import { expect } from 'chai' import sinon from 'sinon' import { screen, render, fireEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react' import SymbolPalette from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/symbol-palette/components/symbol-palette' describe('symbol palette', function () { let clock before(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({ toFake: ['setTimeout', 'clearTimeout', 'setInterval', 'clearInterval'], }) }) after(function () { clock.runAll() clock.restore() }) it('handles keyboard interaction', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const handleSelect = sinon.stub() const { container } = render( ) // check the number of tabs const tabs = await screen.findAllByRole('tab') expect(tabs).to.have.length(5) let selectedTab let symbols // the first tab should be selected selectedTab = await screen.getByRole('tab', { selected: true }) expect(selectedTab.textContent).to.equal('Greek') symbols = await screen.findAllByRole('option') expect(symbols).to.have.length(39) // click to select the third tab tabs[2].click() selectedTab = await screen.getByRole('tab', { selected: true }) expect(selectedTab.textContent).to.equal('Operators') symbols = await screen.findAllByRole('option') expect(symbols).to.have.length(20) // press the left arrow to select the second tab fireEvent.keyDown(selectedTab, { key: 'ArrowLeft' }) selectedTab = await screen.getByRole('tab', { selected: true }) expect(selectedTab.textContent).to.equal('Arrows') symbols = await screen.findAllByRole('option') expect(symbols).to.have.length(16) // select the search input const input = await screen.getByRole('searchbox') // type in the search input fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: 'pi' } }) // make sure all scheduled microtasks have executed clock.runAll() // wait for the symbols to be filtered await waitFor(async () => { symbols = await screen.findAllByRole('option') expect(symbols).to.have.length(2) }) // check the search hint is displayed screen.getByText('Showing search results for "pi"') // press Tab to select the symbols fireEvent.keyDown(container, { key: 'Tab' }) // get the selected symbol let selectedSymbol selectedSymbol = await screen.getByRole('option', { selected: true }) expect(selectedSymbol.textContent).to.equal('𝜋') // move to the next symbol fireEvent.keyDown(selectedSymbol, { key: 'ArrowRight' }) // wait for the symbol to be selected selectedSymbol = await screen.getByRole('option', { selected: true }) expect(selectedSymbol.textContent).to.equal('Π') // click on the selected symbol expect(handleSelect).to.have.been.calledWith({ aliases: ['Π'], category: 'Greek', character: 'Π', codepoint: 'U+003A0', command: '\\Pi', description: 'Uppercase Greek letter Pi', notes: 'Use \\prod for the product.', }) }) })