correct order for (i = 0; i < rawUpdates.length; i++) { const op = rawUpdates[i] if (i > 0) { const thisVersion = op != null ? op.v : undefined const prevVersion = __guard__(rawUpdates[i - 1], x => x.v) if (!(prevVersion < thisVersion)) { logger.error( { project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, thisVersion, prevVersion, }, 'op versions out of order' ) } } } // FIXME: we no longer need the lastCompressedUpdate, so change functions not to need it // CORRECTION: we do use it to log the time in case of error return MongoManager.peekLastCompressedUpdate( doc_id, function (error, lastCompressedUpdate, lastVersion) { // lastCompressedUpdate is the most recent update in Mongo, and // lastVersion is its sharejs version number. // // The peekLastCompressedUpdate method may pass the update back // as 'null' (for example if the previous compressed update has // been archived). In this case it can still pass back the // lastVersion from the update to allow us to check consistency. let op if (error != null) { return callback(error) } // Ensure that raw updates start where lastVersion left off if (lastVersion != null) { const discardedUpdates = [] rawUpdates = rawUpdates.slice(0) while (rawUpdates[0] != null && rawUpdates[0].v <= lastVersion) { discardedUpdates.push(rawUpdates.shift()) } if (discardedUpdates.length) { logger.error( { project_id, doc_id, discardedUpdates, temporary, lastVersion }, 'discarded updates already present' ) } if (rawUpdates[0] != null && rawUpdates[0].v !== lastVersion + 1) { const ts = __guard__( lastCompressedUpdate != null ? lastCompressedUpdate.meta : undefined, x1 => x1.end_ts ) const last_timestamp = ts != null ? new Date(ts) : 'unknown time' error = new Error( `Tried to apply raw op at version ${rawUpdates[0].v} to last compressed update with version ${lastVersion} from ${last_timestamp}` ) logger.error( { err: error, doc_id, project_id, prev_end_ts: ts, temporary, lastCompressedUpdate, }, 'inconsistent doc versions' ) if ( (Settings.trackchanges != null ? Settings.trackchanges.continueOnError : undefined) && rawUpdates[0].v > lastVersion + 1 ) { // we have lost some ops - continue to write into the database, we can't recover at this point lastCompressedUpdate = null } else { return callback(error) } } } if (rawUpdates.length === 0) { return callback() } // some old large ops in redis need to be rejected, they predate // the size limit that now prevents them going through the system const REJECT_LARGE_OP_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 for (var rawUpdate of Array.from(rawUpdates)) { const opSizes = (() => { const result = [] for (op of Array.from( (rawUpdate != null ? rawUpdate.op : undefined) || [] )) { result.push( (op.i != null ? op.i.length : undefined) || (op.d != null ? op.d.length : undefined) ) } return result })() const size = _.max(opSizes) if (size > REJECT_LARGE_OP_SIZE) { error = new Error( `dropped op exceeding maximum allowed size of ${REJECT_LARGE_OP_SIZE}` ) logger.error( { err: error, doc_id, project_id, size, rawUpdate }, 'dropped op - too big' ) rawUpdate.op = [] } } const compressedUpdates = UpdateCompressor.compressRawUpdates( null, rawUpdates ) return PackManager.insertCompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, lastCompressedUpdate, compressedUpdates, temporary, function (error, result) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } if (result != null) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, orig_v: lastCompressedUpdate != null ? lastCompressedUpdate.v : undefined, new_v: result.v, }, 'inserted updates into pack' ) } return callback() } ) } ) }, // Check whether the updates are temporary (per-project property) _prepareProjectForUpdates(project_id, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, temporary) {} } return UpdateTrimmer.shouldTrimUpdates( project_id, function (error, temporary) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return callback(null, temporary) } ) }, // Check for project id on document history (per-document property) _prepareDocForUpdates(project_id, doc_id, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error) {} } return MongoManager.backportProjectId(project_id, doc_id, function (error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return callback(null) }) }, // Apply updates for specific project/doc after preparing at project and doc level REDIS_READ_BATCH_SIZE: 100, processUncompressedUpdates(project_id, doc_id, temporary, callback) { // get the updates as strings from redis (so we can delete them after they are applied) if (callback == null) { callback = function (error) {} } return RedisManager.getOldestDocUpdates( doc_id, UpdatesManager.REDIS_READ_BATCH_SIZE, function (error, docUpdates) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } const { length } = docUpdates // parse the redis strings into ShareJs updates return RedisManager.expandDocUpdates( docUpdates, function (error, rawUpdates) { if (error != null) { logger.err( { project_id, doc_id, docUpdates }, 'failed to parse docUpdates' ) return callback(error) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates }, 'retrieved raw updates from redis' ) return UpdatesManager.compressAndSaveRawUpdates( project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, function (error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id }, 'compressed and saved doc updates' ) // delete the applied updates from redis return RedisManager.deleteAppliedDocUpdates( project_id, doc_id, docUpdates, function (error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } if (length === UpdatesManager.REDIS_READ_BATCH_SIZE) { // There might be more updates logger.log( { project_id, doc_id }, 'continuing processing updates' ) return setTimeout( () => UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, temporary, callback ), 0 ) } else { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id }, 'all raw updates processed' ) return callback() } } ) } ) } ) } ) }, // Process updates for a doc when we flush it individually processUncompressedUpdatesWithLock(project_id, doc_id, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error) {} } return UpdatesManager._prepareProjectForUpdates( project_id, function (error, temporary) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return UpdatesManager._processUncompressedUpdatesForDocWithLock( project_id, doc_id, temporary, callback ) } ) }, // Process updates for a doc when the whole project is flushed (internal method) _processUncompressedUpdatesForDocWithLock( project_id, doc_id, temporary, callback ) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error) {} } return UpdatesManager._prepareDocForUpdates( project_id, doc_id, function (error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return LockManager.runWithLock( keys.historyLock({ doc_id }), releaseLock => UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, temporary, releaseLock ), callback ) } ) }, // Process all updates for a project, only check project-level information once processUncompressedUpdatesForProject(project_id, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error) {} } return RedisManager.getDocIdsWithHistoryOps( project_id, function (error, doc_ids) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return UpdatesManager._prepareProjectForUpdates( project_id, function (error, temporary) { const jobs = [] for (const doc_id of Array.from(doc_ids)) { ;(doc_id => jobs.push(cb => UpdatesManager._processUncompressedUpdatesForDocWithLock( project_id, doc_id, temporary, cb ) ))(doc_id) } return async.parallelLimit(jobs, 5, callback) } ) } ) }, // flush all outstanding changes flushAll(limit, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, result) {} } return RedisManager.getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps(function ( error, project_ids ) { let project_id if (error != null) { return callback(error) } logger.log( { count: project_ids != null ? project_ids.length : undefined, project_ids, }, 'found projects' ) const jobs = [] project_ids = _.shuffle(project_ids) // randomise to avoid hitting same projects each time const selectedProjects = limit < 0 ? project_ids : project_ids.slice(0, limit) for (project_id of Array.from(selectedProjects)) { ;(project_id => jobs.push(cb => UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesForProject( project_id, err => cb(null, { failed: err != null, project_id }) ) ))(project_id) } return async.series(jobs, function (error, result) { let x if (error != null) { return callback(error) } const failedProjects = (() => { const result1 = [] for (x of Array.from(result)) { if (x.failed) { result1.push(x.project_id) } } return result1 })() const succeededProjects = (() => { const result2 = [] for (x of Array.from(result)) { if (!x.failed) { result2.push(x.project_id) } } return result2 })() return callback(null, { failed: failedProjects, succeeded: succeededProjects, all: project_ids, }) }) }) }, getDanglingUpdates(callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, doc_ids) {} } return RedisManager.getAllDocIdsWithHistoryOps(function ( error, all_doc_ids ) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return RedisManager.getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps(function ( error, all_project_ids ) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } // function to get doc_ids for each project const task = cb => async.concatSeries( all_project_ids, RedisManager.getDocIdsWithHistoryOps, cb ) // find the dangling doc ids return task(function (error, project_doc_ids) { const dangling_doc_ids = _.difference(all_doc_ids, project_doc_ids) logger.log( { all_doc_ids, all_project_ids, project_doc_ids, dangling_doc_ids }, 'checking for dangling doc ids' ) return callback(null, dangling_doc_ids) }) }) }) }, getDocUpdates(project_id, doc_id, options, callback) { if (options == null) { options = {} } if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, updates) {} } return UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesWithLock( project_id, doc_id, function (error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } // console.log "options", options return PackManager.getOpsByVersionRange( project_id, doc_id, options.from, options.to, function (error, updates) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return callback(null, updates) } ) } ) }, getDocUpdatesWithUserInfo(project_id, doc_id, options, callback) { if (options == null) { options = {} } if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, updates) {} } return UpdatesManager.getDocUpdates( project_id, doc_id, options, function (error, updates) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return UpdatesManager.fillUserInfo(updates, function (error, updates) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return callback(null, updates) }) } ) }, getSummarizedProjectUpdates(project_id, options, callback) { if (options == null) { options = {} } if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, updates) {} } if (!options.min_count) { options.min_count = 25 } let summarizedUpdates = [] const { before } = options let nextBeforeTimestamp = null return UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesForProject( project_id, function (error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return PackManager.makeProjectIterator( project_id, before, function (err, iterator) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } // repeatedly get updates and pass them through the summariser to get an final output with user info return async.whilst( () => // console.log "checking iterator.done", iterator.done() summarizedUpdates.length < options.min_count && !iterator.done(), cb => iterator.next(function (err, partialUpdates) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } // logger.log {partialUpdates}, 'got partialUpdates' if (partialUpdates.length === 0) { return cb() } // # FIXME should try to avoid this happening nextBeforeTimestamp = partialUpdates[partialUpdates.length - 1].meta.end_ts // add the updates to the summary list summarizedUpdates = UpdatesManager._summarizeUpdates( partialUpdates, summarizedUpdates ) return cb() }), () => // finally done all updates // console.log 'summarized Updates', summarizedUpdates UpdatesManager.fillSummarizedUserInfo( summarizedUpdates, function (err, results) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } return callback( null, results, !iterator.done() ? nextBeforeTimestamp : undefined ) } ) ) } ) } ) }, exportProject(projectId, consumer) { // Flush anything before collecting updates. UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesForProject(projectId, err => { if (err) return consumer(err) // Fetch all the packs. const before = undefined PackManager.makeProjectIterator(projectId, before, (err, iterator) => { if (err) return consumer(err) const accumulatedUserIds = new Set() async.whilst( () => !iterator.done(), cb => iterator.next((err, updatesFromASinglePack) => { if (err) return cb(err) if (updatesFromASinglePack.length === 0) { // This should not happen when `iterator.done() == false`. // Emitting an empty array would signal the consumer the final // call. return cb() } updatesFromASinglePack.forEach(update => { accumulatedUserIds.add( // Super defensive access on update details. String(update && update.meta && update.meta.user_id) ) }) // Emit updates and wait for the consumer. consumer(null, { updates: updatesFromASinglePack }, cb) }), err => { if (err) return consumer(err) // Adding undefined can happen for broken updates. accumulatedUserIds.delete('undefined') consumer(null, { updates: [], userIds: Array.from(accumulatedUserIds).sort(), }) } ) }) }) }, fetchUserInfo(users, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, fetchedUserInfo) {} } const jobs = [] const fetchedUserInfo = {} for (const user_id in users) { ;(user_id => jobs.push(callback => WebApiManager.getUserInfo(user_id, function (error, userInfo) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } fetchedUserInfo[user_id] = userInfo return callback() }) ))(user_id) } return async.series(jobs, function (err) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } return callback(null, fetchedUserInfo) }) }, fillUserInfo(updates, callback) { let update, user_id if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, updates) {} } const users = {} for (update of Array.from(updates)) { ;({ user_id } = update.meta) if (UpdatesManager._validUserId(user_id)) { users[user_id] = true } } return UpdatesManager.fetchUserInfo( users, function (error, fetchedUserInfo) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } for (update of Array.from(updates)) { ;({ user_id } = update.meta) delete update.meta.user_id if (UpdatesManager._validUserId(user_id)) { update.meta.user = fetchedUserInfo[user_id] } } return callback(null, updates) } ) }, fillSummarizedUserInfo(updates, callback) { let update, user_id, user_ids if (callback == null) { callback = function (error, updates) {} } const users = {} for (update of Array.from(updates)) { user_ids = update.meta.user_ids || [] for (user_id of Array.from(user_ids)) { if (UpdatesManager._validUserId(user_id)) { users[user_id] = true } } } return UpdatesManager.fetchUserInfo( users, function (error, fetchedUserInfo) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } for (update of Array.from(updates)) { user_ids = update.meta.user_ids || [] update.meta.users = [] delete update.meta.user_ids for (user_id of Array.from(user_ids)) { if (UpdatesManager._validUserId(user_id)) { update.meta.users.push(fetchedUserInfo[user_id]) } else { update.meta.users.push(null) } } } return callback(null, updates) } ) }, _validUserId(user_id) { if (user_id == null) { return false } else { return !!user_id.match(/^[a-f0-9]{24}$/) } }, TIME_BETWEEN_DISTINCT_UPDATES: (fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000), SPLIT_ON_DELETE_SIZE: 16, // characters _summarizeUpdates(updates, existingSummarizedUpdates) { if (existingSummarizedUpdates == null) { existingSummarizedUpdates = [] } const summarizedUpdates = existingSummarizedUpdates.slice() let previousUpdateWasBigDelete = false for (const update of Array.from(updates)) { var doc_id const earliestUpdate = summarizedUpdates[summarizedUpdates.length - 1] let shouldConcat = false // If a user inserts some text, then deletes a big chunk including that text, // the update we show might concat the insert and delete, and there will be no sign // of that insert having happened, or be able to restore to it (restoring after a big delete is common). // So, we split the summary on 'big' deletes. However, we've stepping backwards in time with // most recent changes considered first, so if this update is a big delete, we want to start // a new summarized update next timge, hence we monitor the previous update. if (previousUpdateWasBigDelete) { shouldConcat = false } else if ( earliestUpdate && earliestUpdate.meta.end_ts - update.meta.start_ts < this.TIME_BETWEEN_DISTINCT_UPDATES ) { // We're going backwards in time through the updates, so only combine if this update starts less than 5 minutes before // the end of current summarized block, so no block spans more than 5 minutes. shouldConcat = true } let isBigDelete = false for (const op of Array.from(update.op || [])) { if (op.d != null && op.d.length > this.SPLIT_ON_DELETE_SIZE) { isBigDelete = true } } previousUpdateWasBigDelete = isBigDelete if (shouldConcat) { // check if the user in this update is already present in the earliest update, // if not, add them to the users list of the earliest update earliestUpdate.meta.user_ids = _.union(earliestUpdate.meta.user_ids, [ update.meta.user_id, ]) doc_id = update.doc_id.toString() const doc = earliestUpdate.docs[doc_id] if (doc != null) { doc.fromV = Math.min(doc.fromV, update.v) doc.toV = Math.max(doc.toV, update.v) } else { earliestUpdate.docs[doc_id] = { fromV: update.v, toV: update.v, } } earliestUpdate.meta.start_ts = Math.min( earliestUpdate.meta.start_ts, update.meta.start_ts ) earliestUpdate.meta.end_ts = Math.max( earliestUpdate.meta.end_ts, update.meta.end_ts ) } else { const newUpdate = { meta: { user_ids: [], start_ts: update.meta.start_ts, end_ts: update.meta.end_ts, }, docs: {}, } newUpdate.docs[update.doc_id.toString()] = { fromV: update.v, toV: update.v, } newUpdate.meta.user_ids.push(update.meta.user_id) summarizedUpdates.push(newUpdate) } } return summarizedUpdates }, } module.exports.promises = { processUncompressedUpdatesForProject: util.promisify( UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesForProject ), } function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined }