const { expect } = require('chai') const { FetchError, AbortError } = require('node-fetch') const { Readable } = require('stream') const { once } = require('events') const { TestServer } = require('./helpers/TestServer') const selfsigned = require('selfsigned') const { fetchJson, fetchStream, fetchNothing, fetchRedirect, fetchString, RequestFailedError, CustomHttpAgent, CustomHttpsAgent, } = require('../..') const HTTP_PORT = 30001 const HTTPS_PORT = 30002 const attrs = [{ name: 'commonName', value: '' }] const pems = selfsigned.generate(attrs, { days: 365 }) const PRIVATE_KEY = pems.private const PUBLIC_CERT = pems.cert const dns = require('dns') const _originalLookup = dns.lookup // Custom DNS resolver function dns.lookup = (hostname, options, callback) => { if (hostname === '') { // If the hostname is our test case, return the ip address for the test server callback(null, '', 4) } else { // Otherwise, use the default lookup _originalLookup(hostname, options, callback) } } describe('fetch-utils', function () { before(async function () { this.server = new TestServer() await this.server.start(HTTP_PORT, HTTPS_PORT, { key: PRIVATE_KEY, cert: PUBLIC_CERT, }) this.url = path => `${HTTP_PORT}${path}` this.httpsUrl = path => `${HTTPS_PORT}${path}` }) beforeEach(function () { this.server.lastReq = undefined }) after(async function () { await this.server.stop() }) describe('fetchJson', function () { it('parses a JSON response', async function () { const json = await fetchJson(this.url('/json/hello')) expect(json).to.deep.equal({ msg: 'hello' }) }) it('parses JSON in the request', async function () { const json = await fetchJson(this.url('/json/add'), { method: 'POST', json: { a: 2, b: 3 }, }) expect(json).to.deep.equal({ sum: 5 }) }) it('accepts stringified JSON as body', async function () { const json = await fetchJson(this.url('/json/add'), { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ a: 2, b: 3 }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }) expect(json).to.deep.equal({ sum: 5 }) }) it('throws a FetchError when the payload is not JSON', async function () { await expect(fetchJson(this.url('/hello'))) }) it('aborts the request if JSON parsing fails', async function () { await expect(fetchJson(this.url('/large'))) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('handles errors when the payload is JSON', async function () { await expect(fetchJson(this.url('/json/500'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('handles errors when the payload is not JSON', async function () { await expect(fetchJson(this.url('/500'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('supports abort signals', async function () { await expect( abortOnceReceived( signal => fetchJson(this.url('/hang'), { signal }), this.server ) ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('supports basic auth', async function () { const json = await fetchJson(this.url('/json/basic-auth'), { basicAuth: { user: 'user', password: 'pass' }, }) expect(json).to.deep.equal({ key: 'verysecret' }) }) it("destroys the request body if it doesn't get consumed", async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) await fetchJson(this.url('/json/ignore-request'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) expect(stream.destroyed) }) }) describe('fetchStream', function () { it('returns a stream', async function () { const stream = await fetchStream(this.url('/large')) const text = await streamToString(stream) expect(text).to.equal(this.server.largePayload) }) it('aborts the request when the stream is destroyed', async function () { const stream = await fetchStream(this.url('/large')) stream.destroy() await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('aborts the request when the request body is destroyed before transfer', async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) const promise = fetchStream(this.url('/hang'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) stream.destroy() await expect(promise) await wait(80) expect(this.server.lastReq) }) it('aborts the request when the request body is destroyed during transfer', async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) // Note: this test won't work on `/hang` const promise = fetchStream(this.url('/sink'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) await once(, 'request-received') stream.destroy() await expect(promise) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('handles errors', async function () { await expect(fetchStream(this.url('/500'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('supports abort signals', async function () { await expect( abortOnceReceived( signal => fetchStream(this.url('/hang'), { signal }), this.server ) ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('destroys the request body when an error occurs', async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) await expect( abortOnceReceived( signal => fetchStream(this.url('/hang'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, signal, }), this.server ) ) expect(stream.destroyed) }) }) describe('fetchNothing', function () { it('closes the connection', async function () { await fetchNothing(this.url('/large')) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('aborts the request when the request body is destroyed before transfer', async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) const promise = fetchNothing(this.url('/hang'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) stream.destroy() await expect(promise) expect(this.server.lastReq) }) it('aborts the request when the request body is destroyed during transfer', async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) // Note: this test won't work on `/hang` const promise = fetchNothing(this.url('/sink'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) await once(, 'request-received') stream.destroy() await expect(promise) await wait(80) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it("doesn't abort the request if the request body ends normally", async function () { const stream = Readable.from('hello there') await fetchNothing(this.url('/sink'), { method: 'POST', body: stream }) }) it('handles errors', async function () { await expect(fetchNothing(this.url('/500'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('supports abort signals', async function () { await expect( abortOnceReceived( signal => fetchNothing(this.url('/hang'), { signal }), this.server ) ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('destroys the request body when an error occurs', async function () { const stream = Readable.from(infiniteIterator()) await expect( abortOnceReceived( signal => fetchNothing(this.url('/hang'), { method: 'POST', body: stream, signal, }), this.server ) ) expect(stream.destroyed) }) }) describe('fetchString', function () { it('returns a string', async function () { const body = await fetchString(this.url('/hello')) expect(body).to.equal('hello') }) it('handles errors', async function () { await expect(fetchString(this.url('/500'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) }) describe('fetchRedirect', function () { it('returns the immediate redirect', async function () { const body = await fetchRedirect(this.url('/redirect/1')) expect(body).to.equal(this.url('/redirect/2')) }) it('rejects status 200', async function () { await expect(fetchRedirect(this.url('/hello'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('rejects empty redirect', async function () { await expect(fetchRedirect(this.url('/redirect/empty-location')))'cause')'message') .to.equal('missing Location response header on 3xx response') await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) it('handles errors', async function () { await expect(fetchRedirect(this.url('/500'))) RequestFailedError ) await expectRequestAborted(this.server.lastReq) }) }) describe('CustomHttpAgent', function () { it('makes an http request successfully', async function () { const agent = new CustomHttpAgent({ connectTimeout: 100 }) const body = await fetchString(this.url('/hello'), { agent }) expect(body).to.equal('hello') }) it('times out when accessing a non-routable address', async function () { const agent = new CustomHttpAgent({ connectTimeout: 10 }) await expect(fetchString('', { agent }))'message') 'request to failed, reason: connect timeout' ) }) }) describe('CustomHttpsAgent', function () { it('makes an https request successfully', async function () { const agent = new CustomHttpsAgent({ connectTimeout: 100, ca: PUBLIC_CERT, }) const body = await fetchString(this.httpsUrl('/hello'), { agent }) expect(body).to.equal('hello') }) it('rejects an untrusted server', async function () { const agent = new CustomHttpsAgent({ connectTimeout: 100, }) await expect(fetchString(this.httpsUrl('/hello'), { agent }))'code')'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT') }) it('times out when accessing a non-routable address', async function () { const agent = new CustomHttpsAgent({ connectTimeout: 10 }) await expect(fetchString('', { agent }))'message') 'request to failed, reason: connect timeout' ) }) }) }) async function streamToString(stream) { let s = '' for await (const chunk of stream) { s += chunk } return s } async function* infiniteIterator() { let i = 1 while (true) { yield `chunk ${i++}\n` } } /** * @param {(signal: AbortSignal) => Promise} func * @param {TestServer} server */ async function abortOnceReceived(func, server) { const controller = new AbortController() const promise = func(controller.signal) await once(, 'request-received') controller.abort() return await promise } async function expectRequestAborted(req) { if (!req.destroyed) { try { await once(req, 'close') } catch (err) { // `once` throws if req emits an 'error' event. // We ignore `Error: aborted` when the request is aborted. if (err.message !== 'aborted') { throw err } } } expect(req.destroyed) } const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))