const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const recurly = require('recurly') const modulePath = '../../../../app/src/Features/Subscription/RecurlyClient' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe('RecurlyClient', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.settings = { apis: { recurly: { apiKey: 'nonsense', privateKey: 'private_nonsense', }, }, } this.user = { _id: '123456', email: '', first_name: 'Joe' } this.subscription = { id: 'subscription-123', uuid: 'subscription-uuid-123', } this.subscriptionChange = { id: 'subscription-change-123' } this.recurlyAccount = new recurly.Account() Object.assign(this.recurlyAccount, { code: this.user._id }) this.recurlySubscription = new recurly.Subscription() Object.assign(this.recurlySubscription, this.subscription) this.recurlySubscriptionChange = new recurly.SubscriptionChange() Object.assign(this.recurlySubscriptionChange, this.subscriptionChange) this.UserGetter = { promises: { getUser: sinon.stub().callsFake(userId => { if (userId === this.user._id) { return this.user } }), }, } let client this.client = client = { getAccount: sinon.stub(), } this.recurly = { errors: recurly.errors, Client: function () { return client }, } return (this.RecurlyClient = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { globals: { console, }, requires: { '@overleaf/settings': this.settings, recurly: this.recurly, '@overleaf/logger': { err: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub(), log: sinon.stub(), debug: sinon.stub(), }, '../User/UserGetter': this.UserGetter, }, })) }) describe('initalizing recurly client with undefined API key parameter', function () { it('should create a client without error', function () { let testClient expect(() => { testClient = new recurly.Client(undefined) }).to.not.throw() expect(testClient) }) }) describe('getAccountForUserId', function () { it('should return an Account if one exists', async function () { this.client.getAccount = sinon.stub().resolves(this.recurlyAccount) await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.getAccountForUserId(this.user._id) )'code', this.user._id) }) it('should return nothing if no account found', async function () { this.client.getAccount = sinon .stub() .throws(new recurly.errors.NotFoundError()) expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.getAccountForUserId('nonsense') ).to.eventually.equal(undefined) }) it('should re-throw caught errors', async function () { this.client.getAccount = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.getAccountForUserId(this.user._id) ) }) }) describe('createAccountForUserId', function () { it('should return the Account as created by recurly', async function () { this.client.createAccount = sinon.stub().resolves(this.recurlyAccount) await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.createAccountForUserId(this.user._id) )'code', this.user._id) }) it('should throw any API errors', async function () { this.client.createAccount = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.createAccountForUserId(this.user._id) ) }) }) describe('getSubscription', function () { it('should return the subscription found by recurly', async function () { this.client.getSubscription = sinon .stub() .resolves(this.recurlySubscription) await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.getSubscription( )'id', }) it('should throw any API errors', async function () { this.client.getSubscription = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.getSubscription(this.user._id) ) }) }) describe('changeSubscription', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.client.createSubscriptionChange = sinon .stub() .resolves(this.recurlySubscriptionChange) }) it('should attempt to create a subscription change', async function () { this.RecurlyClient.promises.changeSubscription(, {}) expect(this.client.createSubscriptionChange) ) }) it('should return the subscription change event', async function () { await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.changeSubscription(, {} ) )'id', }) it('should throw any API errors', async function () { this.client.createSubscriptionChange = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.changeSubscription(, {}) ) }) describe('changeSubscriptionByUuid', function () { it('should attempt to create a subscription change', async function () { this.RecurlyClient.promises.changeSubscriptionByUuid( this.subscription.uuid, {} ) expect(this.client.createSubscriptionChange) 'uuid-' + this.subscription.uuid ) }) it('should return the subscription change event', async function () { await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.changeSubscriptionByUuid(, {} ) )'id', }) it('should throw any API errors', async function () { this.client.createSubscriptionChange = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.changeSubscriptionByUuid(, {} ) ) }) }) }) describe('removeSubscriptionChange', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.client.removeSubscriptionChange = sinon.stub().resolves() }) it('should attempt to remove a pending subscription change', async function () { this.RecurlyClient.promises.removeSubscriptionChange(, {} ) expect(this.client.removeSubscriptionChange) ) }) it('should throw any API errors', async function () { this.client.removeSubscriptionChange = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.removeSubscriptionChange(, {} ) ) }) describe('removeSubscriptionChangeByUuid', function () { it('should attempt to remove a pending subscription change', async function () { this.RecurlyClient.promises.removeSubscriptionChangeByUuid( this.subscription.uuid, {} ) expect(this.client.removeSubscriptionChange) 'uuid-' + this.subscription.uuid ) }) it('should throw any API errors', async function () { this.client.removeSubscriptionChange = sinon.stub().throws() await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.removeSubscriptionChangeByUuid(, {} ) ) }) }) }) describe('reactivateSubscriptionByUuid', function () { it('should attempt to reactivate the subscription', async function () { this.client.reactivateSubscription = sinon .stub() .resolves(this.recurlySubscription) await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.reactivateSubscriptionByUuid( this.subscription.uuid ) ) expect(this.client.reactivateSubscription) 'uuid-' + this.subscription.uuid ) }) }) describe('cancelSubscriptionByUuid', function () { it('should attempt to cancel the subscription', async function () { this.client.cancelSubscription = sinon .stub() .resolves(this.recurlySubscription) await expect( this.RecurlyClient.promises.cancelSubscriptionByUuid( this.subscription.uuid ) ) expect(this.client.cancelSubscription) 'uuid-' + this.subscription.uuid ) }) }) })