import type { Extension } from '@codemirror/state' import CodeMirror, { CodeMirrorVim } from './bundle' export const thirdPartyExtensions = (): Extension => { const extensions: Extension[] = [] window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('UNSTABLE_editor:extensions', { detail: { CodeMirror, CodeMirrorVim, extensions }, }) ) Object.defineProperty(window, 'UNSTABLE_editorHelp', { writable: false, enumerable: true, value: ` Listen for the UNSTABLE_editor:extensions event to add your CodeMirror 6 extension(s) to the extensions array. Use the exported objects to avoid instanceof comparison errors. Open an issue on if you think more should be exported. This API is **unsupported** and subject to change without warning. Example: window.addEventListener("UNSTABLE_editor:extensions", function(evt) { const { CodeMirror, extensions } = evt.detail; // CodeMirror contains exported objects from the CodeMirror instance const { EditorSelection, ViewPlugin } = CodeMirror; // ... // Any custom extensions should be pushed to the \`extensions\` array extensions.push(myCustomExtension) });`, }) return extensions }