const request = require('request') const _ = require('lodash') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const metrics = require('@overleaf/metrics') const { ClientRequestedMissingOpsError, DocumentUpdaterRequestFailedError, NullBytesInOpError, UpdateTooLargeError, } = require('./Errors') const rclient = require('@overleaf/redis-wrapper').createClient( settings.redis.documentupdater ) const Keys = settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema const DocumentUpdaterManager = { getDocument(projectId, docId, fromVersion, callback) { const timer = new metrics.Timer('get-document') const url = `${settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/${projectId}/doc/${docId}?fromVersion=${fromVersion}` logger.debug( { projectId, docId, fromVersion }, 'getting doc from document updater' ) request.get(url, function (err, res, body) { timer.done() if (err) { OError.tag(err, 'error getting doc from doc updater') return callback(err) } if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300) { logger.debug( { projectId, docId }, 'got doc from document document updater' ) try { body = JSON.parse(body) } catch (error) { OError.tag(error, 'error parsing doc updater response') return callback(error) } body = body || {} callback(null, body.lines, body.version, body.ranges, body.ops) } else if ([404, 422].includes(res.statusCode)) { callback(new ClientRequestedMissingOpsError(res.statusCode)) } else { callback( new DocumentUpdaterRequestFailedError('getDocument', res.statusCode) ) } }) }, checkDocument(projectId, docId, callback) { // in this call fromVersion = -1 means get document without docOps DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument(projectId, docId, -1, callback) }, flushProjectToMongoAndDelete(projectId, callback) { // this method is called when the last connected user leaves the project logger.debug({ projectId }, 'deleting project from document updater') const timer = new metrics.Timer('delete.mongo.project') // flush the project in the background when all users have left const url = `${settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/${projectId}?background=true` + (settings.shutDownInProgress ? '&shutdown=true' : '') request.del(url, function (err, res) { timer.done() if (err) { OError.tag(err, 'error deleting project from document updater') callback(err) } else if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300) { logger.debug({ projectId }, 'deleted project from document updater') callback(null) } else { callback( new DocumentUpdaterRequestFailedError( 'flushProjectToMongoAndDelete', res.statusCode ) ) } }) }, _getPendingUpdateListKey() { const shard = _.random(0, settings.pendingUpdateListShardCount - 1) if (shard === 0) { return 'pending-updates-list' } else { return `pending-updates-list-${shard}` } }, queueChange(projectId, docId, change, callback) { const allowedKeys = [ 'doc', 'op', 'v', 'dupIfSource', 'meta', 'lastV', 'hash', ] change = _.pick(change, allowedKeys) const jsonChange = JSON.stringify(change) if (jsonChange.indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) { // memory corruption check return callback(new NullBytesInOpError(jsonChange)) } const updateSize = jsonChange.length if (updateSize > settings.maxUpdateSize) { return callback(new UpdateTooLargeError(updateSize)) } // record metric for each update added to queue metrics.summary('redis.pendingUpdates', updateSize, { status: 'push' }) const docKey = `${projectId}:${docId}` // Push onto pendingUpdates for doc_id first, because once the doc updater // gets an entry on pending-updates-list, it starts processing. rclient.rpush( Keys.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: docId }), jsonChange, function (error) { if (error) { error = new OError('error pushing update into redis').withCause(error) return callback(error) } const queueKey = DocumentUpdaterManager._getPendingUpdateListKey() rclient.rpush(queueKey, docKey, function (error) { if (error) { error = new OError('error pushing doc_id into redis') .withInfo({ queueKey }) .withCause(error) } callback(error) }) } ) }, } module.exports = DocumentUpdaterManager