/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
import App from '../../../base'
import iconTypeFromName from '../util/iconTypeFromName'
function ($scope, ide, $modal, $element) {
$scope.MAX_DEPTH = 8
$scope.select = function (e) {
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
const initialMultiSelectCount = ide.fileTreeManager.multiSelectedCount()
ide.fileTreeManager.toggleMultiSelectEntity($scope.entity) === 0
if (initialMultiSelectCount === 0) {
// On first multi selection, also include the current active/open file.
return ide.fileTreeManager.multiSelectSelectedEntity()
} else {
return $scope.$emit('entity:selected', $scope.entity)
if ($scope.entity.type === 'doc') {
$scope.$watch('entity.selected', function (isSelected) {
if (isSelected) {
$scope.$emit('entity-file:selected', $scope.entity)
if (!_isEntryElVisible($element)) {
$scope.$applyAsync(function () {
function _isEntryElVisible($entryEl) {
const viewportEl = $('.file-tree-list')
const entryElTop = $entryEl.offset().top
const entryElBottom = entryElTop + $entryEl.outerHeight()
const entryListViewportElTop = viewportEl.offset().top
const entryListViewportElBottom =
entryListViewportElTop + viewportEl.height()
return (
entryElTop >= entryListViewportElTop &&
entryElBottom <= entryListViewportElBottom
$scope.draggableHelper = function () {
if (ide.fileTreeManager.multiSelectedCount() > 0) {
return $(
`${ide.fileTreeManager.multiSelectedCount()} Files`
} else {
return $(`${$scope.entity.name}`)
$scope.inputs = { name: $scope.entity.name }
$scope.startRenaming = () => ($scope.entity.renaming = true)
let invalidModalShowing = false
$scope.finishRenaming = function () {
// avoid double events when blur and on-enter fire together
if (!$scope.entity.renaming) {
const { name } = $scope.inputs
// validator will set name to undefined for invalid filenames
if (name == null) {
// Showing the modal blurs the rename box which calls us again
// so track this with the invalidModalShowing flag
if (invalidModalShowing) {
invalidModalShowing = true
const modal = $modal.open({
templateUrl: 'invalidFileNameModalTemplate',
modal.result.then(() => (invalidModalShowing = false))
delete $scope.entity.renaming
if (name == null || name.length === 0) {
$scope.inputs.name = $scope.entity.name
return ide.fileTreeManager.renameEntity($scope.entity, name)
$scope.$on('rename:selected', function () {
if ($scope.entity.selected) {
return $scope.startRenaming()
$scope.openDeleteModal = function () {
let entities
if (ide.fileTreeManager.multiSelectedCount() > 0) {
entities = ide.fileTreeManager.getMultiSelectedEntityChildNodes()
} else {
entities = [$scope.entity]
return $modal.open({
templateUrl: 'deleteEntityModalTemplate',
controller: 'DeleteEntityModalController',
resolve: {
entities() {
return entities
$scope.$on('delete:selected', function () {
if ($scope.entity.selected) {
return $scope.openDeleteModal()
return ($scope.iconTypeFromName = iconTypeFromName)
export default App.controller(
function ($scope, ide, $modalInstance, entities) {
$scope.state = { inflight: false }
$scope.entities = entities
$scope.delete = function () {
$scope.state.inflight = true
for (const entity of Array.from($scope.entities)) {
return $modalInstance.close()
return ($scope.cancel = () => $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'))