Client = require "./helpers/Client" request = require "request" require("chai").should() sinon = require "sinon" host = "localhost" Server = run: () -> express = require "express" app = express() staticServer = express.static __dirname + "/../fixtures/" app.get "/:random_id/*", (req, res, next) => @getFile(req.url) req.url = "/" + req.params[0] staticServer(req, res, next) app.listen 31415, host getFile: () -> randomId: () -> Math.random().toString(16).slice(2) describe "Url Caching", -> describe "Downloading an image for the first time", -> before (done) -> @project_id = Client.randomId() @file = "#{Server.randomId()}/lion.png" @request = resources: [{ path: "main.tex" content: ''' \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\includegraphics{lion.png} \\end{document} ''' }, { path: "lion.png" url: "http://#{host}:31415/#{@file}" }] sinon.spy Server, "getFile" Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => done() afterEach -> Server.getFile.restore() it "should download the image", -> Server.getFile .calledWith("/" + @file) .should.equal true describe "When an image is in the cache and the last modified date is unchanged", -> before (done) -> @project_id = Client.randomId() @file = "#{Server.randomId()}/lion.png" @request = resources: [{ path: "main.tex" content: ''' \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\includegraphics{lion.png} \\end{document} ''' }, @image_resource = { path: "lion.png" url: "http://#{host}:31415/#{@file}" modified: }] Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => sinon.spy Server, "getFile" Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => done() after -> Server.getFile.restore() it "should not download the image again", -> Server.getFile.called.should.equal false describe "When an image is in the cache and the last modified date is advanced", -> before (done) -> @project_id = Client.randomId() @file = "#{Server.randomId()}/lion.png" @request = resources: [{ path: "main.tex" content: ''' \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\includegraphics{lion.png} \\end{document} ''' }, @image_resource = { path: "lion.png" url: "http://#{host}:31415/#{@file}" modified: @last_modified = }] Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => sinon.spy Server, "getFile" @image_resource.modified = new Date(@last_modified + 3000) Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => done() afterEach -> Server.getFile.restore() it "should download the image again", -> Server.getFile.called.should.equal true describe "When an image is in the cache and the last modified date is further in the past", -> before (done) -> @project_id = Client.randomId() @file = "#{Server.randomId()}/lion.png" @request = resources: [{ path: "main.tex" content: ''' \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\includegraphics{lion.png} \\end{document} ''' }, @image_resource = { path: "lion.png" url: "http://#{host}:31415/#{@file}" modified: @last_modified = }] Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => sinon.spy Server, "getFile" @image_resource.modified = new Date(@last_modified - 3000) Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => done() afterEach -> Server.getFile.restore() it "should not download the image again", -> Server.getFile.called.should.equal false describe "When an image is in the cache and the last modified date is not specified", -> before (done) -> @project_id = Client.randomId() @file = "#{Server.randomId()}/lion.png" @request = resources: [{ path: "main.tex" content: ''' \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\includegraphics{lion.png} \\end{document} ''' }, @image_resource = { path: "lion.png" url: "http://#{host}:31415/#{@file}" modified: @last_modified = }] Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => sinon.spy Server, "getFile" delete @image_resource.modified Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => done() afterEach -> Server.getFile.restore() it "should download the image again", -> Server.getFile.called.should.equal true describe "After clearing the cache", -> before (done) -> @project_id = Client.randomId() @file = "#{Server.randomId()}/lion.png" @request = resources: [{ path: "main.tex" content: ''' \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\includegraphics{lion.png} \\end{document} ''' }, @image_resource = { path: "lion.png" url: "http://#{host}:31415/#{@file}" modified: @last_modified = }] Client.compile @project_id, @request, (error) => throw error if error? Client.clearCache @project_id, (error, res, body) => throw error if error? sinon.spy Server, "getFile" Client.compile @project_id, @request, (@error, @res, @body) => done() afterEach -> Server.getFile.restore() it "should download the image again", -> Server.getFile.called.should.equal true