#!/usr/bin/env python2 from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, isdir, join volumes = [] for module in listdir("modules/"): if module[0] != '.': if isfile(join("modules", module, 'index.coffee')): volumes.append(join("modules", module, 'index.coffee')) for directory in ['app/coffee', 'app/views', 'public/coffee', 'test/unit/coffee', 'test/acceptance/coffee']: if isdir(join("modules", module, directory)): volumes.append(join("modules", module, directory)) volumes_string = map(lambda vol: "- ./" + vol + ":/app/" + vol + ":ro", volumes) volumes_string = "\n ".join(volumes_string) with open("docker-shared.template.yml", "r") as f: docker_shared_file = f.read() docker_shared_file = docker_shared_file.replace("MODULE_VOLUMES", volumes_string) with open("docker-shared.yml", "w") as f: f.write(docker_shared_file)