Path = require "path" Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" Metrics = require "./Metrics" CommandRunner = require(Settings.clsi?.commandRunner or "./CommandRunner") ProcessTable = {} # table of currently running jobs (pids or docker container names) module.exports = LatexRunner = runLatex: (project_id, options, callback = (error) ->) -> {directory, mainFile, compiler, timeout, image, environment} = options compiler ||= "pdflatex" timeout ||= 60000 # milliseconds logger.log directory: directory, compiler: compiler, timeout: timeout, mainFile: mainFile, environment: environment, "starting compile" # We want to run latexmk on the tex file which we will automatically # generate from the Rtex/Rmd/md file. mainFile = mainFile.replace(/\.(Rtex|md|Rmd)$/, ".tex") if compiler == "pdflatex" command = LatexRunner._pdflatexCommand mainFile else if compiler == "latex" command = LatexRunner._latexCommand mainFile else if compiler == "xelatex" command = LatexRunner._xelatexCommand mainFile else if compiler == "lualatex" command = LatexRunner._lualatexCommand mainFile else return callback new Error("unknown compiler: #{compiler}") if Settings.clsi?.strace command = ["strace", "-o", "strace", "-ff"].concat(command) id = "#{project_id}" # record running project under this id ProcessTable[id] = project_id, command, directory, image, timeout, environment, (error, output) -> delete ProcessTable[id] return callback(error) if error? runs = output?.stderr?.match(/^Run number \d+ of .*latex/mg)?.length or 0 failed = if output?.stdout?.match(/^Latexmk: Errors/m)? then 1 else 0 # counters from latexmk output stats = {} stats["latexmk-errors"] = failed stats["latex-runs"] = runs stats["latex-runs-with-errors"] = if failed then runs else 0 stats["latex-runs-#{runs}"] = 1 stats["latex-runs-with-errors-#{runs}"] = if failed then 1 else 0 # timing information from /usr/bin/time timings = {} stderr = output?.stderr timings["cpu-percent"] = stderr?.match(/Percent of CPU this job got: (\d+)/m)?[1] or 0 timings["cpu-time"] = stderr?.match(/User time.*: (\d+.\d+)/m)?[1] or 0 timings["sys-time"] = stderr?.match(/System time.*: (\d+.\d+)/m)?[1] or 0 callback error, output, stats, timings killLatex: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) -> id = "#{project_id}" logger.log {id:id}, "killing running compile" if not ProcessTable[id]? return callback new Error("no such project to kill") else CommandRunner.kill ProcessTable[id], callback _latexmkBaseCommand: (Settings?.clsi?.latexmkCommandPrefix || []).concat([ "latexmk", "-cd", "-f", "-jobname=output", "-auxdir=$COMPILE_DIR", "-outdir=$COMPILE_DIR", "-synctex=1","-interaction=batchmode" ]) _pdflatexCommand: (mainFile) -> LatexRunner._latexmkBaseCommand.concat [ "-pdf", Path.join("$COMPILE_DIR", mainFile) ] _latexCommand: (mainFile) -> LatexRunner._latexmkBaseCommand.concat [ "-pdfdvi", Path.join("$COMPILE_DIR", mainFile) ] _xelatexCommand: (mainFile) -> LatexRunner._latexmkBaseCommand.concat [ "-xelatex", Path.join("$COMPILE_DIR", mainFile) ] _lualatexCommand: (mainFile) -> LatexRunner._latexmkBaseCommand.concat [ "-lualatex", Path.join("$COMPILE_DIR", mainFile) ]