assert = require("chai").assert sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../app/js/LocalFileWriter.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') fs = require("fs") request = require("request") settings = require("settings-sharelatex") describe "Filestore", -> before (done)-> @localFileReadPath = "/tmp/filestore_acceptence_tests_file_read.txt" @localFileWritePath = "/tmp/filestore_acceptence_tests_file_write.txt" @constantFileContent = [ "hello world" "line 2 goes here #{Math.random()}" "there are 3 lines in all" ].join("\n") fs.writeFile(@localFileReadPath, @constantFileContent, done) @filestoreUrl = "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.filestore.port}" beforeEach (done)-> fs.unlink @localFileWritePath, => done() it "should send a 200 for status endpoing", (done)-> request "#{@filestoreUrl}/status", (err, response, body)-> response.statusCode.should.equal 200 body.indexOf("filestore").should.not.equal -1 body.indexOf("up").should.not.equal -1 done() describe "with a file on the server", -> beforeEach (done)-> @timeout(1000 * 10) @file_id = Math.random() @fileUrl = "#{@filestoreUrl}/project/acceptence_tests/file/#{@file_id}" writeStream = writeStream.on "end", done fs.createReadStream(@localFileReadPath).pipe writeStream it "should be able get the file back", (done)-> @timeout(1000 * 10) request.get @fileUrl, (err, response, body)=> body.should.equal @constantFileContent done() it "should be able to delete the file", (done)-> @timeout(1000 * 20) request.del @fileUrl, (err, response, body)=> response.statusCode.should.equal 204 request.get @fileUrl, (err, response, body)=> body.indexOf("NoSuchKey").should.not.equal -1 done() it "should be able to copy files", (done)-> @timeout(1000 * 20) newProjectID = "acceptence_tests_copyied_project" newFileId = Math.random() newFileUrl = "#{@filestoreUrl}/project/#{newProjectID}/file/#{newFileId}" opts = uri: newFileUrl json: source: project_id:"acceptence_tests" file_id: @file_id request.put opts, (err)=> request.del @fileUrl, (err, response, body)=> request.get newFileUrl, (err, response, body)=> body.should.equal @constantFileContent done()