import '../app/src/models/User.js' import BatchedUpdateModule from './helpers/batchedUpdate.mjs' import { promiseMapWithLimit } from '@overleaf/promise-utils' import { getQueue } from '../app/src/infrastructure/Queues.js' import SubscriptionLocator from '../app/src/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionLocator.js' import PlansLocator from '../app/src/Features/Subscription/PlansLocator.js' import FeaturesHelper from '../app/src/Features/Subscription/FeaturesHelper.js' const { batchedUpdateWithResultHandling } = BatchedUpdateModule const WRITE_CONCURRENCY = parseInt(process.env.WRITE_CONCURRENCY, 10) || 10 const mixpanelSinkQueue = getQueue('analytics-mixpanel-sink') async function processUser(user) { const analyticsId = user.analyticsId || user._id await _sendPropertyToQueue(analyticsId, 'user-id', user._id) await _sendPropertyToQueue(analyticsId, 'analytics-id', analyticsId) await _sendPropertyToQueue(analyticsId, 'created-at', user.signUpDate) if (user.alphaProgram !== undefined) { await _sendPropertyToQueue(analyticsId, 'alpha-program', user.alphaProgram) } if (user.betaProgram !== undefined) { await _sendPropertyToQueue(analyticsId, 'beta-program', user.betaProgram) } const groupSubscriptionPlanCode = await _getGroupSubscriptionPlanCode( user._id ) if (groupSubscriptionPlanCode) { await _sendPropertyToQueue( analyticsId, 'group-subscription-plan-code', groupSubscriptionPlanCode ) } const matchedFeatureSet = FeaturesHelper.getMatchedFeatureSet(user.features) if (matchedFeatureSet !== 'personal') { await _sendPropertyToQueue(analyticsId, 'feature-set', matchedFeatureSet) } if (user.splitTests) { for (const splitTestName of Object.keys(user.splitTests)) { const assignments = user.splitTests[splitTestName] if (Array.isArray(assignments)) { for (const assignment of assignments) { await _sendPropertyToQueue( analyticsId, `split-test-${splitTestName}-${assignment.versionNumber}`, `${assignment.variantName}` ) } } } } } async function _getGroupSubscriptionPlanCode(userId) { const subscriptions = await SubscriptionLocator.promises.getMemberSubscriptions(userId) let bestPlanCode = null let bestFeatures = {} for (const subscription of subscriptions) { const plan = PlansLocator.findLocalPlanInSettings(subscription.planCode) if ( plan && FeaturesHelper.isFeatureSetBetter(plan.features, bestFeatures) ) { bestPlanCode = plan.planCode bestFeatures = plan.features } } return bestPlanCode } async function _sendPropertyToQueue( analyticsId, propertyName, propertyValue, createdAt = new Date() ) { if (propertyValue == null) { return } await mixpanelSinkQueue.add('user-property', { analyticsId, propertyName, propertyValue, createdAt, }) } async function processBatch(_, users) { await promiseMapWithLimit(WRITE_CONCURRENCY, users, async user => { await processUser(user) }) } batchedUpdateWithResultHandling( 'users', { $nor: [ { thirdPartyIdentifiers: { $exists: false } }, { thirdPartyIdentifiers: { $size: 0 } }, ], }, processBatch, { _id: true, analyticsId: true, signUpDate: true, splitTests: true, alphaProgram: true, betaProgram: true, } )