import { Panel, PanelGroup } from 'react-resizable-panels'
import { FC } from 'react'
import { HorizontalResizeHandle } from '../resize/horizontal-resize-handle'
import classNames from 'classnames'
import { useLayoutContext } from '@/shared/context/layout-context'
import EditorNavigationToolbar from '@/features/ide-react/components/editor-navigation-toolbar'
import ChatPane from '@/features/chat/components/chat-pane'
import { HorizontalToggler } from '@/features/ide-react/components/resize/horizontal-toggler'
import { HistorySidebar } from '@/features/ide-react/components/history-sidebar'
import { HistoryProvider } from '@/features/history/context/history-context'
import History from '@/features/ide-react/components/history'
import EditorSidebar from '@/features/ide-react/components/editor-sidebar'
import { EditorPane } from '@/features/ide-react/components/editor/editor-pane'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { useSidebarPane } from '@/features/ide-react/hooks/use-sidebar-pane'
import { useChatPane } from '@/features/ide-react/hooks/use-chat-pane'
import { EditorAndPdf } from '@/features/ide-react/components/editor-and-pdf'
import { useEditorManagerContext } from '@/features/ide-react/context/editor-manager-context'
export const MainLayout: FC = () => {
const { view } = useLayoutContext()
const {
isOpen: sidebarIsOpen,
setIsOpen: setSidebarIsOpen,
panelRef: sidebarPanelRef,
togglePane: toggleSidebar,
handlePaneExpand: handleSidebarExpand,
handlePaneCollapse: handleSidebarCollapse,
resizing: sidebarResizing,
setResizing: setSidebarResizing,
} = useSidebarPane()
const {
isOpen: chatIsOpen,
panelRef: chatPanelRef,
togglePane: toggleChat,
resizing: chatResizing,
setResizing: setChatResizing,
handlePaneCollapse: handleChatCollapse,
handlePaneExpand: handleChatExpand,
} = useChatPane()
const { currentDocumentId } = useEditorManagerContext()
const { t } = useTranslation()
// keep the editor pane open when a doc is open, even if the history view is open
const editorPane = currentDocumentId ?