extends ../layout block vars - metadata = { viewport: true } block content main.content .container .row .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-2 h1.text-center Move project to Overleaf v2 img.v2-import__img( src="/img/v1-import/v2-editor.png" alt="The new V2 editor." ) if loginRedirect p.text-center.row-spaced-small | This project has not yet been moved into the new version of | Overleaf. You will need to log in and move it in order to | continue working on it. .row-spaced.text-center a.btn.btn-primary( href="/login?redir=" + loginRedirect ) Log In To Move Project else if hasOwner p.text-center.row-spaced-small | #[strong(ng-non-bindable) #{name}] has not yet been moved into | the new version of Overleaf. You will need to move it in order | to continue working on it. It should only take a few seconds. form( async-form="v2Import" name="v2ImportForm" action="/overleaf/project/"+ projectId + "/import" method="POST" ng-cloak ) input(name='_csrf', type='hidden', value=csrfToken) form-messages(for="v2ImportForm") input.row-spaced.btn.btn-primary.text-center.center-block( type="submit" ng-value="v2ImportForm.inflight || v2ImportForm.response.success ? 'Moving to v2...' : 'Move Project and Continue'" ng-disabled="v2ImportForm.inflight || v2ImportForm.response.success" ) .row-spaced-small.text-center a(href="/overleaf/project/" + projectId + "/download/zip") Download project zip file else p.text-center.row-spaced.small | #[strong(ng-non-bindable) #{name}] has not yet been moved into | the new version of Overleaf. This project was created | anonymously and therefore cannot be automatically imported. | Please download a zip file of the project and upload that to | continue editing it. If you would like to delete this project | after you have made a copy, please contact support. .row-spaced.text-center a.btn.btn-primary(href="/overleaf/project/" + projectId + "/download/zip") Download project zip file .row-spaced.text-center if hasAssignment p | #[span.fa.fa-exclamation-triangle] | This project is an assignment, and the assignment toolkit is | no longer supported in Overleaf v2. When you move it to | Overleaf v2, it will become a normal project. | #[a(href="https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Overleaf_v2_FAQ#assignment-tools") Please see our FAQ] | for more information or contact your instructor if you haven't | already submitted it. else if brandInfo == 'f1000' p | #[span.fa.fa-exclamation-triangle] | This project is an F1000Research article, and our integration | with F1000Research has changed in Overleaf v2. | #[a(href="https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Overleaf_v2_FAQ#f1000research") Find out more about moving to Overleaf v2] else if brandInfo == 'wellcome' p | #[span.fa.fa-exclamation-triangle] | This project is an Wellcome Open Research article, and our | integration with Wellcome Open Research has changed in | Overleaf v2. | #[a(href="https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Overleaf_v2_FAQ#f1000research") Find out more about moving to Overleaf v2] else a(href="https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Overleaf_v2_FAQ") | Find out more about moving to Overleaf v2