const bunyan = require('bunyan') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const fs = require('fs') const yn = require('yn') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const GCPLogging = require('@google-cloud/logging-bunyan') // bunyan error serializer const errSerializer = function (err) { if (!err || !err.stack) { return err } return { message: err.message, name:, stack: OError.getFullStack(err), info: OError.getFullInfo(err), code: err.code, signal: err.signal } } const Logger = (module.exports = { initialize(name) { this.logLevelSource = (process.env.LOG_LEVEL_SOURCE || 'file').toLowerCase() this.isProduction = (process.env.NODE_ENV || '').toLowerCase() === 'production' this.defaultLevel = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || (this.isProduction ? 'warn' : 'debug') this.loggerName = name this.logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name, serializers: { err: errSerializer, req: bunyan.stdSerializers.req, res: bunyan.stdSerializers.res }, streams: [{ level: this.defaultLevel, stream: process.stdout }] }) this._setupRingBuffer() this._setupStackdriver() this._setupLogLevelChecker() return this }, async checkLogLevel() { try { const end = await this.getTracingEndTime() if (parseInt(end, 10) > { this.logger.level('trace') } else { this.logger.level(this.defaultLevel) } } catch (err) { this.logger.level(this.defaultLevel) } }, async getTracingEndTimeFile() { return fs.promises.readFile('/logging/tracingEndTime') }, async getTracingEndTimeMetadata() { const options = { headers: { 'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google' } } const uri = `${this.loggerName}-setLogLevelEndTime` const res = await fetch(uri, options) if (!res.ok) throw new Error('Metadata not okay') return res.text() }, initializeErrorReporting(sentryDsn, options) { const raven = require('raven') this.raven = new raven.Client(sentryDsn, options) this.lastErrorTimeStamp = 0 // for rate limiting on sentry reporting this.lastErrorCount = 0 }, captureException(attributes, message, level) { // handle case of logger.error "message" let key, value if (typeof attributes === 'string') { attributes = { err: new Error(attributes) } } // extract any error object let error = attributes.err || attributes.error // avoid reporting errors twice for (key in attributes) { value = attributes[key] if (value instanceof Error && value.reportedToSentry) { return } } // include our log message in the error report if (error == null) { if (typeof message === 'string') { error = { message } } } else if (message != null) { attributes.description = message } // report the error if (error != null) { // capture attributes and use *_id objects as tags const tags = {} const extra = {} for (key in attributes) { value = attributes[key] if (key.match(/_id/) && typeof value === 'string') { tags[key] = value } extra[key] = value } // capture req object if available const { req } = attributes if (req != null) { extra.req = { method: req.method, url: req.originalUrl, query: req.query, headers: req.headers, ip: req.ip } } // recreate error objects that have been converted to a normal object if (!(error instanceof Error) && typeof error === 'object') { const newError = new Error(error.message) for (key of Object.keys(error || {})) { value = error[key] newError[key] = value } error = newError } // filter paths from the message to avoid duplicate errors in sentry // (e.g. errors from `fs` methods which have a path attribute) try { if (error.path) { error.message = error.message.replace(` '${error.path}'`, '') } // send the error to sentry this.raven.captureException(error, { tags, extra, level }) // put a flag on the errors to avoid reporting them multiple times for (key in attributes) { value = attributes[key] if (value instanceof Error) { value.reportedToSentry = true } } } catch (err) { // ignore Raven errors } } }, debug() { return this.logger.debug.apply(this.logger, arguments) }, info() { return, arguments) }, log() { return, arguments) }, error(attributes, message, ...args) { if (this.ringBuffer !== null && Array.isArray(this.ringBuffer.records)) { attributes.logBuffer = this.ringBuffer.records.filter(function (record) { return record.level !== 50 }) } this.logger.error(attributes, message, ...Array.from(args)) if (this.raven != null) { const MAX_ERRORS = 5 // maximum number of errors in 1 minute const now = new Date() // have we recently reported an error? const recentSentryReport = now - this.lastErrorTimeStamp < 60 * 1000 // if so, increment the error count if (recentSentryReport) { this.lastErrorCount++ } else { this.lastErrorCount = 0 this.lastErrorTimeStamp = now } // only report 5 errors every minute to avoid overload if (this.lastErrorCount < MAX_ERRORS) { // add a note if the rate limit has been hit const note = this.lastErrorCount + 1 === MAX_ERRORS ? '(rate limited)' : '' // report the exception return this.captureException(attributes, message, `error${note}`) } } }, err() { return this.error.apply(this, arguments) }, warn() { return this.logger.warn.apply(this.logger, arguments) }, fatal(attributes, message, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function () {} } this.logger.fatal(attributes, message) if (this.raven != null) { var cb = function (e) { // call the callback once after 'logged' or 'error' event callback() return (cb = function () {}) } this.captureException(attributes, message, 'fatal') this.raven.once('logged', cb) return this.raven.once('error', cb) } else { return callback() } }, _setupRingBuffer() { this.ringBufferSize = parseInt(process.env.LOG_RING_BUFFER_SIZE) || 0 if (this.ringBufferSize > 0) { this.ringBuffer = new bunyan.RingBuffer({ limit: this.ringBufferSize }) this.logger.addStream({ level: 'trace', type: 'raw', stream: this.ringBuffer }) } else { this.ringBuffer = null } }, _setupStackdriver() { const stackdriverEnabled = yn(process.env.STACKDRIVER_LOGGING) if (!stackdriverEnabled) { return } const stackdriverClient = new GCPLogging.LoggingBunyan({ logName: this.loggerName, serviceContext: { service: this.loggerName } }) this.logger.addStream( }, _setupLogLevelChecker() { if (this.isProduction) { // clear interval if already set if (this.checkInterval) { clearInterval(this.checkInterval) } if (this.logLevelSource === 'file') { this.getTracingEndTime = this.getTracingEndTimeFile } else if (this.logLevelSource === 'gce_metadata') { this.getTracingEndTime = this.getTracingEndTimeMetadata } else if (this.logLevelSource === 'none') { return } else { console.log('Unrecognised log level source') return } // check for log level override on startup this.checkLogLevel() // re-check log level every minute this.checkInterval = setInterval(this.checkLogLevel.bind(this), 1000 * 60) } } }) Logger.initialize('default-sharelatex')