assert = require("chai").assert sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/FileStore/FileStoreHandler.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "FileStoreHandler", -> beforeEach -> @fs = createReadStream : sinon.stub() @writeStream = {my:"writeStream", on:->} @readStream = {my:"readStream"} @request = sinon.stub() @settings = apis:{filestore:{url:"http//filestore.sharelatex.test"}} @handler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex":@settings "request":@request "logger-sharelatex" : @logger = {log:sinon.stub(), err:sinon.stub()} "fs" : @fs @file_id = "file_id_here" @project_id = "1312312312" @fsPath = "uploads/myfile.eps" @handler._buildUrl = sinon.stub().returns("") describe "uploadFileFromDisk", -> beforeEach -> @request.returns(@writeStream) it "should create read stream", (done)-> @fs.createReadStream.returns pipe:-> on: (type, cb)-> if type == "end" cb() @handler.uploadFileFromDisk @project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, => @fs.createReadStream.calledWith(@fsPath).should.equal true done() it "should pipe the read stream to request", (done)-> @request.returns(@writeStream) @fs.createReadStream.returns on: (type, cb)-> if type == "end" cb() pipe:(o)=> @writeStream.should.equal o done() @handler.uploadFileFromDisk @project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, => it "should pass the correct options to request", (done)-> @fs.createReadStream.returns pipe:-> on: (type, cb)-> if type == "end" cb() @handler.uploadFileFromDisk @project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, => @request.args[0][0].method.should.equal "post" @request.args[0][0].uri.should.equal @handler._buildUrl() done() it "builds the correct url", (done)-> @fs.createReadStream.returns pipe:-> on: (type, cb)-> if type == "end" cb() @handler.uploadFileFromDisk @project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, => @handler._buildUrl.calledWith(@project_id, @file_id).should.equal true done() describe "deleteFile", -> it "should send a delete request to filestore api", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null) @handler.deleteFile @project_id, @file_id, (err)=> assert.equal err, undefined @request.args[0][0].method.should.equal "delete" @request.args[0][0].uri.should.equal @handler._buildUrl() done() it "should return the error if there is one", (done)-> error = "my error" @request.callsArgWith(1, error) @handler.deleteFile @project_id, @file_id, (err)=> assert.equal err, error done() it "builds the correct url", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null) @handler.deleteFile @project_id, @file_id, (err)=> @handler._buildUrl.calledWith(@project_id, @file_id).should.equal true done() describe "getFileStream", -> beforeEach -> @request.returns(@readStream) it "should get the stream with the correct params", (done)-> @handler.getFileStream @project_id, @file_id, {}, (err, stream)=> @request.args[0][0].method.should.equal "get" @request.args[0][0].uri.should.equal @handler._buildUrl() done() it "should get stream from request", (done)-> @handler.getFileStream @project_id, @file_id, {}, (err, stream)=> stream.should.equal @readStream done() it "builds the correct url", (done)-> @handler.getFileStream @project_id, @file_id, {}, (err, stream)=> @handler._buildUrl.calledWith(@project_id, @file_id).should.equal true done() describe "copyFile", -> beforeEach -> @newProject_id = "new project" @newFile_id = "new file id" it "should post json", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null) @handler.copyFile @project_id, @file_id, @newProject_id, @newFile_id, => @request.args[0][0].method.should.equal "put" @request.args[0][0].uri.should.equal @handler._buildUrl() @request.args[0][0].json.source.project_id.should.equal @project_id @request.args[0][0].json.source.file_id.should.equal @file_id done() it "builds the correct url", (done)-> @request.callsArgWith(1, null) @handler.copyFile @project_id, @file_id, @newProject_id, @newFile_id, => @handler._buildUrl.calledWith(@newProject_id, @newFile_id).should.equal true done() it "should return the err", (done)-> error = "errrror" @request.callsArgWith(1, error) @handler.copyFile @project_id, @file_id, @newProject_id, @newFile_id, (err)=> err.should.equal error done()