import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor, waitForElementToBeRemoved, } from '@testing-library/react' import sinon from 'sinon' import { expect } from 'chai' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import ReconfirmationInfo from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/settings/components/emails/reconfirmation-info' import { ssoUserData } from '../../fixtures/test-user-email-data' import { UserEmailData } from '../../../../../../types/user-email' import { UserEmailsProvider } from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/settings/context/user-email-context' import * as useLocationModule from '../../../../../../frontend/js/shared/hooks/use-location' function renderReconfirmationInfo(data: UserEmailData) { return render( ) } describe('', function () { let assignStub: sinon.SinonStub beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache = window.metaAttributesCache || new Map() window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-ExposedSettings', { samlInitPath: '/saml', }) fetchMock.get('/user/emails?ensureAffiliation=true', []) assignStub = sinon.stub() this.locationStub = sinon.stub(useLocationModule, 'useLocation').returns({ assign: assignStub, replace: sinon.stub(), reload: sinon.stub(), }) }) afterEach(function () { fetchMock.reset() this.locationStub.restore() }) describe('reconfirmed via SAML', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set( 'ol-reconfirmedViaSAML', 'sso-prof-saml-id' ) }) afterEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() }) it('show reconfirmed confirmation', function () { renderReconfirmationInfo(ssoUserData) screen.getByText('SSO University') screen.getByText(/affiliation is confirmed/) screen.getByText(/Thank you!/) }) }) describe('in reconfirm notification period', function () { let inReconfirmUserData: UserEmailData beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-ExposedSettings', { samlInitPath: '/saml', }) inReconfirmUserData = cloneDeep(ssoUserData) if (inReconfirmUserData.affiliation) { inReconfirmUserData.affiliation.inReconfirmNotificationPeriod = true } }) afterEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() }) it('renders prompt', function () { renderReconfirmationInfo(inReconfirmUserData) screen.getByText(/Are you still at/) screen.getByText('SSO University') screen.getByText( /Please take a moment to confirm your institutional email address/ ) screen.getByRole('link', { name: 'Learn more' }) expect(screen.queryByText(/add a new primary email address/)).to.not.exist }) it('renders default emails prompt', function () { inReconfirmUserData.default = true renderReconfirmationInfo(inReconfirmUserData) screen.getByText(/add a new primary email address/) }) describe('SAML reconfirmations', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-ExposedSettings', { hasSamlFeature: true, samlInitPath: '/saml/init', }) }) it('redirects to SAML flow', async function () { renderReconfirmationInfo(inReconfirmUserData) const confirmButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Confirm Affiliation', }) as HTMLButtonElement await waitFor(() => { expect(confirmButton.disabled) }) await waitFor(() => { expect(confirmButton.disabled) }) sinon.assert.calledOnce(assignStub) sinon.assert.calledWithMatch( assignStub, '/saml/init?university_id=2&reconfirm=/user/settings' ) }) }) describe('Email reconfirmations', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-ExposedSettings', { hasSamlFeature: false, })'/user/emails/send-reconfirmation', 200) }) it('sends and resends confirmation email', async function () { renderReconfirmationInfo(inReconfirmUserData) const confirmButton = (await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Confirm Affiliation', })) as HTMLButtonElement await waitFor(() => { expect(confirmButton.disabled) }) await waitFor(() => { expect(confirmButton.disabled) }) expect(fetchMock.called()) // the confirmation text should now be displayed await screen.findByText(/Please check your email inbox to confirm/) // try the resend button fetchMock.resetHistory() const resendButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Resend confirmation email', }) // commented out as it's already gone by this point // await screen.findByText(/Sending/) expect(fetchMock.called()) await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByText(/Sending/)) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Resend confirmation email', }) }) }) }) })