sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() modulePath = "../../../../app/js/DocumentManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "DocumentManager - setDoc", -> beforeEach -> @DocumentManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./RedisManager": @RedisManager = {} "./PersistenceManager": @PersistenceManager = {} "./DiffCodec": @DiffCodec = {} "./DocOpsManager":{} "./UpdateManager": @UpdateManager = {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = {log: sinon.stub()} "./Metrics": @Metrics = Timer: class Timer done: sinon.stub() @project_id = "project-id-123" @doc_id = "doc-id-123" @version = 42 @ops = ["mock-ops"] @callback = sinon.stub() @source = "dropbox" @user_id = "mock-user-id" describe "with plain tex lines", -> beforeEach -> @beforeLines = ["before", "lines"] @afterLines = ["after", "lines"] describe "successfully", -> beforeEach -> @DocumentManager.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @beforeLines, @version) @DiffCodec.diffAsShareJsOp = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @ops) @UpdateManager.applyUpdates = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null) @DocumentManager.flushDocIfLoaded = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) @DocumentManager.setDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @afterLines, @source, @user_id, @callback it "should get the current doc lines", -> @DocumentManager.getDoc .calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id) .should.equal true it "should return a diff of the old and new lines", -> @DiffCodec.diffAsShareJsOp .calledWith(@beforeLines, @afterLines) .should.equal true it "should apply the diff as a ShareJS op", -> @UpdateManager.applyUpdates .calledWith( @project_id, @doc_id, [ doc: @doc_id, v: @version, op: @ops, meta: { type: "external" source: @source user_id: @user_id } ] ) .should.equal true it "should flush the doc to Mongo", -> @DocumentManager.flushDocIfLoaded .calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id) .should.equal true it "should call the callback", -> @callback.calledWith(null).should.equal true it "should time the execution", -> @Metrics.Timer::done.called.should.equal true describe "without new lines", -> beforeEach -> @DocumentManager.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @beforeLines, @version) @DocumentManager.setDoc @project_id, @doc_id, null, @callback it "should return teh callback with an error", -> @callback.calledWith(new Error("No lines were passed to setDoc")) it "should not try to get the doc lines", -> @DocumentManager.getDoc.called.should.equal false