SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') should = require('chai').should() sinon = require 'sinon' assert = require("chai").assert modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionGroupController" MockResponse = require "../helpers/MockResponse" describe "SubscriptionGroupController", -> beforeEach -> @user = {_id:"!@312431",email:""} @adminUserId = "123jlkj" @subscription_id = "123434325412" @user_email = "" @req = session: user: _id: @adminUserId email:@user_email params: subscription_id:@subscription_id query:{} @subscription = {} @GroupHandler = addUserToGroup: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @user) removeUserFromGroup: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2) isUserPartOfGroup: sinon.stub() getPopulatedListOfMembers: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, [@user]) @SubscriptionLocator = getUsersSubscription: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @subscription) @AuthenticationController = getLoggedInUserId: (req) -> req.session.user._id getSessionUser: (req) -> req.session.user @SubscriptionDomainHandler = findDomainLicenceBySubscriptionId:sinon.stub() @OneTimeTokenHandler = getValueFromTokenAndExpire:sinon.stub() @ErrorsController = notFound:sinon.stub() @Controller = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./SubscriptionGroupHandler":@GroupHandler "logger-sharelatex": log:-> "./SubscriptionLocator": @SubscriptionLocator "./SubscriptionDomainHandler":@SubscriptionDomainHandler "../Errors/ErrorController":@ErrorsController '../Authentication/AuthenticationController': @AuthenticationController @token = "super-secret-token" describe "addUserToGroup", -> it "should use the admin id for the logged in user and take the email address from the body", (done)-> newEmail = " " @req.body = email: newEmail res = json : (data)=> @GroupHandler.addUserToGroup.calledWith(@adminUserId, "").should.equal true data.user.should.deep.equal @user done() @Controller.addUserToGroup @req, res describe "removeUserFromGroup", -> it "should use the admin id for the logged in user and take the user id from the params", (done)-> userIdToRemove = "31231" @req.params = user_id: userIdToRemove res = send : => @GroupHandler.removeUserFromGroup.calledWith(@adminUserId, userIdToRemove).should.equal true done() @Controller.removeUserFromGroup @req, res describe "renderSubscriptionGroupAdminPage", -> it "should redirect you if you don't have a group account", (done)-> @subscription.groupPlan = false res = redirect : (path)=> path.should.equal("/user/subscription") done() @Controller.renderSubscriptionGroupAdminPage @req, res it "should redirect you don't have a subscription", (done)-> @SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1) res = redirect : (path)=> path.should.equal("/user/subscription") done() @Controller.renderSubscriptionGroupAdminPage @req, res describe "exportGroupCsv", -> beforeEach -> @subscription.groupPlan = true @res = new MockResponse() @res.contentType = sinon.stub() @res.header = sinon.stub() @res.send = sinon.stub() @Controller.exportGroupCsv @req, @res it "should set the correct content type on the request", -> @res.contentType .calledWith("text/csv") .should.equal true it "should name the exported csv file", -> @res.header .calledWith( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=Group.csv") .should.equal true it "should export the correct csv", -> @res.send .calledWith("\n") .should.equal true