/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, max-len, no-return-assign, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ define([ 'ide/editor/Document', 'ide/editor/components/spellMenu', 'ide/editor/directives/aceEditor', 'ide/editor/directives/toggleSwitch', 'ide/editor/controllers/SavingNotificationController' ], function(Document) { let EditorManager return (EditorManager = (function() { EditorManager = class EditorManager { static initClass() { this.prototype._syncTimeout = null } constructor(ide, $scope, localStorage) { this.ide = ide this.$scope = $scope this.localStorage = localStorage this.$scope.editor = { sharejs_doc: null, open_doc_id: null, open_doc_name: null, opening: true, trackChanges: false, wantTrackChanges: false, showRichText: this.showRichText() } this.$scope.$on('entity:selected', (event, entity) => { if (this.$scope.ui.view !== 'history' && entity.type === 'doc') { return this.openDoc(entity) } }) this.$scope.$on('entity:deleted', (event, entity) => { if (this.$scope.editor.open_doc_id === entity.id) { if (!this.$scope.project.rootDoc_id) { this.$scope.ui.view = null return } const doc = this.ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById( this.$scope.project.rootDoc_id ) if (doc == null) { this.$scope.ui.view = null return } return this.openDoc(doc) } }) let initialized = false this.$scope.$on('file-tree:initialized', () => { if (!initialized) { initialized = true return this.autoOpenDoc() } }) this.$scope.$on('flush-changes', () => { return Document.flushAll() }) this.$scope.$watch('editor.wantTrackChanges', value => { if (value == null) { return } return this._syncTrackChangesState(this.$scope.editor.sharejs_doc) }) } showRichText() { return ( this.localStorage(`editor.mode.${this.$scope.project_id}`) === 'rich-text' ) } autoOpenDoc() { const open_doc_id = this.ide.localStorage(`doc.open_id.${this.$scope.project_id}`) || this.$scope.project.rootDoc_id if (open_doc_id == null) { return } const doc = this.ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(open_doc_id) if (doc == null) { return } return this.openDoc(doc) } openDocId(doc_id, options) { if (options == null) { options = {} } const doc = this.ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id) if (doc == null) { return } return this.openDoc(doc, options) } openDoc(doc, options) { if (options == null) { options = {} } sl_console.log(`[openDoc] Opening ${doc.id}`) this.$scope.ui.view = 'editor' const done = () => { if (options.gotoLine != null) { // allow Ace to display document before moving, delay until next tick // added delay to make this happen later that gotoStoredPosition in // CursorPositionManager return setTimeout(() => { return this.$scope.$broadcast( 'editor:gotoLine', options.gotoLine, options.gotoColumn ) }, 0) } else if (options.gotoOffset != null) { return setTimeout(() => { return this.$scope.$broadcast( 'editor:gotoOffset', options.gotoOffset ) }, 0) } } if (doc.id === this.$scope.editor.open_doc_id && !options.forceReopen) { // automatically update the file tree whenever the file is opened this.ide.fileTreeManager.selectEntity(doc) this.$scope.$apply(() => { return done() }) return } this.$scope.editor.open_doc_id = doc.id this.$scope.editor.open_doc_name = doc.name this.ide.localStorage(`doc.open_id.${this.$scope.project_id}`, doc.id) this.ide.fileTreeManager.selectEntity(doc) this.$scope.editor.opening = true return this._openNewDocument(doc, (error, sharejs_doc) => { if (error != null) { this.ide.showGenericMessageModal( 'Error opening document', 'Sorry, something went wrong opening this document. Please try again.' ) return } this._syncTrackChangesState(sharejs_doc) this.$scope.$broadcast('doc:opened') return this.$scope.$apply(() => { this.$scope.editor.opening = false this.$scope.editor.sharejs_doc = sharejs_doc return done() }) }) } _openNewDocument(doc, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, sharejs_doc) {} } sl_console.log('[_openNewDocument] Opening...') const current_sharejs_doc = this.$scope.editor.sharejs_doc if (current_sharejs_doc != null) { sl_console.log('[_openNewDocument] Leaving existing open doc...') current_sharejs_doc.leaveAndCleanUp() this._unbindFromDocumentEvents(current_sharejs_doc) } const new_sharejs_doc = Document.getDocument(this.ide, doc.id) return new_sharejs_doc.join(error => { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } this._bindToDocumentEvents(doc, new_sharejs_doc) return callback(null, new_sharejs_doc) }) } _bindToDocumentEvents(doc, sharejs_doc) { sharejs_doc.on('error', (error, meta) => { let message if ((error != null ? error.message : undefined) != null) { ;({ message } = error) } else if (typeof error === 'string') { message = error } else { message = '' } if (/maxDocLength/.test(message)) { this.ide.showGenericMessageModal( 'Document Too Long', 'Sorry, this file is too long to be edited manually. Please upload it directly.' ) } else if (/too many comments or tracked changes/.test(message)) { this.ide.showGenericMessageModal( 'Too many comments or tracked changes', 'Sorry, this file has too many comments or tracked changes. Please try accepting or rejecting some existing changes, or resolving and deleting some comments.' ) } else { this.ide.socket.disconnect() this.ide.reportError(error, meta) this.ide.showGenericMessageModal( 'Out of sync', "Sorry, this file has gone out of sync and we need to do a full refresh.
Please see this help guide for more information" ) } return this.openDoc(doc, { forceReopen: true }) }) return sharejs_doc.on('externalUpdate', update => { if (this._ignoreExternalUpdates) { return } if ( _.property(['meta', 'type'])(update) === 'external' && _.property(['meta', 'source'])(update) === 'git-bridge' ) { return } return this.ide.showGenericMessageModal( 'Document Updated Externally', 'This document was just updated externally. Any recent changes you have made may have been overwritten. To see previous versions please look in the history.' ) }) } _unbindFromDocumentEvents(document) { return document.off() } getCurrentDocValue() { return this.$scope.editor.sharejs_doc != null ? this.$scope.editor.sharejs_doc.getSnapshot() : undefined } getCurrentDocId() { return this.$scope.editor.open_doc_id } startIgnoringExternalUpdates() { return (this._ignoreExternalUpdates = true) } stopIgnoringExternalUpdates() { return (this._ignoreExternalUpdates = false) } _syncTrackChangesState(doc) { let tryToggle if (doc == null) { return } if (this._syncTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(this._syncTimeout) this._syncTimeout = null } const want = this.$scope.editor.wantTrackChanges const have = doc.getTrackingChanges() if (want === have) { this.$scope.editor.trackChanges = want return } return (tryToggle = () => { const saved = doc.getInflightOp() == null && doc.getPendingOp() == null if (saved) { doc.setTrackingChanges(want) return this.$scope.$apply(() => { return (this.$scope.editor.trackChanges = want) }) } else { return (this._syncTimeout = setTimeout(tryToggle, 100)) } })() } } EditorManager.initClass() return EditorManager })()) })