define [ "libs/backbone" "libs/mustache" ], () -> SUGGESTIONS_TO_SHOW = 5 SpellingMenuView = Backbone.View.extend templates: menu: $("#spellingMenuTemplate").html() entry: $("#spellingMenuEntryTemplate").html() events: "click a#learnWord": -> @trigger "click:learn", @_currentHighlight @hide() initialize: (options) -> @ide = options.ide @ide.editor.getContainerElement().append @render().el @ide.editor.on "click", () => @hide() @ide.editor.on "scroll", () => @hide() @ide.editor.on "update:doc", () => @hide() @ide.editor.on "change:doc", () => @hide() render: () -> @setElement($( @$el.css "z-index" : 10000 @$(".dropdown-toggle").dropdown() @hide() return @ showForHighlight: (highlight) -> if @_currentHighlight? and highlight != @_currentHighlight @_close() if !@_currentHighlight? @_currentHighlight = highlight @_setSuggestions(highlight) position = @ide.editor.textToEditorCoordinates( highlight.row highlight.column + highlight.word.length ) @_position(position.x, position.y) @_show() hideIfAppropriate: (cursorPosition) -> if @_currentHighlight? if !@_cursorCloseToHighlight(cursorPosition, @_currentHighlight) and !@_isOpen() @hide() hide: () -> delete @_currentHighlight @_close() @$el.hide() _setSuggestions: (highlight) -> @$(".spelling-suggestion").remove() divider = @$(".divider") for suggestion in highlight.suggestions.slice(0, SUGGESTIONS_TO_SHOW) do (suggestion) => entry = $(Mustache.to_html(@templates.entry, word: suggestion)) divider.before(entry) entry.on "click", () => @trigger "click:suggestion", suggestion, highlight _show: () -> @$ _isOpen: () -> @$(".dropdown-menu").is(":visible") _close: () -> if @_isOpen() @$el.dropdown("toggle") _cursorCloseToHighlight: (position, highlight) -> position.row == highlight.row and position.column >= highlight.column and position.column <= highlight.column + highlight.word.length + 1 _position: (x,y) -> @$el.css left: x, top: y