define [ "ide/editor/Document" "ide/editor/directives/aceEditor" "ide/editor/controllers/SavingNotificationController" ], (Document) -> class EditorManager constructor: (@ide, @$scope) -> @$scope.editor = { sharejs_doc: null open_doc_id: null opening: true } @$scope.$on "entity:selected", (event, entity) => if (@$scope.ui.view != "track-changes" and entity.type == "doc") @openDoc(entity) initialized = false @$scope.$on "file-tree:initialized", () => if !initialized initialized = true @autoOpenDoc() autoOpenDoc: () -> open_doc_id = $.localStorage("doc.open_id.#{@$scope.project_id}") or @$scope.project.rootDoc_id return if !open_doc_id? doc = @ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(open_doc_id) return if !doc? @openDoc(doc) openDoc: (doc, options = {}) -> @$scope.ui.view = "editor" done = () => if options.gotoLine? @$scope.$broadcast "editor:gotoLine", options.gotoLine if == @$scope.editor.open_doc_id and !options.forceReopen @$scope.$apply () => done() return @$scope.editor.open_doc_id = $.localStorage "doc.open_id.#{@$scope.project_id}", @ide.fileTreeManager.selectEntity(doc) @$scope.editor.opening = true @_openNewDocument doc, (error, sharejs_doc) => if error? @ide.showGenericServerErrorMessage() return @$scope.$broadcast "doc:opened" @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.editor.opening = false @$scope.editor.sharejs_doc = sharejs_doc done() _openNewDocument: (doc, callback = (error, sharejs_doc) ->) -> current_sharejs_doc = @$scope.editor.sharejs_doc if current_sharejs_doc? current_sharejs_doc.leaveAndCleanUp() @_unbindFromDocumentEvents(current_sharejs_doc) new_sharejs_doc = Document.getDocument @ide, new_sharejs_doc.join (error) => return callback(error) if error? @_bindToDocumentEvents(doc, new_sharejs_doc) callback null, new_sharejs_doc _bindToDocumentEvents: (doc, sharejs_doc) -> sharejs_doc.on "error", (error) => @openDoc(doc, forceReopen: true) @ide.showGenericMessageModal( "Out of sync" "Sorry, this file has gone out of sync and we need to do a full refresh. Please let us know if this happens frequently." ) sharejs_doc.on "externalUpdate", () => @ide.showGenericMessageModal( "Document Updated Externally" "This document was just updated externally. Any recent changes you have made may have been overwritten. To see previous versions please look in the history." ) _unbindFromDocumentEvents: (document) -> getCurrentDocValue: () -> @$scope.editor.sharejs_doc?.getSnapshot() getCurrentDocId: () -> @$scope.editor.open_doc_id